IAC - ICC Flashcards
Intake inquiry worksheet: some questions to shine light on the UL of the client.
(INSIDE ME: think, feel, sense, see, intend.)
What does the client want to accomplish? Why is this important?
What would it look/feel like if the objectives were met?
Explore how the client sees, relates to their topic / to the world: how does he explain it / feel about it? What value? Assumptions, expectations? Aware/ Not aware of?
Intake inquiry worksheet: some questions to shine light on the UL of the coach.
- Is my heart open?
- What am I feeling?
- What do my guts say?
- What images come to mind?
- Am I grounded?
Intake inquiry worksheet: some questions to shine light on the UR of the client.
(OUTSIDE ME: What I do that’s observable.)
- What have they done about their topic up to now?
- What has worked? Not worked?
- What is the impact of this topic on client’s body and agency?
- What practices are they currently engaged in?
- What are the day to day routines?
Intake inquiry worksheet: some questions to shine light on the UR of the coach.
- What position(s) / posture is my body taking?
- Heart rate? Energy flow?
- What is my tone and style of speaking?
- Am I covering what needs to be covered on the checklist?
Intake inquiry worksheet: some questions to shine light on the LL of the client.
(INSIDE WE: My perspective & yours shared meaning.)
- What is the cultural setting and relationships involved in the topic?
- What is the impact of this topic on relationships and groups involved?
- To what degree and in what form are relationships and groups part of the client’s day-to-day world?
Intake inquiry worksheet: some questions to shine light on the LL of the coach.
- What kind of relationship are we (am I) cultivating?
- To what degree am I distinct yet connected?
- Am I able to see the world through their eyes?
- Are expectations being clarified?
Intake inquiry worksheet: some questions to shine light on the LR of the client.
(OBJECTIVE WE: What we do, institute, are supported by, build, produce.)
- Where does this topic ‘fit’ in terms of systems, processes & structures?
- What do these groups do, build, produce?
- To what degree does the client draw upon systemic knowledge, processes, environment, structure in day to day?
Intake inquiry worksheet: some questions to shine light on the LR of the coach.
- Am I using the Assessment Lenses and Intake Conversation Process to learn about the client`s AQAL Constellation and their topic?
- What profiles of the client and the topic are taking shape as information is gathered?
What are the 4 steps during an Intake conversation?
1) Opening
2) Learn about the Client and the topic
3) Clarify expectations
4) Closing and path forward
Sequence of the ‘Opening’ (Intake):
- Establish connection
- Ensure there’s a shared understanding of the purpose and focus of this Conversation
- Describe what you will be doing (and not doing) during the meeting
- Learn what they know about coaching and how they feel about it.
- Provide an overview of the Integral Coaching approach to change & development.
Sequence of the ‘Learn about the Client and the Topic’ (Intake):
- Ask questions that help to gain clarity as to what actually is their coaching topic, making sure that you are both on the ‘same page’ of understanding.
- Ask questions that help to learn more about the way in which the client sees, relates to and approaches their topic (their way of being).
- While following the tread, use the dimensions of the quadrants and lines lenses to guide the formulation of questions so that you are shining the light on these various dimensions.
Sequence of the ‘Clarify Expectations’ (Intake):
- Discuss what it means to be in a Coaching Relationship - that it calls for working on the subjective and objective aspects of their topic and development.
- Discuss what a coaching relationship looks like and requires and what you can offer.
- Discuss what it will require of the client.
- Answer any questions the client has of you.
Sequence of the ‘Closing and Path Forward’ (Intake):
- How was this conversation for you?
- Reach an agreement to go forward or stop here.
- Describe the next steps in the process and the focus of the next meeting.
- Schedule sessions for your work together.
- Agree on how you will communicate between now and then.
Explain the ‘Lens’ through which we arise… our Current Way of Being:
- It is our unique way of perceiving ourselves, others, the world.
- Our Current Way of Being has a particular structure defining what we uniquely
a) can see (and not see), our Way of Seeing,
b) actions that we think are available to us (and not), our Way of Going and
c) ways we check for how things are going, our way of checking.
Explain the Subject - Object Theory:
- I am the ‘subject’, I live as a ‘subject’, it is my identity.
It is simply Me: My way of perceiving, acting, being that I am not usually aware that I am living from. - Development tends to occur when the ‘subject’ as unconscious driver in my life becomes seen by me so that I have a way to work with it consciously.
- Once it becomes “seen” by me, I am no longer identified as the “I” (subject) that has now become the “It” (object).
- Subject becomes object and becomes integrated as I transcend to my next developmental step.
Explain step 1 for changing Awareness of the Current Way of Being (past-based):
- What has been an unconscious driver in the client’s way of approaching their topic needs to become conscious and accessible.
Explain step 2 for changing the Access to a New Way of Being (possible future):
- The client needs to have access to a New Way of Being in their topic that includes and transcends the parameters of the Current Way of Being.
- This gives the client a new vision, a new future way of Seeing, Going & Checking that opens up new possibilities towards fulfilling their topic.
Explain step 3 for changing the Embodiment through Cycles of Development:
- Awareness of ‘what is’ and being inspired by ‘what is possible’ are essential for change and it isn’t enough to sustain change.
- New capabilities need to become embodied in the client’s body, heart, mind and spirit through Cycles of Development that enable the client to be aware of their Current Way arising in real time and not follow it and to build the new muscles needed to inhabit their New Way of Being.
What is the purpose of the Offer conversation?
- You set the context and focus for the entire Coaching Program.
- You bring to light for the client their Current Way of Being in their topic in a way that they have never seen before.
- You open up a whole New Way of Being in their topic that takes them beyond any possibility they would have come up with on their own.
- You lay out the map of the focus and approach of the Coaching Program and the first step(s).
What are the 5 steps during an Offer conversation?
- Establish a connection
- Bring forward ‘offers’ of Way of Being
- Walk through the Coaching Program
(Give them a written copy, upgrade as needed) - Introduce the Self-Observation Exercise
(Give them a written copy, upgrade as needed) - Close the conversation
Sequence of the ‘Bring forward ‘offers’ of Way of Being’ (Offer):
- Offer your sense of their Current Way of Being in the topic.
(Check in for ‘fit’ with the client and have them elaborate on the meaning of this to them) - Honor what this Current Way of Being has allowed for up to now.
(See if there is anything they would add) - Acknowledge what this Current Way of Being is closing down.
(See if there is anything they would add) - Offer a New Way of Being in the topic.
(Check for ‘fit’ with the client and have them elaborate on the meaning of this to them) - Speak to what this New Way of Being could allow for regarding their topic
(See if there is anything they would add)
Sequence of the ‘Walk through the Coaching Program’ (Offer):
- Confirm the Coaching Topic (What and Why)
- Go through the Development Objectives explaining ‘why these’, how they link to CWOB and NWOB and the coaching topic.
- Confirm the estimated duration of the Coaching Program.
- Discuss what this program will involve in terms of their involvement as well as the general process.
Sequence of the ‘Introduce the Self-Observation Exercise’ (Offer):
- Explain purpose of an Self-Observation Exercise.
- Show the focus of this SOE links to their Current Way of Being.
- Walk through the SOE and make sure it both makes sense and is ‘doable’.
- Speak to what might ‘get in the way’ of fully engaging in this exercise and how to attend to this.
Sequence of the ‘Close the Conversation’ (Offer):
- Anything else they want to ask
- Acknowledge client’s willingness to be in this work
- Agree on next time will meet
Sequence of the ‘Establish a connection’ (Offer):
- Connect with your client and let them connect with you.
- Anything new that has come up for them since the Intake Coaching Conversation.
- Confirm the purpose of today’s conversation.
What are the four components of ILP?
- Body
- Mind
- Shadow
- Spirit
What are the ‘mini-practices’ of Integral Life for the Body?
Physical Exercise: 3 times each week for 20 minutes.
While engaging in exercise, be aware of your body, your breath, your sensations of being tense or relaxed, energized or depleted. Be aware of the environment that your are in. Get curios WHILE you are in the exercise that you choose.
What are the ‘mini-practices’ of Integral Life for the Mind?
a) Journal Writing: 10 minutes 5 day a week.
One of the cornerstones of Integral Coaching includes the ability to self-reflect and learn from the perspectives that you are gaining access to throughout the Module.
b) AQAL Scan (Perspective taking): On Going Practice
It can be done at various moments throughout the day. The ability to take and hold multiple perspectives is a critical competency as an Integral Coach
What are the ‘mini-practices’ of Integral Life for the Shadow?
Projection & Categorizing: Use for focused periods of time.
a) When do you notice that you are projecting your way of being or your way of finding solutions on to your client? When are you giving them a practice that you think you should be doing or perhaps giving them something that ‘you did’ and so ‘if they did it too’ it would help them out? Use your Coaching Journal when you are taking your perspective into account and not your client’s. Try speaking as though you are the client using “I” language.
b) Be aware of categorizations you make like deciding things are “good” or “ bad” … ways of splitting off various aspects of yourself or your client.
Again use your Coaching Journal.
What are the different perspectives you can take in the AQAL Scan?
- INSIDE ME (Feel inside of me…):
- Notice my thoughts, feelings
- What does my ‘I-ness’ feel like in this moment? - OUTSIDE ME (Feel my physical body…):
- Notice my posture and the overall state of my body
- What does my physical being feel like in this moment? - INSIDE WE (Feel into ‘us’…):
- Notice what it feels like to be in relationship… in this ‘we’
- What does the ‘we-ness’ feel like in this moment? - OUTSIDE WE (Feel into the physical space…
- Notice how it is supporting you… us
- What does this physical space feel like in this moment?
What are the ‘mini-practices’ of Integral Life for the Spirit?
Mindfulness Practice: 10 - 15 minutes 5 days a week.
Engage in a ‘mindful pratice’ or ‘sitting practice’ or ‘meditation’. It supports your development in terms of your ability to be present, to be still, to have quieted your mind so that you can hear the client…
What is the purpose of Cycles Of Development Coaching Conversation?
This type of Coaching Conversation is about richly learning and building upon the client’s experience of having engaged in self-observation exercises and practices and as well as determining the next step in their developmental cycle.
- Continue to hear and see the patterns of the client’s CWOB showing up as you look for evidence of their NWOB.
- Using all four quadrants speak to the progress and impacts.
- Explore the degree to which they are developing the capabilities that the current exercises and practices have been designed to develop.
Explain Otto Scharmer’s “U” Model:
Download (past info) - Suspending the download to see from the outside - Redirecting attention to sensing from within SENSING - Letting go (highest possible) Future - Letting come PRESENCING - Crystallizing what is envisioned - Enacting or prototyping: Moving to action with small steps cycles Embody (institutionalize) REALIZING
What are the 3 important pilars of the Integral Coaching Method?
- Current Way Of Being:
Metaphor for client’s curent way of Seeing, Going, Checking - Cycles of Development:
Building new muscles to integrate (INCLUDE) healthy aspects ofCWOB and grow into NWOB (TRANSCEND) - New Way of Being
Metaphor for client’s new way of Seeing, Going, Checking
What is critical to do after naming the CWoB in their coaching topic?
- To specifically and directly “honor” what this way of being has allowed for up until now.
What it has allowed for in this client’s life up until now (honoring)
- To be able to directly name what this way of being is preventing, not allowing for, or ‘closing down’ as it relates to the client pursuing the topic that has been brought forward.
What it is closing down or preventing in the client’s life now (limitations), particularly in their topic.
What is the natural developmental tension between the two Ways of Being, between CW and NW?
CW longs to preserve itself, stay intact, stay predictable and reliable to keep the client ‘safe’.
NW calls for progression, development, moving to a new level of development, breaking new ground.
Name the Integral Coaching Relationship:
- Openness, appreciation, integrity
- Intuition and sensing ability
- Honest, grounded, compassionate
- Rested, relaxed physical container
- Ability to objectively assess
- Ability to monitor change & behavioral development
- Responsibility to own parts of the coaching work
- Mutual regard
- Appropriate “fit”
- Able to speak difficult items
- Accurate use of Integral Coaching tools
- Ongoing use of assessment
- Development models
- Appropriate space for meetings
Why is the ability to pause so important?
1) We need the ability to pause to be able to notice when our actions are in disagreement with our intentions.
2) We need to actually observe what is occurring in this moment and to discern what is required in this moment. Right here. Right now. And not based on what we planned or what we are unconsciously carrying out but on what is actually going on.
Without the ability to pause, observe, or reflect, our actions, words, and ways of perceiving are primarily driven out of reflex or ‘doing what we have always done’.
How old is your past? How young is your future?
The future is not known and therefore, our weaker ‘behaviour muscles’ can tend to be those associated with how we wish to be or what we wish to do.
We don’t know how things will go. We don’t know if it will be safe. We don’t know if we can do/be the things we hope.
The past is reliable.
The future is uncertain and in the midst of uncertainty, we can tend to revert to old behaviours.
These behaviours are reliable even if they don’t support our new intentions for how we want to be.
What means pausing in the Integral Coaching® work?
Pausing is the ‘in-between’ step.
It lies in-between our old ways and our new ways.
It lies between this breath and the next one.
It lies in-between a conscious action and an unconscious reaction.
It is very difficult (if not impossible) to follow through on the statement, ‘I will just stop being one way and start being another’ as though we could just trade behaviors.
Identify the four components that make up the ‘Pause Competency’:
1) Pace
2) Space
3) Openness
4) Connectedness.
What are the observed behaviors of ‘Pace’?
1) moving fast; speaking fast
2) next, next, next orientation
3) only noticing or looking for what facilitates moving faster
4) checks watch often
What are the observed behaviors of ‘Space’?
1) filling up agenda completely each day
2) tendency to live such that all time is filled leaving no room for ‘new’ or for shifts to occur
3) many back-to-back meetings
4) last minute cancelled appointments
What are the observed behaviors of ‘Openness’?
1) tight, closed, rigid, armoured
2) desire to keep things sure, controlled, predictable, safe, reliable
3) not comfortable with ‘receiving’; do things for themselves
What are the observed behaviors of ‘Connectedness’?
1) detached and distant
2) a feeling that life is happening somewhere ‘over there’
3) can feel safe but also lonely, hollow
Which way do you work with people with the ‘Pace’ Component?
1) slowing down speeds in specific zones (office to coffee machine)
2) getting to know 50%, 25%, 150% of regular speed to ‘slide the speed scale’ versus knowing just one speed
3) what pace is required here?
Which way do you work with people with the ‘Space’ Component?
1) creating small windows in the day with ‘nothing to do’
2) engaging in a daily practice of listening to music for 30 minutes
3) noticing your breath once each hour becoming more comfortable with ‘having time’
Which way do you work with people with the ‘Openness’ Component?
1) exploring the unknown
2) gently acknowledging accomplishments
3) asking for support
4) receiving acts of giving from others (receiving a massage)
Which way do you work with people with the ‘Connectedness’ Component?
1) get closer to and more fully experience given moments of the day
2) completion work (pause after each item on the To Do List, ‘Does this item feel complete?’ ‘Yes’ - momentarily acknowledge the accomplishment and move on. ‘No’, then take action to complete the item.
3) quiet moments with self
What is the equitation of ‘change’ and ‘resistance’
For every change attempted, there will be resistance of equal magnitude.
How do new practices change us?
New actions start creating new pathways of understanding, perceiving and being.
They end up impacting how we see and interpret things (who we are or who we take ourselves to be).
When our perceptions shifts we pay attention to different facets of reality, we end up acting in new ways, behaving differently, developing new habits.
Why is it difficult to change the CWoB?
The CWoB is a safe haven in work, in life, in relationship.
Our activities / practices / habits arre known, reliable, predictable and we secretly think the WE won’t really have to change at all in order to have THINGS change.
What is the CWoB?
The CWoB is how we are in our current reality.
Our activities / practices / habits are what we do, how we do them, and how we interpret how its going, how things are turning out, what the results are, and how we feel about them.
The CWOB includes all of who they are at that moment in time:
1) way of seeing (perceptions, feelings, thoughts),
2) their way of going (words and actions),
3) their way of checking for how things are going (results or consequences).
What happens with our CWoB when we change?
Our Current Way of Being dies.
Our CWoB of holding ourselves dies.
How we relate to ourselves and others dies.
So we die.
We may call it ‘transcend and include’ in our developmental processes but there are little mini-deaths every single day.
What are the 4 steps during a COD Conversation?
1) Establish a connection
2) Build upon the experience & learning from the SOE or Practice
3) Next Step(s)
4) Close
Sequence of the ‘Establish a connection’ (COD Conversation):
- Hello & Connect with your client
- Anything new…
- Purpose of today’s meeting
Sequence of the ‘Build upon the experience & learning from the SOE or Practice’ (COD Conversation):
- Inquire into their experience and discovery raising questions that inquire from the four perspectives of the Quadrant.
- Make linkages to their CWoB
Keep making linkages between the experience doing the SOE and their CWoB. Refer to the metaphor, symbol or phrase and embellish it as needed, what it allows for and closes down and how it’s relevant in their topic. - Reinforce the NWoB and focus of the Coaching Program
Keep reconnecting to and getting grounded in the NWoB as weel as the focus of the Coaching Program. Direct their attention to the bigger picture, the new possible future and the Developmental Objectives. From here you can then explore what is the next step in the COD that will move them towards that future.
Sequence of the ‘Next Step(s)’ (COD Conversation):
- Discuss what should be the next new muscles (capabilities) that should be developed. What seems like the next area to focus? Revise the practice you drafted. Stay grounded in the Client’s Profile and the Coaching Program.
- Decide on the Next Practice.
If the practice fits be sure to make any fine tunings in focus, scale and ‘do-ability’.
If the practice does not fit, then take the time to explore what might be a practice that could support the next area of focus.
What are the 3 objectives of the COD Conversation?
1) Identify what has been learnt that informs them about their CWoB.
2) Illuminate linkages between what they have learnt and how this impacts their topic.
3) Connect to more effective paths to achieve the topic, that are possible through their NWoB.
Note: You want to advancing the awareness of the client.
Explain the Phases of Development in Integral Coaching Canada’s Method:
Current Way as Subject (not yet visible to client)
The Current Way of Being (CWOB) is the client’s current manifestation in the world. It is an unconscious driver in the client’s life. (Subject: proximate self or “I”)
Explain the Phases of Development in Integral Coaching Canada’s Method:
Current Way as Object (first made visible to the client as partially-objectified subject moving to object over the course of coaching work)
Once the CWOB metaphor is offered to the client, the CWOB becomes visible and accessible. It becomes an “object” that the client can now be in relation to and disidentify with as they work with new practices and reflection exercises to become more effective with its historical pulls. (Partial object: distal self or “me/ my”)
Explain the Phases of Development in Integral Coaching Canada’s Method:
New Way as Object (a future self that starts as an object seen by the current self and becomes subject over time)
The client also works with the developmental capacities necessary to build their New Way of Being (NWOB). They identify with this NWOB and its expansion of seeing, going, and checking capacities. Embodiment is built through structured cycles of development, including AQAL model–based practices and exercises. Over time, this NWOB will become “subject” and the next driver of the client’s life.
Explain the Phases of Development in Integral Coaching Canada’s Method:
Transcend and Include
The CWOB never disappears, nor should it. This is a radical departure methodologically from most coaching schools that focus only on the future or the “gap” between here (now) and there (future). Our CWOB lives inside our next level of development (vertical or horizontal). Building new capacities to work with what has been an unconscious driver of our life is as deeply constructive as building capacities towards a NWOB.
As the NWOB becomes embodied over time, the client is able to work with their CWOB aspects through the capacities of their NWOB, thus transcend-ing and including as they develop.
Which are the 6 lines of development in the Integral Coaching Method?
1) Cognitive
2) Emotional
3) Somatic
4) Interpersonal
5) Spiritual
6) Moral
Define the Cognitive Line:
The awareness of what is.
Can you see it?
The capacity to see from different perspectives, the value, synergies and implications of those perspectives, and do so through space and time
Define the Emotional Line:
The spectrum of emotions.
Can you feel it?
The capacity to access, include and skillfully be present to and interacting in the emotional field of self and others.
Define the Somatic Line:
Body / Mind awareness
Can you be physically aware of it?
The capacity to access, include and skillfully draw upon the energies of the gross, subtle and causal realms.
Define the Interpersonal Line:
How I socially relate to others.
Can you express it?
The capacity to relate to and to communicate with others in a way that all perspectives (I, Thou, We, It) are attended to at the appropriate level.
Define the Spiritual Line:
The Ultimate Concern.
What’s your ultimate concern?
The capacity to explore the ultimate concern. Who am I? Why am I here? What am I to do? Where do I go when I leave here?
Define the Moral Line:
Awareness of what should be.
Can I do it?
The capacity to reach a moral decision involving both moral judgement and care, attend to the moral span it encompasses.
Develop muscles for the Moral Line:
- Decision Making Criteria
Who and what is included in criteria used to make a decision. - Fulfilling Commitments
Following through on commitments that have been made to others and to self - Seeing Linkages
between your intentions, actions and consequences to you, others and things.
- Taking Responsibility For actions (non-actions) and the impacts of those actions (non-actions).
Develop muscles for the Spiritual Line:
- Purpose / Calling
Deepen access to one’s unique gift, calling, purpose in a way that provides ground, inspiration, direction and fire. - Connectedness
Widening of sense of connectedness / interconnectedness in first, second and third perspectives
-Guidance and Holding
Being held and guided by something within and beyond me
- The Mystery
Access to, resting in and exploring ‘the Mystery’ …the ‘unknown’ …with faith, trust and discernment.
Develop muscles for the Interpersonal Line:
- Needs
Knowing your own needs and being able to represent them in conversations with others (who have their own needs) - Openness
to learn something outside your view. - Appreciation of Perspectives
See & appreciate that each person has their own perspectives, needs, priorities without harsh judgement. - What Matters
Tuning into what matters to another person (and to you) - Discernment
When to stand, to negotiate, to co-create
Develop muscles for the Somatic Line:
- Gross Level
Getting in touch with basic muscle sensations
Posture, balance, stability, flexibility, coordination, strength, endurance in the body - Subtle Level
- Experiencing sensations in the body (the body feeling the body)
- Increasing sensitivity to feeling subtle energy (heart, emotions, chi, energy in the field, etc.)
- Generation and circulation of energy
Causal Level
- Presence and awareness in the body (and mind) to whatever is presenting itself in this moment.
Connection to space and spaciousness (vs. form or objects)
Develop muscles for the Emotional Line:
- Feeling Emotions
Able to experience the sensations of an emotion in the body - Naming Emotions
Able to name the emotion that are experiencing - Staying with Emotions
Able to stay present to the arising, peaking and falling away of an emotion (self and others) - Curiosity about Emotions
Able to explore emotions as a source of information / intelligence
Develop muscles for the Cognitive Line:
- Open , Curious Mind
Explore what “don’t know” and discern what value is added. - Using Models / Maps / Frameworks
Seeing through and learning from varying perspectives - Critical Thinking:
Establishing standards / criteria against which evaluate proposals, performance, etc. - Strategic Thinking:
Planning from the future back to here or from here to the future - Project / Contingency Planning
What needs to happen when, what are the dependencies, what might go wrong and how to mitigate their impact if they occurred.
Which capacities needs the Mind of an Integral Coach?
This development includes:
1) the necessary cognitive understanding of the AQAL model that serves as the backbone of our work,
2) the rigorous application of the transcend and include coaching method (with its inherent understanding of subject-object theory),
3) and the process wisdom to seamlessly carry out what is necessary to support another unique and complex human being.
Which capacities needs the Heart of an Integral Coach?
This component includes:
1) the emotional and psychodynamic health of the coach,
2) full and awakened responsibility for the manifestation of their own AQAL Constellation™,
3) deep work in effectively working with their own CWOB and arising NWOB,
4) shadow work associated with their individual development path throughout the program,
5) emotional capacities to hold the deep suffering and joy of other human beings,
6) including the necessary life practices to build this embodied and loving presence.
Which capacities needs the Body of an Integral Coach?
This element includes:
1) the complex somatic awareness and cultivation associated with embodying this deep work of supporting self and others,
2) the range of expressions and experiences available (gross, subtle, causal),
3) and the container (including strength, diet, fitness) to hold the full complexión of another human being with somatic patience, presence, and courage.
What are the capacities of an Integral Coach in Relations?
This component addresses the right and healthy interpersonal relationships of a coach, which includes:
1) the profound knowing of self in relation to others,
2) shadow elements, projections, and attractions.
3) It includes the ability to compassionately hold human beings in fullness and freedom, not too loosely and not too tightly,
4) the ability to say difficult things because the crucible of relationship has been built with trust, openness, sensitivity, and love.
5) Present in our coaches is a deep humility in the face of being given the opportunity to support other human beings in their one “wild and precious life” (Oliver, 1990, p. 60).
Which capacities needs the Spirit of an Integral Coach?
This element includes exploring the spiritual foundation of each coach, in whatever form that takes. Coaches are able:
1) to rest in a wider net,
2) sink into the experience of non-separation,
3) relax into the ground of being,
4) experience the natural desire to alleviate suffering for self and others,
5) and healthily act through their unique form of answering a call to be of service.
Which Moral capacities needs an Integral Coach?
This element defines what it means to engage in ethical conduct with clients:
1) to follow “right action” while in service.
2) to know what motivates decisions to act or speak in a particular way.
3) to uphold the Integral Coaching® Professional Code of Conduct upon graduation.
“What am I to do?” is the deep question for this component and it is fully explored throughout our coach training.
What are the 3 key objectives of a developmental practice?
The 3 key objectives of a practice :
- Building muscles, by repeating an exercise, a practise in a new doing.
- Be progressively able to look at their current way, and more and more as their new way.
- Having access to progress in their topic.
What are the 4 steps in the practice capabilities?
- Identify the focus of development.
- Create a new doing.
- Design questions that build and expand on the awareness of the new and old way.
- The practise is customised and in line with the metaphor or the language of the metaphor.
Name some examples of “Ways of Speaking” in the UL - MY MEANING:
- What is the meaning of this? Why would I want to be part of it?
- My guts say…
- The more I explore what deeply matters to me, the more I feel that I need to take charge of my life.
Name some examples of “Ways of Speaking” in the UR - MY BODY & ACTIONS:
- What can I do?
- I feel really good when I can see that I got done everything I had planned
- Getting my heart rate up and getting a good sweat… is the key to a good day
Name some examples of “Ways of Speaking” in the LL - SHARED MEANING & RELATIONSHIPS:
- We are forming a strong bond and our sense of team feels great
- I’ll feel better once I know what they think; What do you think?
- Once we have a common picture…
Being part of something bigger with people I can be real with is precious.
Name some examples of “Ways of Speaking” in the LR - GROUP PROCESSES, SYSTEMS & STRUCTURES:
- How does this all work / fit together?
- Without a plan and a process to follow…
- Research shows that the best way to approach this is…
- This house is perfectly situated for how the sun rises & sets.
Name some examples of “Ways of Behaving” in the UL - MY MEANING:
- Reflective … writing … exploring what they have experienced and what they have to say.
- Meditation
- Connecting to feelings and body sensations (and the meaning of them).
- Authentic / creative expression
Name some examples of “Ways of Behaving” in the UR - MY BODY & ACTIONS:
- Writing ‘to do’ lists
- Doing deliberate activities and noting that they are done.
- Monitoring the body (weight, heart, rate)
- Observing my behavior against a standard
Name some examples of “Ways of Behaving” in the LL - SHARED MEANING & RELATIONSHIPS:
- Being in contact with others as a source of inspiration.
- Contacting people to share the good news or talk things over.
- Making sure everyone knows who ‘should know’ so all is good.
- Seeking dialog as a place of discovery and support
Name some examples of “Ways of Behaving” in the LR - GROUP PROCESSES, SYSTEMS &; STRUCTURES
- Reading books to research, learn, understand, figure things out.
- Noticing nature, the environment; landscaping in harmony with nature.
- Building a supportive work space.
- The right structure, system, policy will fix things.
Name some examples of Capabilities in the UL - INSIDE INDIVIDUAL:
- Fuller, deeper, clearer sense of purpose
- Connection to and ability to be with feelings, body sensations, thoughts.
- Being present, witnessing, observing experiences
- Articulate what deeply matters.
- Awareness of beliefs, values, expectations.
- Connect to and express authentic voice
Name some examples of Capabilities in the UR - OUTSIDE INDIVIDUAL:
- Observe, monitor what tasks actually get done each day.
- Can vary speeds of movement and levels of intensity based upon what is needed.
- Participate in processes / practices that keep the body healthy, vibrant, flexible and strong.
- Have eating habits that support a particular diet and lifestyle.
Name some examples of Capabilities in the LL - INSIDE GROUP:
- Ability to discern ‘how things get done around here’.
- Skillfully listen & speak so that people feel heard and also want to hear you; having impact.
- Able to connect to & appreciate how the world is seen by others & meet them there.
- Understand, respect and abide by the norms of a specific group in support of being included as a member.
Name some examples of Capabilities in the LR - OUTSIDE GROUP:
- Research what has already been done in the area.
- Know the process, how it works, what’s required and can actually follow it.
- Build structures (planning, measurement, and processes) to support your intention.
- Use measurements to inform you of how things are going.
- Discover patterns, characteristics, cycles of nature, the environment.
Sequence of ‘Establish a connection’ (Completion Conversation):
- Hello and reconnecting with them
- Anything new…
- Purpose of today’s meeting is COMPLETION
Sequence of ‘Register Accomplishments’ (Completion Conversation):
Walk through the Coaching Topic and Developmental Objectives of the program… speak to such things as the following (be sure to touch on all the Quadrants as well as the Lines they worked on):
- How far the client has come… citing specific examples
- What has become embodied through all their work and practices?
- What is different in their seeing themselves, others, and things?
- Hear from them, all they noticed, changes they have experienced, challenges and accomplishments.
Sequence of the ‘Looking Ahead’ (Completion Conversation):
- Any concerns? How to attend to them?
- Ripple Affects of the changes you have made? (what allows for and closes down)
- Future possibilities that you are excited about? What will this call for?
Sequence of the ‘Acknowledge the process & each other’ (Completion Conversation):
- What was it like for you to be in this process?
- How did my way of coaching work for you?
- What were the key things that you learned?
- Is there anything that you would change?
- What I most appreciated about you is…
Sequence of the ‘Complete and Close’ (Completion Conversation):
- Is there anything else you would like to say in order to feel complete?
- What I need to say in order to feel complete is…
What are the 5 steps during the Completion Conversation?
1) Establish a connection
2) Register Accomplishments
3) Looking Ahead
4) Acknowledge the process & each other
5) Complete and Close
Define UL - Inside Individual
- Emotional, mental, spiritual
- My experiences, my beliefs, my consciousness, my values
- My interpretation of the thoughts, feelings, sensations that arise in my body; the meaning I attach to them
- 1st person perspective
Define UR - Outside Individual
- Measurable part of our bodies: physical, neurological, biological, bio-energetic, skeletal, etc.
- Behavioural, observable actions: what I do, how I go
- Measurable ‘doings’: what I get done.
- 3rd person perspective (objective individual)
Define LL - Inside Group
- Relationships, community, ‘we’ domains, “I/Thou Domains”
- Being part of a shared sense of reality (cultural subjectivity), rightness, cohesion, belonging
- Cultural mores, norms, rituals, traditions that ‘we’ share
- Shared language, symbols, meaning
- Unspoken rules that ‘we’ understand
- 2nd person perspective
Define LR - Outside Group
- Measurable aspects of the “We Domain”. Wha ‘we’ do, the results of our performance, how we get things done.
- Frameworks for planning, designing, analyzing and monitoring
- Systems, theories, processes, sciences (what, how things work and why based on facts, measurements and anlysis)
- Environment/Physical World: both man-made structures and nature
- 3rd person perspective (objective plural)