I/O Flashcards
Incremental validity should have what?
Moderate base rate & low selection ratio
Taylor-Russell Tables
Estimates the % of new hires that will be successful
Theory Y Managers
Believe employees are capable of self-control and self-direction
Which type of manager has a more positive effect on employees: Theory X or Theory Y managers?
Theory Y
Theory X Managers
Believe employees don’t like work and will avoid it as much as possible - they need to be directed and controlled
Big-5 trait that is the strongest predictor of effective leadership
Comparable worth
Good work receives comparable pay
Especially relevant for gender pay gap
Kirkpatrick’s 4 levels of criteria that are used to assess the effectiveness of a training program
(ROI added)
Transactional leaders
Stability > Change
Use rewards and punishments
Scientific Management
- Jobs are broken into component parts
- Employees each perform a part
- $ motivates
Formative evaluation
Evaluation of training program that takes place during program development to make modifications
Summative evaluation
Conducted after program’s implementation to evaluate outcomes
Compressed work week: impact on satisfaction and performance
Increases satisfaction
No impact on performance
T/F: Higher levels of organizational commitment are negatively correlated with absenteeism and turnover
Tiedman & O’Hara’s Career-Decision Making Model (2 phases)
Career identity is ongoing process related to Erikson’s psychosocial ego stages
2 phases:
- Anticipation
- Implementation
(AI - artificial intelligence - UFO at O’Hare airport)
Holland’s RIASEC and theory
Emphasizes good fit between personality and environment for job
Work/Personality types:
Realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
People are motivated by hygiene needs and satisfaction (motivators)
Hygiene factors don’t lead to satisfaction but their absence leads to dissatisfaction
Motivators lead to satisfaction but their absence doesn’t lead to dissatisfaction
Theory of Work Adjustment (TWA):
Skills match demands of job
Theory of Work Adjustment (TWA):
When the characteristics of a job match the employee’s needs and values
Strongest predictor of job success
Using your skills
Relationship between job performance and job satisfaction?
- correlation?
Positive correlation but low coefficients
Parent/child relationship impacts career choice
3 styles of parenting: overprotective, avoidant, accepting
Child grows up with “toward others” or “not toward others”
The rational-economic decision-making model is to maximizing as the administrative model is to?