I Like to Move It, Move It Flashcards
At body temperature, oxygen is..
inert (non-reactive)
Note: reactivity requires high heat (activation energy)
At body temperature, oxygen is always activated by..
metal ions.
e.g., iron, copper, manganese
Most of the oxygen usage is committed to..
oxidative phosphorylation.
Oxidation is..
loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state.
Reduction is..
gain of electrons or a decrease in oxidation state.
At body temp, activation of O2 is mediated by..
metal ions.
Free redox active metal ions are generally..
Partially reduced, reactive forms of oxygen are..
reactive oxygen species.
Reduction of superoxide yields..
Reduction of H2O2 causes a hemolytic reaction that releases..
hydroxyl (OH) and hydroxide ion (OH-).
You should know:
H2O2, superoxide, hypochlorite ion, OH radical.
A cluster of atoms, one of which contains an unpaired electron in its outermost shell of electrons is..
a radical.
3 ways of ROS formation..
1) O2 with reactive metal
2) in mitochondrial electron transfer rxn
3) enzymatic rxn
Fenton reaction
Fe2+ + H2O2 OH + OH-
Oxidative stress is balanced by..
ROS producing factors and antioxidants.
Oxidative stress generated during ischemia/reperfusion results from..
disruption of electron transfer chain.
ROS damages cell membrane by interacting with..
polyunsaturated fatty acids to create lipid peroxide.
ROS damages DNA by causing..
DNA break.
ROS oxidize amino acids to damage..
protein function.
ROS important for production of..
bioactive molecules and for killing of bacteria.
Critical enzyme in bacterial killing is..
ROS are defended by 3 mechanisms..
prevention, repair, and physical barrier.
Antioxidant defenses..
SOD, catalase, Vit A, Vit C, Vit E, glutathione.
Liver serves as filter for..
all digested materials.
Hepatocytes have a broad range of..
synthetic and catabolic fxns.
Metabolic waste is secreted into..
bialary tree –>small intestine–>excreted in feces.
Hepatic malfunctions can lead to increased..
bilirubin, glucose, albumin, prothrombin time, urea. cholesterol, drug half-life and bile acids.
Portal vein drains metabolites of.. to..
gut to liver.
permits the release of free glucose to blood..
liver proteins include..
albumin, coagulation factors, and acute phase proteins.
Critical acute phase protein that responds to inflammation or infection..
C-reactive protein (CRP).
Urea cycle is essential for removal of..
nitrogen generated by amino acids.
note: prevents ammonia toxicity
Impaired clearance of ammonia causes..
brain damage.
Heme is O2 binding moiety in..
Mb, Hb, and cytochrome.
Rate limiting step in heme synthesis is production of..
5-ALA from SCoA and Glycine.
At the final stage, Fe2+ is added by..
Addition of Fe2+ by ferrochelatase to.. to form heme.
Heme controls rate of synthesis by inhibiting..
5-ALA synthesis.
Bilirubin is catabolic product of..
biliverdin is..
bilirubin is..
biliverdin is soluble, bilirubin is not.
This can be conjugated through the gut and excreted..
conjugated bilirubin.
The imbalance between its production and excretion..
This may be caused by increased bilirubin production..
This is cause by impaired hepatic uptake, conjugation, or secretion of bilirubin..
Intrahepatic Jaundaice.
This is cause by the obstruction of biliary drainage..
Posthepatic Jaundice.
2 phases of metabolization of drugs in the liver..
1) addition of polar group (mediated by cytochrome P450)
2) conjugation of organic group (sulfation, acetylation, methylation)
Overdose of acetaminophen leads to..
production of free radical-mediated cytotoxicity.
Alcohol is metabolized by.. and..
alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.
Note: produces acetate.