(i) ‘Euthanasia is never acceptable (15 marks) Flashcards
Human life is sacred, and even when people are suffering or ill,
they do not stop being precious in God’s eyes.
Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of a human being and therefore
some people consider it to be the same as murder.
Euthanasia leads to viewing some kinds of human living as less
worthwhile than others, which could cause prejudice towards
people who are old or disabled.
Some people may consider questions about euthanasia to be
trying to balance the sanctity of life and the quality of life.
Human beings are free and should have the choice to decide
when they die.
Some people are in such pain or indignity that they have no quality
of life and may consider that they would be better off dead
We allow deliberate killing in other circumstances, for example in
war. Euthanasia should be another exception to the general rule
and should not be classed as murder.
Most people would not allow animals to suffer in similar
Possible sources could include:
Evangelium 65; Genesis 1, Imago Dei references.
Possible reference to humanist thinkers who advocate a right to