(2)(c) (i) Explain, from either Catholic Christianity and Judaism or two Christian traditions, teachings about the origins of the universe. Flashcards
Some Christians read the Bible as an inspired text, every word of which is literally true, so they do read the Creation accounts literally Some read the creation stories as scientific or historical descriptions of the beginning of the universe Some reject the idea of a Big Bang and evolution and believe that God created the world in six days Some believe the universe is only about 6,000 years old.
Catholics believe that the Church is one, holy, catholic and
o One – there is only one Church and all those who believe in
Christ and are baptised are members of it.
o Holy – the members of the Church are saved by Christ and are
therefore set aside (made holy) and will receive eternal life
after they die.
o Catholic – the Church is universal and the same in all times
and places
o Apostolic – the Church was founded by the apostles and
bishops are their successors.