I-Ethics-2 Flashcards
chanllenges to ethical conduct
- internal trait: overconfidence, personal bias
- situational influences
strong compliance approach
- maybe a good start in developing ethical culture
- may oversimplify decision making, and ignore the larger picture
purpose of ethical frame work
gain more perspectives
avoid unanticipated ethical consequences
knoledge of law
dissociate 两部曲
- 报告supervisor, compliance dep.
- dissociate, even resign
【I - independence & objectivity】
- tips from clients2
- issuer-paid research
- travel funding2
- IBD业务
- 一般可以收取,但要报告(事前最好)
- 只能收取flat-fee, 不与performance挂钩
- 差旅费自己出
- 有IBD业务参与时,研究部对该公司只披露factual info
- typos
- omissions
- performance reporting
- 没发现的疏忽不算,应该发现的就算violate
- 故意忽略信息
- 选择了不适合的benchmark
- plagiarism
- cite from media
- work completed for employer
- recognized source of data
- 引用必须注明出处
- 最好顺着找到源头上的出处再引用。实在不行再直接引用media(不需要指明出处,如果media doesn’t add value),但要承担失实责任
- 同一公司内研究成果可以直接引用,前员工前研究成果也是
- 可以不引用
- alhocol
- bankrupcy
- personal behavior2
- participation in protests
- 酗酒属于misconduct
- 非诚信原因的破产不算
- 个人多数不算,cheat on wife
但只要涉及金钱都算, steal, fraud
- 即使被捕也不算
【II-material nonpublic info】
- 判断MNI2
- 5 遇到MNI,公司怎么办?
- competitor info
- selective disclosure2
- mosaic theory
- 两个条件,重大/reliable source
- 5 将投资标的放入restricted list
- 通常not reliable
- 公司主动选择性披露,属于MNI
- 通过灵敏收集non-material non-public
【II-Material nonpublic info】
- industry experts2
- fire wall设置3关键词
- personal trading
- market maker2
- arbitrageur
- 普及常识可以,但是否属于内幕消息需要严格judge
- watch, restricted, rumor
- 不得建老鼠仓。要披露个人交易事项
- 做市商即使有内幕消息也不能停止交易。应当passively be a 对手方
- 需要有严格归档和规范流程备查
【II-market manipulation】
- 两种manipulation
- 交易所liquidity pumping agreement
- info based, transaction-based
- 必须披露,否则违规
【III-Loyalty, Prudence, Care】
- fiduciary
- identify actual cilent3
- soft commission
- 有的岗位职责(如交易员)决定你并不一定有受托责任。受托责任有更更高要求。只需要按照自己专业技能做好client interest
- beneficiary:注意企业年金等。真正的client是受益人
public investor: general term比如研究报告的受众
- brokrage:返还的好处属于client,必须直接benefit client
【III-Loyalty, Prudence, Care】
- directed brokerage
- voting proxies
- 多久频率给客户disclose详细操作报告
- 即使客户制定,也需要自己搜索寻求最好的execution, best price. 如果有更好的,向客户披露。不调研直接听,就违反
- cost-benefit分析。
- at least quarterly
【III-fair dealing】
- 核心是
- faily and equally
- trade allocation2
- 研报发布2
- 研报change recommondation
- family-member accounts
- fairly 不等于equally,可以有增值服务available to all
- 核心是do not disadvantage or negatively impatct other clients
- pro-rata分配,按照order size, not accnount size
round-lot basis, not odd-lot basis
- timely尽快/ 先全体发布,再可单独与selected沟通
- 尤其注意之前act on previous recommondation的客户
- normal fee paying的家人客户视作普通客户等同对待
- IPS update 2种情况
- Unsolicited trading requests 3
- annually/ material change to client
- 任何情况下都需要先改IPS才能更改投资操作
- 首先要和客户discuss
若minimum impact,在approval前提下可以草错
若material impact, 则需修改IPS,若不让修改,则单立账户,或终止服务