"I COULD" en français Flashcards
How do you form sentences using this?
- Take “pouvoir”
- Take the stem “pourr-“ and add appropriate endings (same as imparfait endings: ais, ait, ions, iez, aient)
- Add the infinitive of the verb you want to describe what they could do
je form
tu form
il/elle/on form
nous form
vous form
ils/elles form
I could buy this shirt, but I don’t have enough money.
Je pourrais acheter cette chemise, mais je n’ai pas assez d’argent.
You could go to France if you wanted to visit a new country.
Tu pourrais aller en France si tu as voulu visiter un nouveau pays.
He could probably use a pencil.
Il pourrait utiliser un crayon, peut-être.
We could help you!
Nous pouvions t’aider!
You (form.) could make some cake for us.
Vous pourriez préparer du gâteau pour nous.
They could help us with our math homework.
Ils/Elles pourraient nous aider avec nos devoirs de maths.
He might be able to read Japanese.
he might be able = he could (means the same thing)
Il pourrait lire le japonais.
Tell us: how could we help?
Dites-nous: comment nous pouvions aider?
I might be able to ask some questions.
Je pourrais poser des questions.
poser - to ask