Hypothalamic-Pituitary Pharmacology Flashcards
Somatropin properties
- Recombinant GH
- Can be given IM
- Circulating t1/2of 25 min; peak levels in 2-4 hrs, active levels persist 36 hrs
Somatropin uses
-GH deficiency - replacement therapy in children
-Children w/ idiopathic short stature (costly)
-Poor growth due to Turner’s, Prader-Willi, renal insufficiency
-AIDS wasting/cachxia
-pt w/ short bowel syndrom dependent on TPN
all of the above FDA aproved
Laron Dwarf Receptor mutation Tx
Recombinant IGF-1, mecasermin (take carbs with injections to avoid hypoglycemia.
Somatostatin analogs
Somatostatin analogs effects
Inhibits GH release
Decreases GI motility
Somatostatin analogs & somatropin admin
parenteral, none are oral
Somatostatin non-pit uses
Control of bleeding from varices and GI hemorrhage (octreotide)
Somatostatin adverse reactions
Tx for hypoprolactinemia
none exists, mainly expermently
Tx for hyperprolactinemia
Bromocriptine (frequent dies effects)
Cabergoline (preferred agen, more effective, better tolerated)
Desmopressin (DDAVP)
ADH analog that is more stable to degradation, t1/21.5-2.5 hrs
Action of ADH
•Renal actionsare mediated by V2receptors(GPCRs coupled to Gs)
-Increasethe rate of insertion of (aquaporins) into luminal membrane
-increase water permeability leading to an antidiuretic effect
-Also activates urea transporters and increases Na+ transport in distal nephron
•Non-renal V2actions: release of coagulation factor VIII and von Willebrand’s factor (Pressor responsesoccur only at much higher Cp)
Neurogenic(Central) Diabetes Insipidus
- Inadequate ADH secretion from posterior pituitary
- Desmopressinis treatment of choice (2nd line is ADH)
- Chlorpropamide( sulfonylurea potentiates ADH release and used in DDAVP intolrent patients)
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
Inadequate ADH actions (congenital or drug-induced)
- Congenital: Diverse receptor and aquaporin mutations
- Drug-induced: Lithium( reduces V2-receptor stimulation of adenylyl cyclase& Demeclocyline(tetracycline antibiotic
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Tx
- Low salt, low protein diet
- Thiazide diuretics: Paradoxically reduces polyuria
- NSAIDs(Indomethacin): PGs attenuate ADH-induced antidiuresis -inhibitionof PG synthesis may relate to the antidiuretic response seen
- Thiazides and indomethacin also used in combination
Incomplete suppressionof ADH secretionunder hypoosmolar conditions–>hyponatremia
Drugs inducing SIADH
- Psychotropic agents: SSRIs, haloperidol, tricyclic antidepressant
- Sulfonylureas(chlorpropamide)
- Vinca alkaloidschemotherapy
- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA)
- Demeclocycline: inhibits ADH on distal tuble
- V2 receptor Antagonists (Tolvaptan & Conivapta):V2 receptor anatgonist, this inhibits ADH effects