Hypospadias in a neonate–recognizing and managing Flashcards
Define hypospadias?
Occurs in male for the urethra is located on the underside of the penis rather than the tip of the penis.
We will what is the incidence of hypospadias?
1 in 300 male birth
Is there a genetic component and what would be the recurrence rate?
There is a strong genetic component. With a recurrence rate among male siblings a 14% and 8% recurrence rate in male offspring.
Are there genetic syndromes that also may include hypospadias and if so what are they?
+The genetic syndromes that may have hypospadias include Denys-Drash syndrome, WAGR syndrome, and Opitz syndrome.
What are other etiologic causes of hypospadias?
Environmental exposures, possible endocrine disruptors with maternal exposure to DES and early exposure to progesterone e.g. given for early threatened abortion.
In general where is the urethral meatus located in the baby with hypospadias?
It is an abnormal ventral and more proximal placement of the urethral opening
Describe the 4 components of a complete genital exam in the mail.
Management of stretched penile length
Assessment of penile curvature
Assessment of the foreskin
Confirmation of the presence of both testicles in the normal scrotal position
What are the 3 classifications of of hypospadias?
Standard hypospadias
Severe hypospadias
Form fruste
For a standard hypospadias what are the 2 subtypes and what is the rest the anatomy findings?
- Distal the ectopic misplaced urethra is at the coronal edge or more distal
- Proximal: The ectopic urethra is midshaft or lower towards the scrotum
The penis is normal, and the curvature is typical within normal.
And severe hypospadias describe the anatomical findings?
The urethral opening is in the scrotum. And there may be an associated micropenis defined as less than 2.5 cm stretched length and full-term infants and there may be presence of a severe chordee.
What are comorbid findings in males with severe hypospadias?
They are more likely to have other nongenital anomalies and
There are also seen often with cryptorchidism
Discussed the anatomical findings for forme fruste type of hypospadias?
There appear to be 2 urethras at the tip of the glans however 1 is a blind pit furthermore they may have asymmetry of the foreskin.
What are the for other variants seen with or associated with hypospadias?
- Megameatus
- Chordee with normal meatus
- Cryptorchidism
- Incomplete foreskin
What is a megameatus and physical findings?
A large urethral opening often times described as “catfish” mouth.
What are anatomical findings for chordee with normal meatus?
Chordee refers to a congenital penile curvature in which the penis bends or twists when erect.
What are the anatomical findings in cryptorchidism and what else should be ruled out?
And undescended testes he or testes and if it is associated with hypospadias then there may be a high probability of a disorder of sexual development or ambiguous genitalia,
What is a dorsal hooded foreskin?
Describes the foreskin or ventral part of the foreskin and missing.
Describe the management for standard hypospadias
Referral to a urologist before circumcision
For severe hypospadias what labs should be obtained to rule out comorbidities?
Obtain a karyotype to confirm the presence of Y chromosome and consider serum electrolytes to screen for congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
What are the treatment options for forme fruste
Identifying the defect and then if possible continue with circumcision if it is minor there is no urology referral needed. However if it is a little bit more complicated then the circumcision should be performed in the operating room.
Described the treatment for megameatus.
Referral to urology for possible urethroplasty. If the circumcision was not completed then delay and refer to urology
what are the treatment options for chordee with normal urethral meatus?
Delay circumcision until approximately 6 to 12 months of age and refer to urology.
what should be done for micropenis?
When there is a combination of hypospadias and micropenis, hormone therapy can be considered (testosterone therapy once per month for 3 months)