hypnosis Flashcards
an altered state of conscious where a person can be told how to differently perceive the world
Things a person can do under hypnosis
act in unusual ways, experience unusual sensation, remember forgotten events, or forget remembered events.
Conditions of hypnosis
- willing to give up control
- acceptances of reality
- open to suggestions
Who is most easily effected?
children, people who have a parent who is susceptible, and people pleasers
hyperalert hypnotic trance
an individual who has heightened tension and awarness while under hypnosis
What is easiest to control
motor functions
Posthypnotic responses
behaviors that are suggested while under hypnosis that are carrier out after a signal is given
Posthypnotic amnesia
when a person is directed to forget a memory
Positive hallucinations
when a something is added to a person’s experience through allusions
Negative hallucinations
when something is taken away from a person’s experience
divided consciousness theory
hypnosis splits awareness into two parts where the conscious mind is pushed back
splitting of consciousness into two dimensions
hidden observer
the conscious mind that is still running in the background during hypnosis
Social/cognitive process theory
because of a person’s belief in hypnosis, they will make it seem real
Hypnosis in the brain
- relaxes the cerebral cortex and thalamus
- Block out any stimulus that is not the voice of the hypnotist
- Then as suggestions come in, blood flow speeds up to the cerebral cortex and thalamus
anterior cingulate cortex
the location of the brain that reduces pain while under hypnosis