Hypertension in pregnancy Flashcards
Pre-pregnancy advise wrt hypertension
Women who take ACEi/RB/chlorothiazide:
- increased risk of cong. anomaly
- discuss other anti-htn if planning pregnancy
- stop before pregnant
- Low salt diet
Aim for maternal BP prepregnancy in uncomplicated HTN
If chronic htn and pregnant
Foetal growth
amniotic fluid volume assessment
UA doppler
All at 28,32,36wk
Timing of birth in chronic htn
if <150/110 NOT offer before 37wks
Offer birth to women with refractory severe chronic htn after CS if required
Monitor BP after birth consider changing med
Assessment of proteinuria in chronic htn during pregnancy
Protein:creatinine ratio
If 1+ or more obtained use spot urinry protein:creatinine or 24hr collection
Significant: P:C >30mg/mol or validated 24hr shows >300mg protein
PACES counselling of chronic htn
Risks: pre-eclampsia, PTD, compliations Change from ACEi/ARB -> labetalol USS/FG/AFV at 28,32,36w repeated if indicated BP monitoring Explain maybe early delivery if uncontrolled HTN
Gestational HTN
Mild: 140/90 to 149/99
Moderate: 150/100 to 159/109
Severe: 160/100 or higher
Admit to hospital for gestational HTN
mild: no
Moderate: no
severe: yes (until BP<159/109)
Treat Gestational HTN
Mild: no
Moderate: oral labetalol
Severe: otal labetalol
(aim <150/80-100 in both)
Measure BP in GHTN
Mild: <1/wk
Mod: 2/wk
Sev: >4/d
Test for proteinuria GHTN
mild: every visit UP:C
Mod: each visit UP:C
Sev: daily UP:C
Blood test in GHTN
Mild: only routine
Mod: Kidney function, electrolytes, FBC, LFT, bilirubin (no need for repeats if no proteinuria at subsequent visits)
Sev: At presentation and then weekly: kidney func., electrolytes, FBC, LFT, bili
When to offer birth <37wks in GHTN
Only if BP >160/110
Mild/moderate GHTN Mx
USS foetal growth, amniotic fluid volume ass., UA doppler at Dx
Repeat if indicated
15% will develop into pre-eclampsia
Severe GHTN/Preeclampsia MX
CTG at diagnosis - Repeat if: - RFM - PV bleed - abdo pn - Deterioration in maternal condition Repeat CTG only if indicated if ALL fetal monitoring normal If conservative Mx planned: - USS FG and amniotic fluid volume assessment - UA doppler velocimetry repeat 2wkly
Postnatal Ix, monitoring of GHTN
Women w/GHTN who have given birth, measure BP:
- daily for 2d
- Once between d3-5
- as indicated if changed anti-htn
GHTN post natal Mx
Continue antenatal anti-htn Mx Consider Reduce anti-htn if BP <140/90 Reduce anti-htn if <130/80 Written care plan If still on anti-htn after 2wks of community care review meds
Methyldopa postnatal
stop within 2 days
When should htn in pregnancy diseases resolve?
6 weeks
PACES counselling on (G)HTN
RF: HTN, kidney dx. DM, HTN in prev. preg., multiple preg.
Risks: pre-ec., complicated/early delivery
Rx: labetalol PO
- mild: 1/wk, - mod 2/wk -sev: admission
USS (at Dx or 28,32,36)
Postnatal Mx (BP, medication, monitoring)