Antenatal Care - Urine and bloods Flashcards
Antenatal urine tests
MSU at booking- MC+S
Urinalysis every visit
what is urine screened for in antenatal urinalysis?
Protein: renal dx/pre-eclampsia
Persistent glycosuria: (G)DM
Nitrites: UTI (if detected send MSU for MC+S, treat if positive culture)
Associations of asymptomatic bacteruria
Preterm delivery
Mx of asymptomatic bacteruria in pregnancy
- Nitrofuratoin (avoid at term) 100mg BD 7d
- Amoxicillin (only if culture results available) 500mg TDS 7d
- cefalexin 500mg BD 7d
Blood pressure in pregnancy
Falls small amount during first trimester
Rise to pre-pregnancy levelsat end of 2nd trimester
Measurement in first trim. allows identification of undiagnosed chronic HTN (give anti-htn + aspirin)
Booking tests in pregnancy
FBC - Hb, plts, MCV
MSU - Asymptomatic bacteruria
Blood grp + antibody screen - Rh and atypical
Hb-opathy screen: based on FOQ + blood test results
Infection screen: HBV, HIV, syphilis (rubella status)
Dating scan + T1 screen: accurate date, risk T 21, 18, 13, i.d. major congenital anomalies
FBC in pregnancy
Looking for anaemia
If present look at MCV, order B12+Folate
If IDA trial oral iron 2 wks (retest for response)
Anaemia in pregnancy
T1 <110
T2+3 <105
Postpartum <100
Women with known Hb-opathy blood tests
serum ferritin, offer supplements if ferritin <30ug/L
Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy
Gestational TP:
- Rare T1
- more common >28w
- so low plt. T1 requires further investigation
Baseline platelets useful for dx pre-eclampsia or HELLP
Blood group in pregnancy
Mainly to identify Rh-ve women
Risks to Rh-ve women
Isoimmunisation and sensitisation
What to do post Rh sensitising events?
Anti-D Ig
<72hrs after event (e.g. CVS, amniocent. trauma)
Pregnancies <12 weeks where anti-D is regulated
Therapeutic TOP
Uterine bleed that is repeated, heavy or a/w abdo pn
Minimum dose of anti-D
250 IU
Prophylactic anti-D
Offered at 28 wks in Rh-ve
1 dose at 28 or 2 doses at 28 and 34wks
Anti-D post partum
All Rh-ve mothers once baby confirmed Rh+ve on cord blood
Blood test for GDM at booking
Women w/prev GDM offered GTT or random blood glucose in T1
to identify pre-existing DM developed since previous pregnancy
Thalassaemia testing at booking
Family origin questionnaire
FBC results
High risk sent to fetal medicine unit for ?invasive testing
Sickle cell screen at booking
Rate of sickle cell trait is 1:10 in black people
Freq. HbC trait = 1:30
Test if high risk
First trimester infection screen
Rubella - not routine only if identified as not immune then advise no contact with rubella, offer MMR after delivery
Syphilis - routine
HBV - routine, 90% of babies can be born to HBV+ mothers
HCV only if high risk
HIV (offer again at 28wk if declined)
If a baby born to woman w/active HBV
HBV vaccine within 12h
One dose HBV Ig within 12h
confers 95% protecion
Addiitional doses at 1+6m of vaccine
if HIV+ at booking
Initiate ART by 24wk
Elective c-section at 36wk if viral load >50/ml
Exclusive formula feeds from birth
UTI in Pregnancy
Ix: urine dip, MC&S
1st line: nitrofurantoin 50mg QDS or 100mg BD modified release for 7 days
UTI in pregnancy avoid Rx in whom?
full term women
UTI in pregnancy 2nd line
if no improvement after 48hrs
amox. + cefalexin