Hypertension Flashcards
1 killer in us
major determinant in reduction of CV risk
BP reduction
prevalence htn
1 in 3; only 25% controlled
most common risk factor for MI stroke
complications of htn
lvh hf stroke ischemic heart disease MI CKD
Screening BP
USPSTF- annual screening
adults over 40 + high risk (
Goals JNC7 vs JNC8 No comorbidities: DM: CHF: Renal insufficiency: RF with proteinuria:
no com: 140/90; 80 150/90
CHF: 130/80; ——
Renal insuffiency: 125/75;
Optimal Normal Pre-htn Stage I Stage II
Optimal: 115/80 Normal: 120/80 Pre HTN: 120-139/80-89 Stage I: 140-159/90-99 Stage II: >160/100
two readings from two separate office visits
Definition of BP
Cardiac output (volume of blood) X systemic vascular resistance
- sympathetic nervous system
- renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
- plasma volume
Sympathetic nervous system "---------" increases \_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_ stimulates??? Shunts blood.....
fight or flight
increases HR, strength of contraction, rr
stimulates kidney renin release
shunts blood flow to critical organs (cardiac skeletal vasodilation, skin and GI vasoconstriction)
Renin-angiotension system why block angiotensin I 1. 2. 3. 4.
na/fluid retention
- renin release (kidneys detect decreased bf, renin secreted)
- renin mediated conversion (angiotensinogen to 2)
- angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) conversion (angio I to ACE to angiotension II; occurs in pulmonary vasculature)
- angiotensin II effects (NA and H20 retention -increased SVR, antagonist to nitric oxide -vasodilator)
risk factors for HTN
age obesity family history - 2x as common if parent race- AA high NA diet Excessive alcohol DM dyslipidemia
Secondary HTN causes
OTC meds (OCP, NSAID, TCA, SSRI, glucocorticoids, decongestants, weight loss meds, stimulants) Renal disease Hyperaldosteronism (hypokalemia, met alk) sleep apnea pheochromocytoma cushings thyroid pregnancy coarctation
Most common form of hypertension
med choice
Isolated systolic hypertension
Metabolic syndrome diagnosis
3 or more of following: Abdominal obesity >40 men >35 women Glucose intolerance >110 fasting High trig (>150) HTN >130/85 Low HDL
S3 s4
heart failure HTN
aortic insufficiency
heaves, lifts, displaced PMI
Electrolytes Creatinine Fasting glucose Urinalysis Lipid ECG Echo
Elderly considerations
combo therapy if SBP >160 or DBP >100
pseudohtn from calcified arteries
hypotensive episodes: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
Elderly doc
thiazide diuretic
orthostatic hypotension
Diabetes BP
First line medication choice diabetes htn
second line
ace-i (increase GFR, decreases proteinuria)
then thiazide diuretic