HEENT Flashcards
Conjunctivitis Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
VA- no Pain- no FB- gritty Photophobia- no D/c- yes
Subconjunctival hemorrhage Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
caution on coumadin check INR
Blepharitis Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
VA-no Pain- no FB- no Photophobia- no d/c- yes crusting yellow
pimple, painful, erythema
plugged membolian gland, not painful
Open angle glaucoma Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
Visual acuity YES Pain YES FB sensation Photophobia YES Discharge
headache nausea vomiting
Physical exam findings acute angle glaucoma
hand over eye
pupil- abnormal, fixed
cloudy haze over eye
ciliary flush
Foreign body Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
Visual acuity Pain maybe FB sensation Yes Photophobia maybe Discharge Yes-watery
Corneal abrasion Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
Visual acuity maybe Pain yes FB sensation YES!! cornea= fb sensation Photophobia yes Discharge watery
Keratitis- define Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
infection of cornea Visual acuity probably Pain yes FB sensation yes Photophobia yes Discharge various (herpes, bacterial from contacts)
Episcleritis- define Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
asociated with??
infection on top of sclera Visual acuity no Pain ache FB sensation no Photophobia no Discharge no
superficial gritty
chrons lyme
Scleritis Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
associated with??
Visual acuity Yes Pain Yes FB sensation No Photophobia Possible Discharge Tearing
need to be seen by opthamology within 48 hours for ocular steroids
autoimmune: RA lupus
Iritis-define Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
associated with:
inflamed ciliary body Visual acuity Yes Pain Yes FB sensation No Photophobia YES (INTENSE) Discharge watery or none
pinpoint pupil doesn’t respond to light
associated with: idiopathic or undiagnosed syphillis sarcoid
Opthamology within days
Hyphema- define Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
blood anterior chamber Visual acuity yes Pain yes FB sensation no Photophobia no Discharge no
Hypopion-define Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
pus anterior chamber Visual acuity yes Pain yes FB sensation no Photophobia no Discharge
Pterygium and Pinguecela Visual acuity Pain FB sensation Photophobia Discharge
NO to all
pterygium- spend outside time on water; overgrowth of clear tissue not harmful
pinguecela- same but doesn’t cross into the iris
Eye conditions to refer
keratitis scleritis iritis hyphema hypopion GLAUCOMA
Staph, strep pneumo, h. flu (esp. kids)
also pseudomonas
Erythromycin ointment if pseudomonas (contact lens wearer) then fluoroquinolone like cipro or tobrex
Conjunctivitis Bacterial Viral Allergic Chemical
bacterial- kids, unilateral, d/c throughout day not just morning, thick globby
viral- watery, stringy, clear, bilateral, cold or URI
allergic- itchy, watery, other sx sneezing or conj edema
chemical- swimming, pool, sunscreen, mixed up eye drops
Open angle glaucoma
what vision problem? symptoms? PE?
Macular degeneration? common in?
peripheral vision loss, painless, increased cup to disc ratio
increased risk: + fh, AA, diabetic
central vision loss, women/europen/fair skin, smoking, family hx/sun exposure
can lead to?
what if suspected cellulitis?
associated with??
-can lead to stye or chalazion
if suspected cellulitis need abx stable in presence of beta lactamase- do not choose 1st generation cephalosporin like keflex- choose dicloxacillin or 2nd gen like levaquin
associated with eczema or seborrhea
Angular chelitis
candida albicans, staph
treat with nystatin
white/red painless patch in mouth
squamous cell carcinoma: back in two weeks send to ENT if didnt go away
risk: smoking, etoh, chewing tobacco
HPV- young men
Oropharyngeal candidiasis
clotrimazole lozenges