Hypertension Flashcards
High or raised blood pressure >140/90
Can’t diagnose hypertension unless the blood pressure has been high or raised for at least 3 months
Primary hypertension (95%):
– develops gradually over many years and is caused by atherosclerosis
Secondary hypertension (5%):
– caused by an underlying condition, tends to appear suddenly and cause higher blood pressure than primary hypertension:
—- adrenal gland tumours
—- blood vessel problems present at brith (congenital heart defects)
—- illegal drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines
—- kidney disease
—- cuhsings syndrome
—- hyperthyroidism
—- hyperparathyroidism
Malignant hypertension (rare-1% of cases):
– rapid increase in blood pressure
– diastolic pressure can rise about 130
– life threatening- medical emergency
Risk of hypertension increases as you get older
Risk factors
Gender- up to 64 its more common in med, 65+ its more common in women
Race- more common in black people
Family history
Obesity or being overweight
Lack of exercise
Too much salt
Low potassium levels
Drinking too much
Pathophysiology (its changes?)
Early hypertension:
– plagues just start to build up on the arterial wall, blood pressure may not be as high at this point as the arteries haven’t narrowed a lot
Late hypretension:
– more plaque build up with the artery and hypertrophy of the arterial wall, causes the artery to narrow even more meaning in late hypertension there will be a higher blood pressure
End organ damage:
– hypertension can eventually lead to end organ failure:
—- stroke
—- retinopathy
—- TIA
—- left ventricular hypertrophy
—- cardiac failure
—- renal failure
Stages of hypertension:
- optimal- 120/80
- pre hypertension- 120-139/80-99
- stage 1 hypertension- 140-159/90-99
- stage 2 hypertension- >160/>100
Clinical presentation
Hypertension is generally asymptomatic
Secondary causes of hypertension may be suggested by specific features:
– attacks of sweating
– tachycardia
Dyspnoea (shortness of breath)
Retinopathy visual changes
Chest pain
Sensory or motor problems
May suffer with end organ damage if the hypertension is untreated and severe