Hygiene orange Flashcards
Brush regularly, floss, balanced diet, drink low-fat milk
Ways to prevent cavities
Shampoo and rinse, comb/brush, and balanced diet
Tips for hair care
Perspiration and bacteria
What causes body odor
Bathe regularly, wear clean socks, wear clean underwear, use hygiene products
Ways to prevent body odor
nothing. It’s part of puberty/maturing you can only lessen the severity
What prevents acne
A doctor that specializes in care and treatment of the skin
wash with soap and water, keep oily hair off face and back, use an astringent
Ways to treat acne
A product that fights body odor
A product that fights sweat and also odor
A product that is used to clean oil and bacteria off the skin
An astringent
A common fungus of the skin on your feet
athlete’s foot
Wash with soap and water, wear clean/dry socks, let your feet get air, dry feet well
Ways to fight athlete’s foot
Plaque reacts with the sugar from food and breaks down your enamel
The cause for cavities
Face, neck, and shoulders
Where are most of your oil glands
Sticky bacteria built up on the teeth
Small (usually hard) growth on the skin caused by a virus
a wart
Face, armpits, and groin area
Where are most of your sweat glands
An infection below the surface of the skin caused by oil and bacteria
Oil duct that has become clogged with dirt and bacteria (hardens in the air)
Clean socks, wash shoes, wash and dry feet, air out shoes and feet
Foot odor prevention