Hydrosphere Flashcards
an area of land that drains all streams and rainfall into a common outlet
the amount of time a water molecule stays within a particular stage of the hydrologic cycle
residence time
process of increasing nutrients (phosphates/nitrates) resulting in algal bloom
pumping out contaminated water and treatment by filtration, oxidation, air stripping (volatilization of contaminant in an air column), or biological processes
extraction wells
use of vapor-extraction well and then treatment
vapor extraction
injection of nutrients and oxygen to encourage growth of organisms that degrade the contaminant in the groundwater
use of contact treatment as contaminated water plume moves through a treatment bed in the path of groundwater movement; neutralization of the contaminant by chemical, physical, or biological processes
permeable treatment bed
- measured to determine the oxidizing or reducing potential of a substance
- can indicate ability of water body to chemically break down pollutants
redox potential
the amount of oxygen consumed by chemical oxidation of matter in water
Chemical Oxygen Demand
- measure of hydrogen ions in solution
- referred to as the degree of acidity or alkalinity
- affects most chemical and biological processes
- one of the most important environmental limiting factors
- the concentration of dissolved mineral salts present in waters and soils on a unit volume or weight basis
- govern physical characteristics like density and heat capacity
- related to other physico-chemical parameters
- the measurement of the ability of an aqueous solution to transfer an electrical current
- increased conductivity w concentrations of ions
amount of dissolved substances in a volume of water
total dissolved solids
- measure of cloudiness caused predominantly by suspended material in water
- refers to light scattering properties of a sample
- can be described as “haziness”
amount of particles that cannot be dissolved in water and remain suspended in the water column
Total Suspended Solids
- indicator of possible presence of fecal pollution and microorganisms that can cause disease
- coliform bacteria generally originate in the intestines of warm-blooded animals
fecal coliform
public water supply class I: intended primarily waters having watersheds which are uninhabited and otherwise protected and which require only approved disinfection in order to meet the NSDW of the Philippines
Class AA
Public Water Supply Class II: for sources of water supply that will require complete treatment in order to meet the NSDW
Class A
Recreational Water Class I: For primary contact recreation such as bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc. (particularly tourism processes)
Class B
- fishery water for propagation/growth of fish and other aquatic resources
- recreational water class II
- industrial water supply class I
Class C
- for agriculture, irrigation, livestock watering, etc.
- industrial water supply class II
- other inland waters, by their quality, belong to this classification
Class D
underground caverns or porous layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock through which groundwater flows
where most aquifers are replenished naturally by precipitation that percolates downward through soil and rock
natural recharge
discharge pollutants at specific locations through drain pipes, ditches, or sewer lines into bodies of water.
point source
scattered and diffused pollution and cannot be traced to any single site of discharge
nonpoint source
Sources of water pollution
oxygen-demanding waste, pathogenic organisms, nutrients, oil, toxic substances
6 properties of water
- high specific heat
- neutral pH
- good conductor
- exists in liquid form
- universal solvent
- surface tension
amount of energy required to change the temperature of a substance
high specific heat
porous or cracked layer of rock
pumping of aquifers can create a…
cone of depression which leaves shallower wells dry
pumping wells can cause 2 things…
land subsidence, saltwater intrusion
process most commonly used to remove dissolved solids from water in a conventional water treatment plant