Hydrologic Cycle Flashcards
A major part of precipitation finds its way to the streams through surface and sub-surface flow known as,
A branch of science that deals with the origin, distribution, and properties of waters of the earth is,
The downward flow of water from the land surface into the soil medium is called,
The study of earth’s atmosphere is called,
Atmospheric condition over a short duration, particularly the combination of heat, moisture, and wind characteristics in the atmosphere in a day.
It is the net loss of water from a surface by means of a change in the state of water from a liquid to a vapor, and the transfer of this vapor to the atmosphere.
It is the process by which precipitation reaching the earth’s surface is returned to the atmosphere as vapor through evaporation from wet surfaces and transpiration by plants.
Runoff is produced when this property of the soil surface is exceeded,
infiltration rate
A property associated with a surface tension of a liquid and manifested in the rise and fall of a liquid in small diameter tube.
The lateral movement of infiltration water when it encounters and impervious layer is called,
The total weather conditon of an area as generaized over a long period of time - state of the atmosphere averaged over a long period of time such as seasons, years, decades, or longer.
The area of land draining into a stream or a water course at a given location is known as (watershedm catchment area, drainage basin, All of the above)
All of the above
The amounts of water moving through different stages of the hydrologic cycle within a particular system can be described by (hydrologic equation, water - budget equation, continuity principle, All of the above)
all of the above (daw)
The portion of precipitation which by a variety of paths above and below the earth’s surface reaches the stream channel.
The following are storage components of the hydrologic cycle, except (Groundwater storage, soil moisture storage, storage on land surface, NOTA)
In terms of rainfall - runoff relationship, R = P - L, where L (losses) represenst
water not available to runoff
The process whereby water vapor is changed into a liquid state.
The science which deals with occurrence, distribution and disposal of water on the planet earth and deals with the various phases of the hydrological cycle.
The hydrologic equation is nearly a statement of the law of conservation of matter. Which of the following expressions is not true? (Inflow = Outflow + Storage, Inflow - Outflow = Storgae, Precipitation - Losses = Storage, NOTA)
Evaporation from a surface is the process by which liquid on a free surface is transformed into?
Gaseous Stae