HW410 • Chapter 6: “The Stress Emotions: Anger, Fear and Joy” Flashcards
In the wellness paradigm, what is the ability to feel and express the ENTIRE range of emotions and to control them, not be controlled by them?
Emotional Well-being
What might be a cause of later life health issues in expressing emotions?
Socialized at a young age to express emotions that socially acceptable and moving to adulthood with emotional baggage.
What is defined as a concept coined by Darwin that reflects the aggressive (fight) nature of all animals as a means of survival?
Rage reflex
What is not instinctual in nature and is not part of the genetic makeup of humans?
Aggressive behavior
What is defined as a statement drafted in Seville, Spain, endorsing the belief that aggression is neither genetically nor biologically determined in human beings?
Seville Statement
What is aggression a direct result of?
Frustration and some cultures, withdrawal, avoidance and fasting result from frustration.
These findings reveal that aggressive behavior is only one of several possible responses to feelings of frustration.
On average, how many times does the average person experience anger?
15 times a day usually a result of unmet expectations, such as long lines at the checkout stand, car problems, a game of phone tag, or a rude driver on the way to work.
Today, the number can be closer to 20 - 25 times a day.
What is anger?
A form of communication. It reveals information about one’s values and personal constructs of importance. Like other species of animals, humans communicate territorial boundaries through the expression of anger.
What does Jane Middleton-Moz believe the primary reason for heightened level of anger?
Loss of connection as a result of technology, poor community relations, and the illusion of the American dream.
What is thought to be the reason why a growing number of boys are hurt, sad, afraid, angry, and silent?
Emotional miseducation of boys.
What is defined as a term used in reference to one’s ability to express oneself in an emotionally healthy way? Someone who routinely goes ballistic would be said to lack _______.
Emotional literacy
What are the gender differences in respect to anger?
Social mores allow men to express their anger openly and freely in public, and even encourage them to express aggression in some sports (e.g., ice hockey and football).
Women, on the other hand, have been denied the same opportunity. The inability of women to express their feelings of anger has fueled much personal frustration and depression over the decades, if not centuries. According to social mores, women are supposed to be pleasant and happy, not angry, aggressive, or violent. When “temperament” is displayed by a woman, it is perceived by men (and some women) to be unfeminine, unladylike, sexually unattractive, and symbolic of evil. As a result of such cultural influences, women are less likely to express their anger. The ramifications can be dangerous to their health. In addition to the more obvious anger-related symptoms (e.g., ulcers, migraines), a study by Greer and Morris (1975) found that breast cancer is related to unresolved anger.
What did surveys show about women when they feel anger?
They actually felt guilty and afraid.
What did Lerner also point out about when men are cursed for their bad behavior?
With names such as “son of a bitch” or “bastard,” it is the female gender that ultimately takes the blame, as these names indicate.
What did Deborah Cox and her colleuges reveal in their Women’s Anger Project after interviewing more than a thousand women in different cultures to understand the baggage associated with unresolved anger?
The conclusion: Ingrained thoughts and behavior patterns associated with dysfunctional anger must be unlearned and the energies of this emotion must be reharnessed for self-improvement.
“When women attempt to get around their anger without fully acknowledging it, they lose a lot of valuable information and experiences that keep them from evolving into their full selves. When we attend to our anger, give it a place of respect in our consciousness, allow it to take shape and become spoken aloud, we increase the odds of our learning from it, growing through it, making important things happen in our lives because of it.”
What was revealed in the Framingham Anger Scales Inventory when researchers measured anger-in (anger withheld and internalized), anger-out (the physical expression of anger toward others), anger discussed (confiding to a friend about anger), and anger-related symptoms (physical symptoms possibly brought on by anger episodes)?
The results were that women scored higher than men in both anger-in and anger-related symptoms.
What was observed through the manifestation of anger-related symptoms in middle-aged women?
High number of daily hassles and a less-than-adequate social support system.
Paradoxically, they also reported that, like women who suppress their feelings of hostility, women who habitually expressed their anger did not escape anger-related physical symptoms, specifically breast cancer.
What are some of the physical ailments normally associated with anger?
Migraine headaches, ulcers, colitis, arthritis, and hypertension were a few of the ailments significantly associated with anger.
But the most startling finding, was that hostility was directly linked to the development of coronary heart disease, making this the most prominent disease-related behavioral trait.
What is defined as emotional release through crying, yelling, laughing, and the like?
What did Carol Tavris conclude in her studies of catharsis?
Tavris concluded that randomly released feelings of anger and ventilated frustrations did not produce a healthy catharsis.
To the contrary, not only did the random release of pent-up emotions not relieve feelings of aggression, but it also validated them, in effect reinforcing anger and causing even greater emotional arousal.
To the surprise of many psychologists, these and similar findings by psychologist Edward Murray indicate that random, hostile expression of anger is not a suitable means of achieving emotional composure, despite popular belief to this effect.
What is the percentage of Americans that has levels of hostile anger that can produce serious health problems?
20% of the population with another 10 to 20 percent teetering on the edge of anger related health issues.