HW410 Chapter 20: "Hatha Yoga" Flashcards
In simplest terms, what is hatha yoga a metaphor for?
Balance: a series of physical movements that promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility.
Hatha yoga is about removing the ego from this experience in an effort to achieve inner peace.
What is defined as a Sanskrit word that means union, specifically the union of mind, body, and spirit?
What is employed in many relaxation techniques, including progressive muscular relaxation and autogenic training? And is also known as the corpse pose.
What is defined as one of five yogic paths; the path of physical balance?
Hatha (Ha = sun, tha = moon) Yoga; which is integrated with breathing control.
What is defined as a yogic term describing the concept of breath control during each of the asanas (yoga postures)?
Pranayama. The word prana means “breath,” and the word yama means “pause.”
What is defined as the ancient yogic text attributed to Patanjali, who described each of the yoga asanas?
Yoga Sutras
What is defined as one of five yogic paths; the path of action?
Karma yoga
What is defined as one five yogic paths; the path of devotion?
Bhakti yoga
What is defined as one of five yogic paths; the path of knowledge?
Jnana yoga
What is defined as one of five yogic paths; the path of spiritual awakening?
Kundalini yoga
What is another phrase to describe the wall of conscious intellect?
Ego censorship
Where were the first two yoga centers (ashrams) established in the U.S?
Turn of the 19th Century in California
In a hatha yoga retreat study, how many sessions were needed to show a positive molecular change in expression of a 111 genes related to the body’s immune system?
4 - 1 hour sessions of practice.
Hatha yoga decreased stress levels and induced a positive endocrine/immune response, suggesting that regular yoga practice contributes to substantial health benefits.
Yoga proved extremely valuable in helping soldiers returning from the Iraq war reduce anxiety and cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
What other benefits does hatha yoga have on people?
Premenstrual syndrome, diabetes, clinical depression, academic test anxiety, menopausal symptoms, coping with breast cancer/depression/diabetes.
How does hatha yoga alleviate problems with the sacroiliac joint and lower back pain?
By stretching tight muscles and balancing strength and flexibility of the muscles supporting the joints where pain originates, yoga can be a positive and inexpensive means to reduce and eliminate joint pain.
What are the three stages to each asana what are the three concepts to remember?
Moving into the pose.
Maintaining the pose.
Coming out of the pose.
The three concepts are breathing, conscious stretching, and balance.
What is defined as a term in hatha yoga that honors the importance of the pause of the breath (pranayama)?
The art of breathing.
For each contraction phase and release phase with each asana, what should be done with the breath?
For contraction phase or muscle stretched, air is drawn into the lungs.
For the release phase or when muscles are relaxed, air is pushed out of the lungs.
What is defined as an expression that suggests to yoga participants to be fully mindful as they assume and maintain an asana?
The art of conscious stretching.
At what age do you lose the ability to produce elastin, a protein that gives muscle fibers stretching capabilities, thus provides a reason to stretch more often and increase flexibility?
Age 30.
What is defined as a term in hatha yoga that requires a balance (counterpositions) of asanas on both the right and left sides of the body?
The art of balance.
What is defined as one of the most classic and symbolic series of hatha yoga postures, often performed at the beginning and/or end of each yoga session?
Salute to the Sun (Surya Namaskar)
Surya Namaskar began as a form of meditation worship wherein one would start the day by facing east and performing the series of movements to maintain harmony throughout the day.
What is defined as a classic yoga asana intended to promote balance and stability?
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
What is defined as a classic yoga asana intended to promote balance with arms and shoulders?
Head of Cow (Gomukhasana)
What is defined as a classic yoga asana intended to promote balance with arms and shoulders?
Fist over Head (Araha Chakrasana)
What is defined as a classic yoga asana intended to promote balance with the upper torso?
Human Triangle (Trikonasana)
What is defined as a classic yoga asana intended to promote balance with the leg muscles?
Thigh Stretch (Bandha Konasana)
What is defined as a classic yoga asana intended to promote balance with the lower back? (4)
One Knee to Chest (Pawan Muktasana), Two Knees to Chest (Apanasana), Cobra (Bhujanghasana), Fish (Matsyasana)
What is defined as a classic yoga asana intended to promote balance with the hamstrings and lower back?
Sit and Reach (Paschimottasana)
What is defined as a classic yoga asana intended to promote balance with the upper and lower back and hips?
Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
What is defined as a classic yoga asana intended to promote balance with the muscles of the lower back and stomach, as well as neck and shoulders?
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
What is defined as the typical position assumed at the close of each yoga session to restore energy?
Corpse Pose (Shavasana)
What are some guidelines to keep in mind about Hatha Yoga?
It is best not to perform asanas on a full stomach. Allow 1 to 2 hours between eating and yoga practice.
Wear loose-fitting clothing and avoid heavy jewelry. Bare feet are recommended to make better floor contact.
Find a quiet place to practice; a well-lit and well-ventilated room is ideal. A thin rug is also suggested to perform the positions in greater comfort.
Early morning is the preferred practice time for conscious awareness. But evening is the time when the body is more limber, and yoga postures tend to have a greater relaxation effect after a busy day. Find a time that is best suited to your own schedule.
Concentrate on the postures, sensing each move and your body’s response to it.
There are no nutritional guidelines accompanying this relaxation technique, but if you pursue yoga further, you will find that a healthy, well-balanced diet is considered an important part of the art-of-balance concept.
The ultimate goal of all aspects of yoga is to lower the walls of the conscious mind—the ego. If you approach it with a competitive attitude, there is no chance for the union of mind, body, and spirit to occur. Beginning yoga students often push themselves to match the postures of the instructor or fellow classmates. This can result in physical pain as well as a deeper abyss to enlightenment. In the words of yogi master Swami Rama, “This is absolutely not the way to practice yoga.”
Meditation is not a requirement of hatha yoga, but it is a nice complement to it. After you finish your selection of asanas, ending with the Corpse Pose (shavasana) is the perfect time to collect your thoughts and perhaps do some internal awareness or soul searching.
What type of yoga is described as intense classes that synchronize breath work with speed series of asanas?
Ashtanga yoga. Considered a serious workout for muscles and cardio work.
What type of yoga is described as hatha yoga with intense muscle power asanas?
Power yoga. Americanized yoga, very demanding for muscular strength.
What type of yoga is described as yoga practiced in 105° heat to replicate Indian climate?
Bikram yoga. Heat brings its own challenge; said to provide a cleansing feeling.
What type of yoga is described as focus is placed on the specifics of each asana with each posture held for more time?
Iyengar yoga. Good for beginners who are not flexible; props (blocks) are often used.