Humor oral Flashcards
A speeding ticket? And for what? I don’t even own a car!
You know what you did, you scoundrel!
I don’t know much about the law, sir!
You were speed walking! Morning strolls shall not exceed 2 km/h, you criminal!
You don’t need even know me, how can you add me to the system?
Alright then, [dramatic pause] What’s your name sir?
Right. Hold on a second. [Hugh gets a pen out of his pocket] Ready?
Yes. [Confused]
My name is Hugh… [Hugh drops the pen onto the counter]
What are you doing?
That’s my name.
What is?
This. Hugh… [Hugh drops the pen again]
That’s your name?
What? Hugh [Stephen drops the pen]… Is your name?
What kind of name is that?
Well it’s my name.
Unusual, isn’t it, Mr… [Drops pen]?
If I had a pound for every time someone’s said that… Besides, you pronounced it wrong.
Do not mock me. [Exaggerated sigh] And how do spell… [Drops pen], Mr … [Drops pen]?
It’s as it sounds.
Uh uh. Yeah, but I wonder if you’d mind actually spelling it for me, would you?
Well, I mean, can’t you just…
I’d be very grateful. If you wouldn’t mind.
N-I-P-P-L hyphen E.
I beg your pardon?