Humanities: The Renaissance Flashcards
The Medici family was heavily involved in…
The Medici was the most powerful family in ________ affairs from 1418 to 1494.
___________ was considered to be the most preeminent Italian city-state in the fifteenth century.
___________, a story from the Hebrew bible, was the assigned topic for a competition to create a new set of doors for the north entrance to the Baptistery at Florence’s Duomo.
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Who produced the winning design from the dome of Florence Cathedral?
Filippo Brunelleschi
When composing the ____________ a motet reflecting “ideal proportions”, Guillame Dufay had the _________ in Jerusalem in mind.
Nuper Roosarum Flores, Temple of Solomon
Brunellschi’s investigation of optics in Arab science also contributed to his understanding, particularly Alhazen’s Perspectiva, which integrated the classical works of…
Euclid, Ptolemy, and Galen
In Masaccio’s The Tribute Money, the Apostle Peter appears three times:
Christ telling Peter to catch a fish
catching the fish
paying the tax collector
The Medici family supported the rebuilding of the old monastery of _________ for the Dominican Order, the sections were a ______, ________, _________, _________, and _______
San Marco, library, cloister, chapel room, bell tower, altar piece
__________ is credited for having coined the term platonic love
Marsilio Ficino
________, humanist composer of Lorenzo Medici, taught music to Lorenzo’s sons, served as organist and choirmaster at Florence Cathedral, and, before he knew it, found himself collaborating with Lorenzo writing songs for popular festivals.
Heinrich Issac
Who is the author of Oration on the Dignity of an, which is considered one of the greatest manifestos of humanism?
Pico Della Mirandola
Who financed his lifestyle as a mercenary soldier who was a valuable and highly paid ally to whoever could afford both him and his army?
Federigo de Montefeltro
________ by Baldassare Castiglione recounts conversations and debates among humanists in the Motefeltro court.
The Book of the Courtier
Leonardo de Venci’s ________ is located on the north wall of the refectory of the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie
The Last Supper
Who is credited with bring back the papacy to Rome for good, it became something of a papal duty to restore the city to its former greatness?
Pope Martin V
After Bering elected Pope, Julius II commissioned architect _____ to renovate the Vatican Palace and to serve as chief architect to replace Saint Peter’s Basilica with a new church.
Donato Bramante
Even though located in Rome, _______- in Montorio is associated with the nation of Spain**.
San Pietro
Tempietto was designed by…
The Tempietto was built on the site of ________
St. Peter’s martyrdom
The characteristics that contributed to the making of the tempietto are…
its classical reference
it’s incorporation of original classical Roman columns into its architectural scheme
the mathematical orderliness of its parts
to finance the construction of the new St Peter’s Basilica, Pope Julius II sold _________
Martin Luther launched the _________________ in Germany in protest against the sale of indulgences
Protestant reformation
In the city of Florence, ___________________ organize troops of children to collect the city’s “vanities” which were burned in giant bonfires
Girolamo Savonarola
The city of Florence commissioned Michelangelo to credited freestanding statue of _____ using a huge cracked block of marble
Throughout the ceiling of the __________, Michelangelo includes the della Rovene heraldic symbols of oak and acorn to symbolize the patronage of pope Julius II
Sistine Chapel
Pope Julius II hired _________ to paint his private rooms in the vatican palace
____________ are the central figures in Raphael’s school of Athens
Aristotle and Plato
Pope _________ is credited with establishing the Sistine Chapel choir
Sixtus IV
________________ composed the Pange lingua Mass
Jasquin de Prez
The author of the Prince was __________
Niccolo Machiavelli
In the book, the prince, Machiavelli, writes that the prince’s chief preoccupation and primary duty was to __________war
Machiavellus argues that the prince once engaged in warm has these alternatives for controlluing a state once he conquered it:
he can devastate it
live in it
allow it to keep its own laws
__________ is the symbol of the Venetian republic
the _________ forced the local populations of the Po River delta to flee to the swampy lagoon islands that would later become the city of venice.
______ considered itself blessed by St. Mark, whose relics reside in the cathedral of St. Marks
The _____________ family is associated with Venice’s Ca’d’Oro.
According to ______, Giorgione did not make preliminary drawings for his paintings
The painting, _______________, includes a fully clothed nobleman playing a lute while a nude woman plays a flute.
Pastoral Concert
The painting, ________, includes a dog sleeping on white sheets
Venus of Urbino
___________________ was the first professional woman composer to see her own compositions in print.
Madalena Casulana
_____ housed the “Ensemble of Ladies.” which attracted many of the most prominent madrigal composers of the day.
_________ set to music in the madrigals of new music the sonnets of petrarch.
Adrian Willder
The tocatta is also known as _____, designed to feature both the range of the organ and the dexterity of the organist.
“virtuoso prelude”
_________ was a careful student of Vitrurius, sharing an interest with Leonardo.
What would humanist in Lorenzo’s court would have recognized Venus?
In Botticelli’s Primavera as an allegorical figure representing the highest moral qualities.
What years were the Medici family the most powerful family in Florentine affairs?
Florence was considered the most prominent ___________ in the 15th century.
Italian city-state
Florence was considered the most prominent Italian city-state in what century?
15th century
The Sacrifice of Isaac from the Hebrew Bible was the assigned topic for the competition to create a new set of doors for the __________.
North Entrance to the Baptistery at Florence’s Duomo
Filippo Brunelleschi produced the winning design for __________.
the dome of the Florence cathedral
When composing the Nuper Rosarum Flores, a motet reflecting “ideal proportions,” who had the Temple of Solomon in mind?
Guillame Dufay
When Guillame Dufay composed the Nuper Rosarum Flores, a motet reflecting “__________” he had the Temple of Solomon in mind?
ideal proportions
_________ investigation of the optics in Arabic Science also contributed to his understanding, particularly Alhazen’s “perspectiva,” which integrated the classical works of Euclid, Ptolemy, and Galen
Brunelleschi’s investigation of the optics in _________ also contributed to his understanding, particularly Alhazen’s “perspectiva,” which integrated the classical works of Euclid, Ptolemy, and Galen
Arabic Science
St. Peter’s three actions of being told to fish, catching the fish, and paying the tax collector, were in what?
Massacio’s “The Tribute Money”
The Medici family supported the rebuilding of the old monastery of ___ for the ___ ___, the sections added were a library, cloister, chapter room, bell tower, and altar piece.
San Marco, Dominican Order
Marsilio Ficino is credited for having coined the term…
platonic love
What was Lorenzo, grandson of Cosimo de Medici nicknames that means “the Magnificent”
“il Magnifico”
Humanists in Lorenzo’s court would have recognized Venus, in whose “Primavera” as an allegorical figure representing the highest moral qualities?
Humanists in Lorenzo’s court would have recognized Venus, in Botticelli’s “_________” as an allegorical figure representing the highest moral qualities?
Heinrich Isaac was the humanist composer who…
taught music to Lorenzo Medici’s sons
served as organist and choirmaster at Florence’s cathedral
collaborated with Lorenzo to write songs for popular festivals
Pico Della Mirandola is the author of
Oration on the Dignity of Man
The Oration on the Dignity of Man, by Pico Della Mirandola, is considered
one of the greatest manifestos on humanism
Montefeltro financed his lifestyle as a ___________ who was a valuable and highly paid ally to whoever could afford both him and his army?
mercenary soldier
The Book of the Courtier was written by who?
Baldassare Cartiglion
Leonardo de Venci’s ________ is located on the north wall of the refectory of the Dominican monastery of _____________
Santa Maria delle Grazie
Even though located in Rome, San Pietro is associated with…
What city did Savonarola organize children to collect vanities for the bonfire?
Florence commissioned who to create the David using a huge cracked block of marble?
What city commissioned Michelangelo to create the David?
Michelangelo included the _________ symbols of oak and acorn to symbolize the patronage of Pope Julius II on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
Della Rovene heraldic
Where did Michelangelo include the della Rovene heraldic symbols of oak and acorn to symbolize the patronage of ___________.
Pope Julius II
Who hired Raphael to paint his private rooms in the Vatican Palace?
Pope Julius II
Pope Sixtus IV is credit with establishing _____________
The Sistine Chapel Choir
Josquin des Prez composed what?
the Pange lingua Mass
According to Machiavelli, whose primary occupation was to wage war?
The Prince
The lion is the symbol for the ___________.
Venetian Republic
The Lombards forced the local population of the Po River delta to flee to the swampy lagoon islands that would later become what city?
The Lombards forced the local population of _______ to flee to the swampy lagoon islands that would later become Venice.
the Po River delta
Venice considered itself blessed by whom, whose relics resided in the cathedral named after this saint?
St. Mark
The Cantarini family is associated with _________.
Venice’s Ca’d’Oro
According to Vasari, who didn’t make preliminary drawings for his paintings?
Ferrara housed the _____________, which attracted many of the most prominent madrigal composers of the day.
Ensemble of Ladies
The painting Venus of Urbino includes what sleeping on white sheets?
Who served as choirmaster of St. Mark’s in Venice
Adrian Willeart
Who set to music in the madrigals of New Music the sonnets of Petrarch?
Adrian Willaert
Also known as “virtuoso prelude,” what is designed to feature both the range of the organ and the dexterity of the organist?
Palladio was considered a careful student of whom, sharing an interest with Leonardo?
The Pantheon in Rome served as the model for the central dome of whose La Rontunda?