Humanities, enterprise and emotional intelligence: 1st/15th Nov Flashcards
What is a hackathon?
Iterative solution generation combined with theoretical testing and concept development
Gets different people with different skills to focus on a common problem
What is SWOT analysis?
Thinking about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding your new concept
SWOT - strength, weakness, opportunity and threats
What did Abraham Maslow study in the 1950s?
How people could enhance their emotional, physical, spiritual and mental strengths
What did Howard Gardner study in the 1970s?
Wrote of multiple intelligences; the idea that intelligence is not a single entity. e.g musical, linguist, spatial intelligences
When was the term emotional intelligence first coined?
1990s by Salovey and Mayer
What is Goleman’s definition of emotional intelligence? (1995)
Understanding one’s own feelings, empathy for the feelings of others and the regulation of emotion in a way that enhances living
How is emotional intelligence different to IQ?
Unlike IQ, which doesn’t change significantly over time, El can evolve and develop, so long as the desire to learn and grow as a person is present
What does SMART stand for? (from SMART targets)
Smart Measurable Achievable Realistic Timebound
What is Compas and Eppings view on problem focused coping?
Efforts to act on the source of stress to change
the person, the environment, or the relationship
between the two:
1. Accept that there is an issue 2. Apply problem solving
What does resilience in a life threatening situation look like?
The survivor moves through “stages of grief” faster: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
Resilience is about recognizing, acknowledging, and sometimes accepting the reality of the situation
What is a ‘coping reservoir’?
Dunn et al. (2008) suggest individuals have a ‘coping reservoir’ made up of personal traits, temperament, and your coping style.
Factors like stress can drain the reservoir.
Coping strategies such as social support can fill it.
What is resilience?
a phenomenon or process reflecting relatively positive adaptation despite experiences of adversity or trauma
What is an implicit attitude?
An Implicit attitude is much less accessible to our conscious awareness and control.