Where does distress come from according to client-centred theory/therapy
Psychological distress comes from incongruence between the ideal self (part of the self concept) and the real, organismic self.
Distress is not a illness, it is a signal for change, not an abnormality
Describe organismic self and the self concept
The organismic self is who we really are, it emerges through self-actualization
Self-concept is built on conditions of worth typically arising in childhood from conditional positive regard, and entails concepts/feelings about the self including: Self-worth; self-image (how we see ourselves) ; the ideal self (who we would like to be)
What are conditions of worth
CoW arises in childhood from conditional positive regard, they are based on evaluations about the self via internal locus of evaluation ( how we value ourself from inside) and external locus of evaluation ( our dependency to others’ evaluations)
What are the 4 therapist qualities as per client centred therapy
Non directive ; Unconditional positive regard ; empathic ; congruence
Strength and weaknesses of humanistic/client centred approach
Strenghts : positive view of human nature ; empowering ; focused on growth
Weakness: denies pathology , pollyana complex ; miss transfertential issues ; if non directive = are we denying the very reason they came to see us?