Humanistic psychology Flashcards
Assumptions of humanistic psychology
Every individual is unique(this way of viewing people is called idiographic)
Free will: humans are self-determining(not affected by external or internal influences), so we’re in charge of how we develop and progress through life
People should be viewed holistically:Humanists argue there’s no point looking at just one aspect of an individual, as much of what could be affecting them moght be missed.
Humanists don’t believe in focusing on childhood during therapy - they believe the whole life should be considered.
The scientific method is not appropriate to measure behaviour: Tries to be too objective - humans are subjective in the way they think and behave
The achievement of our full potential, which we have an innate drive for
Growth need
Personal growth is an essential part of being human- fulfilled, satisfied and goal orientated
Maslow’s theory of motivation
We are motivated to use free will to reach our fullest potential.
Some needs are shared and some are individual.
Human needs are categorised and prioritised.
Self actualised people characteristics
- A strong sense of self awareness
- A fully accepting view of themselves and others for who they are
- A strong sense of creativity
Aronoff metjod
1) Aronoff compared people in two jobs in the British West Indies-fishermen and cane cutters.
2) Cane cutters got paid according to how much cane was cut by the whole group, so had high job security, although wages were low.
3) In contrast, fishermen worked alone with more challenging work, so were less secure in their jobs.
4) Both groups of people were assessed to see which level they were at on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Aronoff results
More cand cutters were at the lower levels of hierarchy, still trying to achieve safety and security, than fishermen(many of whom had satisfied the lower levels of the hierarchy(
Aronoff conclusion
Only those men who’d satisified lower levels of the pyramid would choose to become fishermen, to develop high self-esteem - people can’t reach the higher levels of Maslow’s hierarchy until they’ve satisfied the lower levels.
Aronoff evaluation
Ecological validity - studies people in natural environment
Results can’t be generalised to the wider population - only studied people from our culture
Carl Roger’s theory of person centred therapy
He suggested we have three selves which need to integrate to achieve self-actualisation:
1. The self-concept
2. The ideal self
3. The real self
Carl Rogers’ the self concept
The self that can be described as the self you feel you are, similar to self esteem and is affected by it
Carl Rogers - what happens when the selves don’t match up?
Defence mechanisms
Importance of congruence - Carl Rogers
Rogers believed, to achieve self-actualisation.
, it’s necessary for a person to be congruent(ideal self, self image. true self)
Achieving congruence
An important part of achieving congruence is unconditional positive regard
Role of conditions of worth
Conditions of worth are requirements that the individual feels they need to meet to be loved, which can be either real or perceived by the individual