Humanism Flashcards
Who were the main two drivers of the approaches emergence in 1950’s america.
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow.
Rogers = Real and ideal self.
Maslow = Hierarchy of needs.
What are the assumptions of the approach?
All humans are inherently good people, they are driven by free will and should be studied holistically.
What are the two features of the approach?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Rogers real and ideal self.
What are conditions of worth?
When you are told that you will only be a valuable person if you behave in a certain way.
What is self-actualisation?
Achieving one’s true potential in life.
What is free will?
The ability to choose one’s own behaviour, it is not determined by factors outside of the individual’s control.
What is the ideal self?
The person who you would like to be.
What is the actual self?
The person who you really are at the moment.
What is incongruence?
When the ideal self and the actual self are different, it can lead to low self-esteem and depression.
What can a high level of incongruence lead to?
Low self-esteem and depression.
What is unconditional positive regard?
Valuing the person for who they are no matter what they do, it reduces incongruence.
What is person-centred therapy?
A form of therapy where the individual uses their free will to grow and develop. It is designed to reduce incongruence as the client makes their own decisions.
What is holism?
Understanding the individual as a whole rather than component parts.
What is a hierarchy of needs?
The needs that have to be satisfied in order to achieve self-actualisation.
What is the aim of unconditional positive regard?
To reduce incongruence, which leads to better self-esteem.
What is the aim of person-centred therapy?
It is designed to reduce incongruence, which boosts self-esteem.
Put simply, what is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
A series of stages to aid develop as a human.
How many levels are on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
- Name each one:
5 levels:
- Physiological needs.
- Safety and security.
- Love and belonging.
- Self-esteem.
- Self-actualisation.
What is the top level in Maslow’s triangle?
Self-actualisation; reaching your full potential, however it is different for everyone.
What is the first level in Maslow’s triangle?
Physiological needs; such as food, water, air, shelter or fire.
How does Maslow’s triangle work?
A person starts at the bottom and works their way up, they go through each stage of the triangle to develop as a human being.
Maslow’s hierarchy is based upon what sort of culture?
An individualistic culture; it is materialistic, based on personal achievement and working alone. Usually in western countrys
Maslow’s hierarchy is culturally restricted:
The hierarchy is only applicable for individualistic cultures, found mainly in western countrys such as the UK and US, individualistic cultures are based mainly on personal achievement and success while in more collectivist cultures the feature does not apply as there is more emphasis on working together and cooperating.
What are the two main cultures, and which does Maslow’s theory apply to?
Individualistic and collectivist cultures; the theory only applies to individualistic cultures as it focuses on personal development and achievement.
Which culture is typically eastern?
Collectivist cultures; they are based around family and friends being important and focus on working together rather than alone.
Which culture is typically western?
Individualistic cultures; they are materialistic and based upon personal achievement and working alone.
What feature of the approach was created by Carl Rogers?
The idea of the real and ideal self.
What real life application did Rogers real and ideal self aid the creation of?
Client centred therapy - to remove conditions of worth and remove incoherence.
If the real and ideal self are very distant, then what does Rogers say the person is likely to suffer from?
Low self-esteem and depression.
What is this statement an example of?
“I love you, but i will love you even more if you clean your room”
A condition of worth.
What does a therapist do during unconditional positive regard?
The therapist works to find the good in every situation.
The approach has a positive outlook on humans:
Humanistic psychologists have been praised for promoting a positive image of the human condition. The approach offers an optimistic view, seeing all people as inherently good.
The approach does include some unstable concepts:
Some concepts are vague and abstract such as self-actualisation and congruence. The anti-scientific approach is short on empirical evidence to support its claim.
The approach undertakes the view of holism:
The idea that subjective experiences can be understood by studying a person as a whole, this adds validity as it considers meaningful human behaviour within its real-life context.
How did Carl Rogers try to introduce more rigour into his work?
By developing a Q-sort, an objective measure of progress in therapy.