Humanism Flashcards
What is humanism?
Emphasises the unique nature of human beings and their inherent drive towards growth, self-actualisation and personal fulfilment.
What concepts do behaviourists believe in?
Free will and self actualisation
Free will
The idea we have the ability to make choices and take control over our own actions. Individuals have the power to shape their own destinies and are not bound by past experiences.
The process of realising one’s full potential and becoming the best version of oneself.
Deficiency needs
Includes basic and physiological needs, these must be satisfied to avoid feelings of discomfort or anxiety.
Physiological needs
The fundamental survival needs that must be met for the body to function properly e.g. food, water, shelter etc.
Safety needs
once physiological needs are met, people seek safety and security.
Social needs
Natural desire to form relationships and feel a sense of belonging.
self-esteem needs
Desire for self respect and respect from others.
What is congruence?
The alignment between an individual’s self-concept and their ideal self.
what is incongruence?
When there is a significant gap between the self-concept and their ideal self.
What are conditions of worth?
Conditions imposed by others that an individual must meet in order to be valued. They place limits boundaries on their love or value.
What is unconditional positive regard?
Individuals should be valued without conditions attached to their behaviour or achievement which restores congruence.