Humanism Flashcards
A nonjudgmental recognition of oneself, others, and the world.
Maslow’s term for being needs that arise out of the organism’s drive to self-actualize and fulfill its inherent potential.
client-centered therapy
A therapeutic technique developed by Rogers that focuses attention on the person seeking help.
conditional positive regard
In Rogers’s theory, positive regard that is given only under certain circumstances.
conditions of worth
In Rogers’s theory, stipulations imposed by other people indicating when an individual will be given positive regard.
In Rogers’s theory, the state of harmony that exists when a person’s symbolized experiences reflect all the actual experiences of his or her organism.
evaluative response
In Rogers’s theory, a response that places a value judgment on thoughts, feelings, wishes, or behavior.
A state of oneness with the activity and situation at hand, entailing heightened focus, productivity, and happiness.
fully functioning person
A term used by Rogers to indicate an individual who is functioning at an optimum level.
A therapist’s attitude characterized by congruence and awareness in the therapeutic relationship.
hierarchy of needs
Maslow’s theory of five basic needs ranked in order of strength: physiological, safety, belonging and love, self-esteem, and self-actualization.
In Rogers’s theory, the lack of harmony that results when a person’s symbolized experiences do not represent the actual experiences.
interpretative response
In Rogers’s theory, a response that seeks to interpret a speaker’s problem or tell how the speaker feels about it.
Maslow’s term for growth tendencies within the organism.
Maslow’s term for the reduction of tension by satisfying deficit states or lacks.
nondirective therapy
Rogers’s term for therapies whose course is primarily determined by the patient.
organismic valuing process
In Rogers’s theory, a subconscious natural phenomenon that guides an individual toward productive growth experiences.
peak experience
In Maslow’s theory, an intensified experience in which there is a loss of self or transcendence of self.
In positive psychology, five building blocks of a fulfilling life: Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.
person-centered psychotherapy
The most recent name for Rogers’s method of psychotherapy.
phenomenal field
In Rogers’s theory, the total sum of experiences an organism has.
The study of phenomena or appearances.
positive regard
In Rogers’s theory, being loved and accepted for who one is.
positive self-regard
In Rogers’s theory, viewing the self favorably and with acceptance.