Human - Superpowers Flashcards
Action/ influence of American culture + businesses spreading to other countries via media, cuisine ect.
Trading bloc: Brazil, Russia, India, China
The division between people who own businesses + make profits and those who work for them
A period of tension during1945-1990 between ideologically different superpowers US and Russia, Nuclear arms race and proxy wars
Cold War
A group of people with the authority to govern a country or state
Primary resource eg. oil or sugar
Where commodities and derivative products are bought and sold
Commodity trading
Trade between governments
Political agenda where private ownership is forbidden, products are owned by the stare to create an equal society
Imposition of sociology + ethics by one politically or economically dominant country
Cultural imperialism
Action/ influence of American culture + businesses spreading to other countries via media, cuisine etc.
Reduction/ underestimation of value of currency
Spreading of Christian gospel by public preaching
Country with rising political + economic power eg. China
Emerging power
Relating to global politics + international relations
Russian word for opening up of free trade market eg. media + products in USSR
Group of the most influential and powerful nations addressing the global economy
Form of influence by power (military), most threatening mechanisms eg. USA pressure in Antarctica, power strengthened via NATO
Hard power
Leadership/ dominance especially by one country
A set of beliefs, values + opinions held by the majority of people in a society
Russian word for political form of USSR
International monetary fund
A form of soft power eg. China over Africa
Indirect power
Injection of money from an external source into a region eg. Canary Wharf
Inward investment
North Atlantic Treaty Alliance, intergovernmental military alliance between Europe of USA
Indirect form of colonialism + control of newly independent countries eg. USA and Ghana
Moving goods or industry from public to private sector
Form of influence by cultural and ideological means eg. media (propaganda), TNC’s
Soft power
A nation with the ability to project its influence anywhere in the world + be a dominant global force eg.USA
Tax on goods when crossing international boundries
United Nations, cooperation on international law + economic development
Soviet union, superpower during the 1900s
World trade organisation, IGO deals with the global rules of trade
Unchallenged superpower that’s dominant in all aspects eg.USA 1990-2010
Naval force that can deploy into open oceans with large ships
Blue water navy
Negotiation + decision-making that takes place between nations
Determines a superpower with: economic (base), demographic, cultural, military + resources means
Pillars of superpower status
Politics that attempt to meet global + regional policy aims of a country by combining diplomacy with movement of military assets
Geo-strategic policies
A nation where their power is often based on increasing economic importance and resources eg. BRICs
Emerging superpowers
A nation where their sphere of influence tends to be continental rather than global eg. Japan + South Africa
Regional power
A world dominated by one superpower eg. British empire
Unipolar world
A world with two superpowers with opposing ideologies eg. USA + USSR
Bipolar world
A world with many complex superpowers and emerging powers competing for regional power
Multipolar world
Direct control over territories, form of hard power conquered mainly be Europe from 1600s-1900s
Process of cultural change that takes place when two different cultures interact+ transfer of dominant culture
The geographic area where a powerful country asserts its dominance eg. China over Asia
Sphere of influence
Political agenda extending a country’s power and influence through colonization eg. British empire over India
Political agenda where trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
Theory where resources flow from a “periphery” of poor and underdeveloped states to a “core” of wealthy states
Dependency theory
Model that states to develop a country, they must go through the development stages
Rostow’s model
Theory (similar to dependency theory) where there’s a three tier world: core, semi-periphery + periphery, aims to explain industrialisation in lesser countries
World systems theory
Theory that if you control the heartland (middle of Russia/ East Europe), it’s more likely to be a superpower, proven to be incorrect
Mackinder’s Heartland Theory
A measure of statistical dispersion representing wealth distribution and a measure of inequality
Gini Coefficient
IGO that finances development and makes loan, helping capatilism function
World Bank
The exchange of goods and services free of tariffs
Free trade
The value of a brand measured: by market share, loyalty + customer opinion
Brand equity
Diplomatic bans on trade between countries to force a country to negotiate without using hard power
People with discretionary income that can be spent on goods + holidays with annual income of $10,000+
Middle class
A change in diet from stable carbs to protein, dairy + fat eg. eating more processed foods
Nutrient transition
Carbs that are heavily relied on/ eaten eg. potatoes/ bread
Staple foods
Rare Earth Elements/ materials crucial to modern communication, medical + laser tech, difficult to mine
Exclusive Economic Zone, Area of ocean where nation controls forresources eg. South China Sea dispute
Intangible property of creativity eg. patents, copyrights etc.
Intellectual Property (IP)
Where countries gain influence through direct contact with each other
Direct influence
Loss of skilled workers from developing countries to boost developed-world economics
Brain drain
Cheap commodity exports from developing set against expensive manufactured imports from developed
Terms of trade