Human Resources / Personality Flashcards
How many generations are working side by side?
People are…
at the heart of what we do.
What do different values, experiences, styles, and attitudes create?
- Misunderstandings
- Frustrations
When were Traditionalists born, and how many are in that generation?
75 Million
When were Baby Boomers born, and how many are in that generation?
80 Million
When was Generation X born, and how many are in that generation?
46 Million
When was Generation Y born, and how many are in that generation?
76 Million
-Social Influences
- Great Depression
- World War II
- Social Security became mandatory.
- Industrialization
- Korean War
- Hard Work
- Loyalty
- Dedication and Sacrifice
- Respect for rules.
- Duty before pleasure.
- Believe in institutions, very patriotic.
- Happy to have a job.
- Chain of command.
- Honor
Baby Boomers
-Social Influence
- TV
- Civil Rights Movement
- Protests
- Rock and Roll
- Changing women’s rolls.
- Sexual Revolution
- Cold War
- Space Travel
- Assassinations
Baby Boomers
- Optimism: they can make the world a better place.
- Question and protest the status quo.
- Largest generation = intense competition.
- Work-a-holics
- Focus on who they are = ME Generation
- Team Orientation
- Personal Gratification
- Involvement
- Personal Growth
Baby Boomers
- ME Generation.
- Money, title, recognition.
- Want to build a stellar career.
Generation X
-Social Influences
- Man on the Moon
- Challenger Explosion
- Aids
- Video Games
- Latchkey Upbringing
- Personal Computers
- Fall of Berlin Wall
- Watergate
- Women’s Liberation
- Desert Storm
- Energy Crisis
Generation X
- Diversity
- Techno Literacy
- Fun and Informality
- Self-Reliance
- Pragmatism
- Don’t trust institutions.
- Self-Starters, prefer to work alone.
Generation X
- Possibly the most misunderstood generation.
- Need a balance between work and life - freedom.
- Flexible and motivated.
- Want to build a portable career.
Generation Y / Millennial
-Social Influences
- Internet
- Fall of Berlin Wall
- O.J. Simpson Trial
- September 11th
- School Shootings
- Oklahoma City
- Technology Explosion
- Child focused world.
- Clinton / Lewinsky
Generation Y / Millennial
- Optimistic
- Feel civic duty.
- Confident
- Achievement Orientated
- Respect for Diversity
- Protection / Safety
What are things that can be clash points between generations?
- Feedback
- Golas
- Reward
- Career Path
- Institutions
Rewards are different things to different people. How do they vary over the 4 generations?
Baby Boomers…..Money, Title, Recognition
Gen X………………Freedom!!
Gen Y………………Work that has meaning.
What is the goal in understanding the generational differences?
To foster the development of skills for Vet Techs so that they:
- Caring
- Compassion
- Know how to care for their patients.
- Know how to care for their clients.
- Know how to care for their colleagues.
- Know how to care for themselves.
What is emotional intelligence?
Recognizing your own emotions and those of others.
What does research suggesting regarding attitude?
That attitude accounts for as much as 80% of the “success” of our lives.
For better, or worse, attitudes are…..
What to attitudes directly affect?
Our actions.
What shapes those around us?
Our attitudes, and actions.
What are extroversion and introversion?
Complementary ways of being energized.
How does an extravert get their stimulation?
An extravert’s essential stimulation, way of getting energy, is from the environment, the outer world of people and things.
How does an introvert get their stimulation?
An introvert’s essential stimulation, way of getting energy, is from within, the inner world of thoughts, ideas, and reflections.
Extravert or Introvert
-Key Words
- Jumps In, Initiating……Reflective.
- Sociability…..Intense.
- Interaction…..Concentration.
- Multiplicity…..Limited Relationships.
- Thinks out loud…..Rehearse before talking.
- External…..Internal.
- Breadth…..Depth.
- Expressive…..Constraint.
Extravert or Introvert
-Preferred Work Environment
- Varied and action orientated…..Quiet and Concentrated.
- Prefers to be around others…..Prefers to be alone.
- Interests have breadth…..Interests have depth.
- Lively and Popular…..Calm and Private.
- Remain aware of the environment, allow time to verbalize agreements, then take action…..Allow time for silent reflection on solutions, conceptualize the problem, and look deeply into issues.
What are sensing and intuition?
Complementary ways of taking in information.
How does a sensing take in information?
By way of the fives senses: sight, sound, feel, taste, and smell.
How does an intuition take in information?
By way of a “sixth-sense” or hunch.
Sensing or Intuition
-Key Words
- Facts…..Possibilities, Associations.
- Present Focus…..Future Focus.
- Detail…..Overview.
- Powers of Observation…..Pattern Recognition.
- Sequential…..Random.
- Idea Tester…..Idea Generator.
- Adapting…..Innovating.
- Practicality…..Ingenuity.
- Sensible…..Imaginative.
- Perspiration…..Inspiration.
- Literal…..Figurative.
Sensing or Intuition
-Preferred Work Environment
- Prefers using learned skills…..Prefers adding new skills.
- Pays attention to details…..Full of new challenges.
- Patient with details and makes few factual errors…..Patient with complexity.
- Knows the facts, understand the plan, and work out implementation details…..See the big picture, forge into new areas, and develop new possibilities.
What are thinking and feeling?
Complimentary ways of making decisions.
How does a thinking make decisions?
On the basis of logic and objective considerations.
How does a feeling make decisions?
On the basis of personal, subjective values.
Thinking or Feeling
-Key Words
- Objective…..Subjective.
- Logic, principles…..Personal Values.
- Truthful…..Tactful, Harmony.
- Firmness…..Persuasion.
- Impersonal…..Interpersonal.
- Critique…..Appreciate.
- Analysis…..Sympathy.
- Justice…..Mercy.
- Clarity…..Harmony.
Thinking or Feeling
-Preferred Work Environment
- Brief and businesslike…..Naturally friendly.
- Impersonal…..Personal.
- Treats others fairly…..Treats others as they need to be treated.
- Detached…..Involved.
- Discuss issues logically, consider the pros and cons of various alternatives, and spot the inconsistencies in a plan…..Understand what is important to people, acknowledge the human side of decision making, and help others accept decisions.
What are judgement and perception?
How you relate to the external world.
Judgement or Perception
-Key Words
- Focus…..Options / Alternatives.
- Decided…..Gather more detail.
- Fixed…..Flexible.
- Plan…..Adapt as you go.
- Systems…..Ad hoc.
- Conclusive…..Spontaneous.
- Complete…..Open-ended.
- Wrap it up…..Something will turn up.
- Urgency…..There’s plenty of time.
- Get the show on the road…..Let’s wait and see.
Judgement and Perception
-Preferred Work Environment
- Focus on completing task…..Focus on starting tasks.
- Make decisions quickly…..Postpone decisions.
- Want only the essentials of the job…..Want to find out all about the job.