Human Resources Management Flashcards
The management of people in an organization to achieve the organization’s strategic goals
Human resources management
The knowledge, education, training, skills and expertise of the workforce
Human capital
A historical focus on productivity and base performance
Scientific management
A historical shift in thinking where the focus was more of a concern for people
Human resources movement
The first phase of HRM involved…
The third phase of HRM involved…
government creating standards and establishing minimum working conditions
The fourth phase of HRM….
is where we currently are, evolved to help organization achieve strategic objectives (more roles)
The characteristics of a profession include…
common body of knowledge, performance standards, professional association, external perception as professional, code of ethics, required training credentials, ongoing skill development
What are the external environmental factors effecting HRM?
Labour markets, environmental concerns, economic conditions, technology, globalization, and government
What are the internal environmental factors effecting HRM?
Organizational culture, organizational climate, management practices
It is the right of the __________ to modify the e’e work terms for business needs
It is the right of the _________ to be protected from harmful business practices
It is the responsibility of the __________ to balance the needs of the employer and the employee
What piece of legislation comes above all others in terms of HRM?
Canadian charter of rights and freedoms (base rights, s.15 equality)
Rank relevant HRM legislation from most important to least important
- Canadian charter of rights and freedoms
- Human rights legislation (protection from discrimination)
- Employment standards legislation
- Ordinary laws
- Collective agreement
- Employment contract
Unwelcome behaviour that demeans or humiliates or embarasses
It is the _________ responsibility to protect ________ from harassment
employer’s / employees
The two different types of sexual harassment are
annoyance and coercion
The employment equity act (federal) identifies 4 groups:
woman, aboriginals, disabled, visible minorities
The legislation that sets the minimum terms (wage, vacation, leave, termination) for employment contracts
Employment Standards act (ESA)
The three phases of selecting and implementing a HRIS
Phase 1: Adoption (determine need/analysis of company, costs, tech, etc)
Phase 2: Implementation (establish team, testing, data conversion, privacy and security)
Phase 3: Integration (training)
A group of related activities for more than one employee
Collection of tasks performed by one e’e
What are the 6 steps of the job analysis?
- Review relevant background information (org chart, org structure)
- Select jobs to be analyzed
- Collect data on job activities (interviews)
- Verify/modify data if required (validity and reliability)
- Write job descriptions and specifications
- Communicate and update info as needed
Statement of duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships and working conditions
Job description
Statement of requisite KSAOs
Job specifications
Human resources planning forecasts future HR requirements to ensure the organization will have ____________________________
The required number of e’e with appropriate skills
What are some internal ways to forecast supply?
Skills inventories & management inventories, replacement charts, succession planning, Markov analysis
A method of forecasting internal labour supply that involves tracking the pattern of employee movements through various jobs and developing a transitional probability matrix.
Markov analysis
The process of ensuring a suitable supply of successors for current and future senior or key jobs so that the careers of individuals can be effectively planned and managed.
Succession planning
Visual representations of who will replace whom in the event of a job opening. Likely internal candidates are listed, along with their age, present performance rating, and promotability status.
Replacement charts
What are some external ways to forecast supply?
Assess economic conditions, labour market conditions, and occupational market conditions
What are the steps in the human resources planning process?
Forecasting availability (supply)
Forecasting future HR needs (demand)
Gap analysis
Solution analysis
What are the ways to forecast demand?
Trend analysis, ratio analysis, scatter plot, regression analysis, nominal group technique, Delphi technique
What is trend analysis?
Future needs predicted based on past employment trends
What is ratio analysis?
A forecasting technique for determining future staff needs by using ratios between some causal factor (such as sales volume) and the number of employees needed
What is scatter plot?
A graphical method used to help identify the relationship between two variables.
Regression analysis is…
A statistical technique involving the use of a mathematical formula to project future demands based on an established relationship between an organization’s employment level (dependent variable) and some measurable factor of output (independent variable).
Nominal group technique is….
A decision-making technique that involves a group of experts meeting face to face. Steps include independent idea generation, clarification and open discussion, and private assessment.
Delphi technique is….
A judgmental forecasting method used to arrive at a group decision, typically involving outside experts as well as organizational employees. Ideas are exchanged without face-to-face interaction and feedback is provided and used to fine-tune independent judgments until a consensus is reached.
What are some ways to deal with a labour surplus? (Too many e’e, too little work)
Hiring freeze, early retirement buyout, leaves of absence, job/work sharing, reduced workweek, layoff, termination
The procedure for determining the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of each job, and the human attributes (in terms of knowledge, skills, and abilities) required to perform it.
Job analysis
The formal relationships among jobs in an organization.
Organizational structure
A questionnaire used to collect quantifiable data concerning the duties and responsibilities of various jobs. One of the most popular pre-developed.
PAQ (position analysis questionnaire)
A quantitative method for classifying jobs based on types and amounts of responsibility for data, people, and things. Performance standards and training requirements are also identified.
Functional job analysis (FJA)
A reference tool for writing job descriptions and job specifications. Compiled by the federal government, it contains comprehensive, standardized descriptions of about 40 000 occupations and the requirements for each
NOC National Occupational Classification
_________ increases retention, includes health and safety info, a tour, policies, and paperwork
Orientation provides ________ which makes new e’e more productive
Three types of training and learning
auditory, visual, kinesthetic
Become aware of KSAOs, create goals and action plans
Career planning
Lifelong activities, not always paid, contributes to career exploration, establishment, success
Career development
Realistic, investigation, social, conventional, enterprising, artistic are all examples of
occupational orientation
Technical/functional, managerial competence, creativity, autonomy/independence, security, service/dedication, pure challenge, lifestyle are all examples of
Career anchors
Career development for _______ involves knowing goals, acquiring skills, taking responsibility, networking is key
Career development for _______ involves feedback, developmental assignments, advise and counsel
Career development for _______ involves training and development, career information, career options
5 steps of performance management
- define performance expectations (in orientation)
- provide ongoing feedback and coaching
- performance appraisal and evaluation discussion
- reward/bonus or consequences
- career development - be honest if they’re going anywhere in the organization
MBO (Management by objective)
set organizational goals, set departmental goals, discuss goals, define expected results, performance reviews, provide feedback
3 types of formal appraisal discussions
satisfactory-promotable, satisfactory-non promotable, unsatisfactory-correctable
Benefits are an example of a ______ pay
Total rewards includes:
compensation, benefits, work-life balance, performance recognition, development and career opportunities
You can establish pay rates by
job evaluation, wage/salary survey, combine to determine pay
Government mandated benefits include:
EI, termination pay, leave of absence, CPP, worker’s comp, vacation and holidays, paid breaks
Employee benefits include
life insurance, retirement plan, health benefits
Voluntary e’e separation is called
Involuntary e’e separation is called
Dismissal or layoff
Functional termination is
when you’re happy the person is gone (bad performer)
Dysfunctional termination is
When you lose a person you didn’t want to lose
Some alternatives to layoffs
Pay reduction, vacation time, work-sharing, contingent workers
Distributive organizational justice is
same behaviour, same outcome
procedural organizational justice is
interactional organizational justice
maintains dignity / respect
Reasonable notice is
required if just cause not provided, 3-4 weeks per year of service, capped at 24
wrongful dismissal
doesn’t comply with law or employment contract
constructive dismissal
where they have changed the job in such a way that you are effectively terminated
The recognized association of e’e, collective voice dealing with management
labour union
formal agreement regarding terms and conditions of employment
collective bargaining agreement
bargaining unit
group of e’e recognized for collective bargaining purposes
3 types of unions
type of worker, geographical scope, labour congress affiliation
Labour relations process
- decision to seek collective representation
- union organizing campaign begins
- if support union receives recognition
- union and management negotiate
- day to day contract administration
Union organizing campaign
- e’e/union contact
- initial organization meeting
- form committe
- organize campaign
- outcome
Employer rights when union is organizing
express views on union, prohibit unions activities on company property/time, increase wages in normal cause of business
Major sources of disagreement
seniority, discipline, grievance