Human Resources Flashcards
Vrooms Expectancy Theory of Motivation
This theory states that the level of effort people will put into a behavior or task depends on three factors. The first is the extent to which the person believes a certain behavior is possible. The second is if the behavior will result in a specific outcome for the individual. Lastly, is the value the individual places on that specific outcome. . Expectancy theory is based on the perception of the individual and what they believe to be true.
Performance Appraisal
A process in which employers evaluate the job performance of employees based on uniform pre established criteria.” Performance appraisals are usually linked with merit pay
Merit Pay
. Merit pay is a system where pay increases are directly tied to performance
Extrinsic Incentive
Material and psychological incentives that are external to the job. These can include pay, promotions, and commendations.
Quid Pro Quo
. Quid pro quo is a Latin term meaning “something for something” and is defined as, “Something given as compensation for something received. Human resources practices and policies guide employees in what they perceive as desirable skills, expectations, and values that are rewarded, this can be seen as a psychological contract. If organizations provide training and place a great deal of value on talent management employees will perceive this as behavior that is rewarded and valued and will in turn work harder to obtain extra training and education.
Job Design
The way the duties of a job are designed to fill responsibilities in an organization.
Strategic Work Force Planning
With strategic workforce planning, it involves all levels of the organization
coming together to evaluate the current problems and issues that are present. It starts
with facing the ongoing issues and identifying that the mixture of staff would have to
change. By detecting the needs of personnel, it will help to achieve the necessary
organizational goals for the organization
Total Quality Management
The whole point of total quality management approach by management is to change the
organizational systems in order to improve the quality of the organization instead of
changing the individuals. TQM’s holistic approach to management seeks to change
organizational systems to improve quality, rather than changing individuals.