Human Resource Management (Part 2) Flashcards
The “Brand” of The Employer
● Persona or culture of the employer ○ Vision / Mission / Values / Strategy of the employer in the marketplace ● Establish the company as the “employer of choice” ○ Prestige ○ Compensation ○ Values ● Creates a market driver for candidates ○ They come to you
Job Analysis and Description
Job Analysis
● Verify the position is needed (job analysis)
Job Description
● Description of main tasks
● Define responsibilities / accountabilities
● Define standards (expectations)
● Know the knowledge, skills you are looking for
● Assist in marketing to opportunity to obtain candidates
Seeking Candidates
● Outcome: Create a “candidate pool” of individuals
○ People who apply for the position / job
○ Not too many people that it is too difficult to manage the process
■ Geographic targeting
■ Characteristic specific (e.g. skills, training, etc.)
● May need to adapt strategy based on availability of candidates
Seeking Candidates - Internal Candidates
● Seeking candidates who already work for the organization (similar or different
○ Union implications (?)
● Promotion opportunity
● History of the candidate is known (especially if in a similar position)
● Candidate knowns the culture of the employer
● Shorter recruitment timelines
○ Union implications (?)
● Lower costs for marketing
● Concern: Can the candidate be successful in the new role?
Seeking Candidates - Third Party Recruiter
Recruitment agency
○ Pre-existing database of potential candidates
○ Recruit for other companies (competition)
○ Advertisement program
○ Temporary staffing (some positions)
● Executive search agencies
○ Approach candidates who are currently employed
Seeking Candidates - Advertising
● Create your ad (depends on the medium used)
○ Attention grabbing (competing with multiple job postings)
○ Create interest in your position (the job, the role, the duties, the organization, the
compensation, the location, etc.)
○ Qualified applicants will want to apply (and those not qualified will not)
● Focus on positive aspects of the position (but realistic)
● If imagery is used, it must be representative of the organization
● Salary information is preferred by candidates seeking positions (do your
● How to apply (and what you want the applicant to provide)
○ Application form, cover letter, resume/CV
Seeking Candidates - Advertising
other methids
● Word of mouth ○ Employees ○ Networking ● Physical posting at the organization ● Schools - advertising and job fairs ○ Universities ○ Colleges ○ High schools ● Local newspapers / Large newspapers ● Company website ● Internet job sites (Indeed / Workopolis / Wowjobs / Glassdoor / Eluta)
Professional Associations (e.g. RxA, APSA)
● Social media (e.g. LinkedIn / Facebook)
● Canada Job Bank
● Qualified ● Possibly qualified ● Not qualified ● Link back to your job description / requirements ○ Education / training ○ Licensure / registration ○ Experience ○ Skills
Other Criteria
● Location (is relocation required)
● Errors in the application / cover letter / resume / CV
● Is the information provided specific to the organization / position being advertised?
● Stable employment history?
● Gaps in employment?
● Employment history related to the position you are seeking to hire?
screening - selection testing
● Interview a manageable number of candidates (3 to 6?)
● Interview candidates that you think you might hire
● Be cautious of bias / discrimination
○ Objective scoring system
○ Multiple screeners
● Use of technology - screening question / answer
○ Telephone / web based
● Selection testing
○ Ability
○ Aptitude
○ Personality
Interview - Best Practices
● Recognize bias - from the interviewer(s)
● Consistent interviewer(s)
○ Multiple interviewers is considered a better approach
● Schedule appointments
● Comfortable / private area for the interview
● Consistent question set
○ Aids in decision making process
○ Keep notes
● Open ended questions
○ Candidate needs to be the one talking
Interview - Best Practices
● Introductions
● Review of the interview process
● Review of the position
● Helps the candidate relax
Questions - (Samples from
● Experience / training related to the job’s requirements ● Conflict management ● Time management ● Customer service ● Etc.
Interview - Best Practices
● Assess candidate’s interest in the position
● Provide opportunity for questions from candidate
● Obtain permission (ideally signed consent) for reference checks
● Advise candidate of next steps in your process
○ Confirm how they prefer to be communicated with for next steps
Ideally, you should have your top 2 or 3 candidates selected at the end of the
interview process
Reference Checks
● Typically a telephone interview ● Structured question set ● Some employers will not allow / provide references (policy based on potential liability) ● Keep notes
Making The Decision
● Hire for “fit”
○ Be cautious of bias in the decision making process
● Train for performance
○ Required skills / training / credentials must be in place (if applicable)
● Most pharmacy decision makers rate “character” attributes higher than “academic” attributes
○ Communication
○ Coming to work prepared
○ Manages temper when under stress
○ Active listener
○ Completes work as promised
○ Follows direction / policy
● Timely offer to your “first choice”
○ Telephone
○ Email (be cautious of the email address - privacy)
● Written confirmation of the offer
○ Title
○ Start date
○ Compensation
■ Wage / benefits / bonus / overtime / holidays / etc.
○ Typically ask for candidate to sign acceptance of the offer
○ Formal employment contract / collective bargaining agreement details / etc. (if applicable)
How much to offer? ● Collective Bargaining Agreement ○ Defined salary scale ● Internal salary guidance (defined salary scale) ● Internal information ○ What are other employees in your organization who are in the same role making? ○ How does this individual compare to existing staff (experience / role / etc)? ● External information / resources ○ Ex.) ALIS ● Negotiation ○ If applicable ● Employment contract (?)
Unsuccessful Candidates
● Typically informed AFTER primary candidate has accepted
● Internal candidates that are unsuccessful should obtain feedback as to why
they were not chosen
● Manage this process tactfully…
● Source of potential candidates for future positions
Orientation and Training (New Hires)
● Orientation to the workplace
○ Immediate supervisor available
○ Introductions (dependent on the size of the organization) - focused on individuals that the new
worker will be engaged with more frequently
● Orientation should initially be focused on job description / roles
○ Standardized and Customized Checklist (Standard operating procedures / Policy and
○ Buddy system (values / culture)
● Employee Handbook / Manual (provide or provide access)
● Post orientation evaluation from new employee
Orientation and Training (New Hires)
best practices
Workplace basics - health and safety, security, confidentiality, telephone
etiquette, hours of operation, breaks, etc.
● Operational processes - computer systems (dispensary, POS, IT policy, cash
handling, returns, complaint management, etc.)
● Best practices:
○ Do not overwhelm new employees
○ Structured approach to training with opportunity to “refresh”
○ Pharmacy personnel - Pharmacy Licensee must have adequate training / assessment process
for new staff orientation