Human resource management (10) Flashcards
In summary, the following are covered in this topic:
1. Human resource management includes both human resources planning and human
resource activities.
2. To plan human resources needed effectively, planners must understand current employee
needs and predict future employee needs.
3. Understanding current employee needs involves conducting a job analysis to determine the
basic elements of a job, and to create a job description and job specification thereafter.
Predicting future employee needs involves acquiring knowledge about the staffing an
organisation might need and the probable sources for that staffing.
4. The human resources activities include recruitment and selection; compensation;
orientation, training and development; performance appraisal; promotions, transfers,
disciplining and dismissals.
5. Tripartism refers to the collaboration among unions, employers and the government. It
provides guidelines on good employment practices and wages.
6. Tripartism helps to manage conflict of objectives between management and workforce.
7. The tripartite partners are Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the National Trades Union
Congress (NTUC) and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF).
8. The key tripartite issues are job redesign, retirement age, training and upgrading of the
workforce, promotion of fair employment practices and wage systems.
9. Employers and management should abide by labour laws and adopt the Tripartite
Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices.
10. In making human resource decisions, the tripartite issues must be taken into account.
Manpower policies and the influence of trade unions must also be given due consideration.