Human Physiology: Blood System Flashcards
Define systole
Define dystole
Define double and closed circulatory system
Name the vessel
- Brain to heart, heart to brain
- Kidney to heart, heart to Kidney
- Liver to heart, and back
- Leg to heart, and back
- Stomach to liver
- Arms to heart, and back
- Stomach to heart, and back
Explain the structural Adaptations of arteries to its function
Have thick walls - to withstand the high pressure from the heart
Have narrow lumen-to maintain high blood pressure
Carry blood under high pressure
Elastic and muscular inner wall- to help maintain a pulse flow
Characteristics of veins
Wide lumen
Thin walls
Presence of valves - prevent the back flow of blood
Explain the Structural Adaptations of the heart to its function
Has myogenic muscles
Divided into two by antrio ventricular septum, to prevent mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
The cardiac has numerous mitochondria which generate energy that enable the heart to contract and relax without fatigue
Has specialised cell muscles that spontaneously initiate and maintain contraction of the heart
Explain vasoconstriction
Explain vasodilation
Characteristics of capillaries
Capillaries provide the exchange surface in the tissues of the body through capillary beds
Walls made of a single layer of endothelial cells ,reducing the diffusion distance for O and CO2 btn the blood and the tissue of the body.
pores btn endothelium cells which allow blood plasma to leak out and form tissue fluid.
Extremely narrow lumen that forces blood to flow slowly, providing more opportunity for diffusion to occur
Capillary beds(branches) increase the SA for diffusion of substances to and from cells , being so close to the cells also reduces the diffusion distance.
Define sinoatrial node (SAN)?
Describe how SAN intiates heartbeat?
Depolarisation of the cells in San sends an electrical signal over the atria, causing then to contract in atrial systole
This impulse stimulates antrioventrucular node
Avn sends signals down the septum via the bundle of his
The bundle of his innervates purkinje fibres in the ventricular wall, causing ventricular contraction.
Low blood pressure, low oxygen concentration, and low pH suggests that?
that the heart rate needs to speed up, to increase the flow rate of blood to tissues , deliver more oxygen and remove more co2
High blood pressure, high oxygen concentration and high pH suggests that?
High blood pressure, high oxygen concentration and high pH are all indicators that the heart rate may need to slow down.
Function of Hormone Epinephrine/adrenaline
Hormone Epinephrine/adrenaline increase the heart rate to prepare for vigorous physical activity. Boosts the delivery of oxygen and glucose to brain and muscles.
How does coronary occlusion/ atherosclerosis occur
Atheromas (fatty acids) develop in arteries reducing the diameter of the lumen
The restricted blood flow increases pressure in artery, damaging the arterial wall
As the lining is progressively degraded,plaques form
If the plaque raptures, blood clotting is triggered,forming a thrombus that restricts a blood flow.
If the thrombus is dislodged it becomes an embolus and can cause a blockage