Human Growth And Development Flashcards
Frued’s stages are psychosexual while Erik Erikson’s stages are A. Psychometric B. Psychodiagnostic C. Psychopharmacological D. Psychosocial
D. Psychosocial
In Freud’s psychodynamic theory instincts are emphasized. Erik Eriksonis an ego paychologist. Ego psychologists
A. Emphasize id processes
B. Refute the concept of the super ego
C. Believe in man’s power of reasoning to controm behaviors
D. Are sometimes known as radical behaviorists
C. Believe in man’s power of reasoning to control behaviors
- psychodynamic theorists focus on unconscious processes rather than cognotive factors when counseling clients t
The only psychoanalyst who created a developmental theory which encompasses the entire life span was
A. Erik Erikson
B. Milton H. Erikson
C. A.A. Brill
D. Jean piaget, who created the four stage theory
A. Eric Erikson ( eight stages)
The statement “the ego is dependent of rhe id” would most liekly reflecy the work of
A. Erik Erikson
B. Sigmund Freud, who created paychodynamic theory
C. Jay Haley
D. Arnold Lazarus, William Perry, and Robert Kegan
B. Sigmund Freud
Jean piaget created his idiographic approach theory woth four stages. The correct order from stage 1 to stage 4 is
A. Formal operations, concreate operations, periperations, sensorimotor
B. Formal operations, preoperations, concrete operations, sensorimotor
C. Sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations
D. Concrete operations, sensorimotor, preoperations, formal operations
C. Sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations
Piaget was adamant that the ordee of the stages remains the same for any culture , although the age of the individual could vary
Some behavioral scientists have been critical of Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget’s developmental research inasmuch as
A. He utilized the t test too frequently
B. He failed to check for Type I or alpha errors
C. He worked primarily woth minority children
D. His findings were often dervived from observing his own children
D, his findings were often derived from observing his own children
A tall skinny pitcher of water is emptied i to a small squatty pitcher. A child indicates that she feels the small pitcher has less water. The child has not yet mastered A. Symbolic schema B. Conservation C. Androgynous psychosocial issues D. Trust versus mistrust
B. Conservation
- which refers to the notion that a substance’s weight, mass, and volume remaij the same even if it changes shape
In Piagetiam literature, conservation would most likely refer to A. Volume or mass B. Defenses of the ego C. The sensorimotor intelligence stage D. A specific psychosexual stage of life
A. Volume or mass
A child masters conservation in the Piagetian stage known as
A. Formal operations- 12 years and older
B. Concrete operations- 7-11 years
C. Preoperations- 2-7 years
D. Sensorimotor intelligence-birth -2 years
B. Concrete operations- ages 7-11 years
Concrete and conservation
\_\_\_\_expanded on Piaget’s conceptualization of koral development A. Erik Erikson B. Lev Vygotsky C. Lawrence Kohlberg D. John B. Wilson
C. Lawrence Kohlberg
- Kohlberg’s, Erikson’s and Maslow’s theories are said to be epigenetic in nature
- epigenetic states that each stage emerges from the one before it
According to Jean Piaget, a child masters the concept of reversibility in the third staye, known as conconrete operations or operational thought. This notion suggests
A. That heavier objects are more difficult for a child to lift
B. The child is ambidextrous
C. The child is more cognizant for mass than weight
D. One can undo an action, hence an object can return to its initial shape ( ex a glass of water)
D. This is reversibility
During a thunderstorm , a six year old child in Piaget’s stage of preoperational thought ( stage two) says, “The rain is following me.” This is an example of A. Egocentrism B. Conservation C. Centration D. Abstract thought
A. Egocentrism
- conveys the fact thay the child cannot view the world from the vantage point of someone esle
Lawrence Kohlberg suggested A. A single level or morality B. Two levels of morality C. Three levels of morality D. Preoperational thought as a basis for morality
C. Three levels of morality
- the preconventional, conventional, and postconventional
The Heinz dilemma is to Kohlberg’s theory as
A. A brick is to a house
B. Freud is to Jung
C. The Menniger Clinic is to biofeedback
D. A typing test is to the level of typing skill masteres
D. A typing test is to thw level of typing skills mastered
- the Heinz dilemma is one method used by Kohlberg to assess the level and stage of moral development in an individual
The term identity crisis comes from the work of the
A. The counselors who stress RS involvement issues with clients
B. Erikson
C. Adler
D. Jung
B. Erikson felt that in an attempt to find out who they really are, adolescents will experiment with various roles
Kohlberg’s three levels or morality are
Preconventional, conventional postconventional
Trust versus mistrust is
A. An Alderian notion of morality
B. Erikson’s first stage of psychosocial development
C. Essentially equivalent to Piaget’s concept of egocentrism
D. The basis of morality according to Kohlberg
B. The first of Erikson’s 8 stages
A person who has successfully mastered Erikson’s first seven stages would be ready to enter Erikson’s final or eighth stage, A. Generativiry versus stagnation B. Initiative versus guilt C. Identity crisis of the later years D. Integrity versus despair
D. Integrity versus despair
In kihlbeeg’s first or preconventional level, the individual’s moral behavior is guided by A. Psychosexual urges B. Consequences C. Periodic fugue states D. Counterconditioning
B. Consequences
- also called premoral- a treat or removal of a favorite tot is more important than societal expectations and the law
Kohlberg’s second level or morality is known as conventional morality. This level is characterized by
A. Psychosexual urges
B. A desire to live up to society’s expectations
C. A desire to conform
D. B and C
D. At the conventional level the individual wishes to conform to the roles in society so that authority and social order can orevail
Kohlberg’s higest level of morality is termed postconcentional moraltiy. Here the individual
A. Must truly contend with paychosexual urges
B. Has the so called “good boy/good girl” orientation
C. Has self-imposed morals and ethics
D. A and B
C. Has self-imposed morals and ethics
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, level 3, which is postconventional or self-accepted moral principles
A. Refers to the naive hedonism stage
B. Operates on the premise that rewards guide morals
C. A and B
D. Is the highest level of morality. However, some people never reach this level
D is the highest level of morality
The zone of proximal development A. Was pioneered by Lev Lygotsy B. Was pioneered by Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg C. Emphasized prgan inferiority D. A, B, and C
A. Was pioneered by Lev Lygotsy
- deacribes the difference between the child’s performance witbout a teacher versus that which he or she is capable of with an instructor
Freud and Erikson
A. Could be classified as behaviorists
B. Could be classified as maturationists
C. Agreed that development stages are psychosexual
D. Were prime movers in the dialectical behavior therapy or DBT movement
B. Could be classified as maturationist
- maturation theory suggests that behavior is guided exclusively via hereditary factors, but that certain behaviora will not manifest themselves until the necessary stimuli are present in the environment
John Bowlby,the British psychoatrist, is most closely associated with
A. The work of paychologist and pediatrician, Arnold Gesell, the maturationist
B. Developmental stage theories
C. Bonding and attachment
D. The unconscious mind
C. Bounding and attachment
In which Erikson stage does the miife crisis occur?
A. Generativity versus stagnation
B. Integrity versus despair
C. A and B
D. Erikson’s stages do not address midlife issues
A. Generativity versus stagnation we
The researcher who is well known for his work with mayernal deprivation and isolation in rhesus monkey is A. Harry Harlow B. John Bowlby C. Lawrence Kohlberg D. All of the above
A. Harry Harlow
- believed that attachment was an innate tendency and not one which is learned
- monkeys placed in isolation developed autistic abnormal behavior
The statement “Males are bwtter than females when performing mathematical calculations” is
A. False
B. True due to genertics
C. True only in middle aged men
D. True according to reareach by Eleanor Maccoby and Carol Jacklin
D. Maccoby and Jacklin found very few differences thay could be attributed to genetics and biological factors
The Eriksonian stage that focuses heavily on sharing your life with another person is
A. Actually the major theme in all of Erikson’s wight atages
B. Generativity versus stagnation- ages 35-60 years
C. Intimacy versus isolation- ages 23- 34 years
D. A critical factos which Erikson fails to mention
C. Intimacy versus isolation
We often refer to individuals as conformists. Which of these insividuals would most likely conform to his or her peers?
A. A 19 year old male college student
B. A 23 year old male drummer in a rock band
C. A 57 year old female stockbroker
D. A 13 year old male middle school student
D. 13 year old as conformity seems to peak in the early teens
In Harry Harlow’s experiments with baby monkeys
A. A wire surrogate was favored by most young monkeys over a terry cloth version
B. The baby money was more likely to cling to a terry cloth surrogate mother than a wire surrogate mother
C. Female monkeys had a tendency to drink large quantities of alcohol
D. Male monkeys had a tendency to drink large quantities of alcohol
B. The baby moneys where more likely to cling to the terry cloth surrogate mother
Freud postulated the psychosexual stages
A. Id, ego, and super ego
B. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
C. Eros, thanatos, regression, and super ego
D. Manifest, latent, oral, and phallic
B. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
In adolescence
A. Females comit suicide more than makes
B. Suicide is a concern but statistically is very rare
C. The terns who talk about suicide are not serious
D. Males commit suicide more often than females, but females atempt suicide more often
D males commit suicide more often than females, but females atempt suicide more often
In the general US population
A. The suicide rate is 2/100,000
B. Suicide occurs at the beginning of a depressive episode, but rarely after the depression lifts
C. Suicide rates tend to increase with age
D. Suicide occurs at the befinning of a depressive episode, but rarely afyer the depression lifts, and auicide rates tend to increase with age
C. Suicide rates tend to increase with age
The fear of death
A. Is greatest during middle age
B. Is an almost exclusively male phenomenom
C. Is the number one psychiatric problem in the geeiatric population
D. Suprisingly enough occurs in the teen years
A. Is greatest during middle age
In Freudian theory, attachment is a major factor
A. In the preconscious mind
B. In the mind of the child in latency
C. Which evolves primarliy during the oral stage
D. A and B
C. Which evolves primarily during the oral stage
When comparing girls to boys, it could be noted that, in general
A. Girls grow up to smile more
B. Girls are using more feeling words bu age two
C. Girls are better able to read people without verbal cues at any age
D. All of the above
The Freudian developmental stage which “least” emphasizes sexuality is A. Oral B. Anal C. Phallic D. Latency
D. Latency
- refers to the hidden meaning of dreams.
- sexual interests ate replaced bu cosial interests eg sports, learning, and hobbies
In terms of parenting young children A. Boys are punished more than girls B. Girls are punished more than boys C. Bous and girls are treated in similar fashion D. Boys show more enpathy toward others
A. Boys are punished more than girls
Stanley Coopersmith found thay child rearinf methods seem to have a tremendous inpact of self esteem
When developmental theroirta speak of nature or nurture they really mean
A. How much heredity or environment interact to i fluence development
B. That the focus is skewed in favor of biological attributes
C. A and B
D. A theory proposed by B.F. Skinner’s colleagues
A. How much heredity or environmental interact to influence development
Stage theorists assumr
A. Qualitative changes between stages occur
B. Differences surely exist but usually cant be measured
C. That humanistic psychology is the only model which truely supports the atage viewpoint
D. B and C
A. Qualitative changes between stages occur
A. Begins at birth
B. Befins during the first trimester of pregnancy
C. Is a continuuing process which begins at conception
D. A and C
C. Is a continuuing process which begins at conception
Development is cephalocaudal, which means
A. Foot to head
B. Head to foot
C. Limbs receive the highest level of nourishment
D. B and C
B. Head to foot
Cephalocaudal sinlly refers to bodily proportions between the head and tail
Heredity is the transmission of traits from parents to their offspring and
A. Assumes the normal person has 23 pairs of chromosomes
B. Assumes that heredity characteristics are transmitted by chromosomes
C. Assumes that genes composed pf DNA hold a genetic code
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Heritability- is the portion of a trait that can be explained via genetic factors
Piaget’s final stage is known as the formal operational stage. In this stage
A. Abstract thinking emerges
B. Problems can be solved using desuction
C. A and B
D. The child has mastered abstract thinking but still feels helpless
C. A and B
- Piaget felt a large number of individuals never really reach this stage
Kohlberg lists \_\_\_\_stages of moral development which fall into \_\_\_\_\_ levels A. 6;3 B. 6;6 C. 3;6 D. 3;3
A. 6;3
-naive hesonism orientation ( also called intrumental or egotisitcal orientation)
-good boy/girl orientation
- authority, law, and order orientation
- democratically acceptes law or social contact
- principles of self-conscience and unoversal ethics
A person who lives by his or her individual conscience and universal ethical principles
A. Has according to Kohlberg, reached the highest level of moral development
B. Is in the preconve tional atage
C. Is in the postconventional level of aelf accwpted moral princples
D. A and C
D. A and C
Freud’s Ordipus conolex ( or Oedipus stage)
A. Is the stage in which fantacies of sexual reations with the opposite sex parent occur
B. Occurs during the phallic stage
C. A and B
D. Is a concept Freid unltimately eliminated from his theory
C. A and B
- is the most controversial part of Freud’s theory and choices
In girls the Oedipus conplex may be referred to as A. Systematic desensitization B. Covert desensitization C. In vivi desensitization D. The Electra complex
D. The Electra complex
The correct order of the Freudian paychosexual or libidinal stages is:
A. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
B. Oral, anal, genital, phallic, and latency
C. Oral, phallic, latency, genital, and anal
D. Phallic, genital, latency, oral, and anal
A. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
Elenor Gibson researched the matter if depth perception in children by utilizing A. Piaget’s concepts of conservation B. Erikson’s trust versus mistrust C. Piaget’s formal operations D. An apparatus known as visual cliff
D. The visual cliff is a device which utilizes a glass sheet which simulates a drop off
Theorist who believe that development merely consists of qualitative changes ate referred to as A. Organismic theorists B. Statistical developmentalists C. Empiricists D. All of the above
C. Empiricism grew out of the philosophy of John Lovke in the 1600s ( sometimes referred to as associationism)
- according to this theory, scientists can learn only from an objective facts
An empiricists view of development would be
A. Psychometric
B. Behavioristic
C. Against the use of formal statistical testing
D. A and C
B. Behavioristic
In the famous experiment by Harry Harlow, frightened monkeys rasied via cloth and wire mothers
A. Showed marked boarderline personality traits
B. Suprisingly enough became quite friendly
C. Demonstrated a distinct lack of emotion
D. Ran over and clung to the cloth and wire surrogate mothers
D. Ran over to the surrogates
A theorist who views development changes as quantitative is said to be an empiricist. The antithesis of this position holds that developmental strides are wualitative. What is the name given to this position? A. Behaviorism B. Organicism C. Statistical development D. All of the above
B. Organicism
- a term thag has been used to describe gestalk paychologists, such as Kirt Goldstein, who emphasized a holistic model
In Piaget’s developmental theory, refleces play the greatest role in the A. Sensorimotor stage B. Formal operational stage C. Preoperational stage D. Acquisition of conservation
A. Sensorimotor stage
A mother hides a tou behind her back and i young child does bot vieve the toy exists anymore. The child has not mastered A. Object permanence B. Reflexive responce C. Representational thought D. A and C
D. A and C
- a child who has not yet mastered object permanence is atill a victim of “out of sight out if mind”.
The a schema of permanency and consistency of objects occurs in the
A. Sensorimotor stage ( birth to 2 )
B. Preoperational stage ( 2 to 7)
C. Concrete operational stage ( 7 to 12)
D. Formal iperational stager ( 12 and up)
A. Sensorimotor stage ( birth to 2)
John Bowlby has asserted that
A. Attachment is both instinctual
B. Attachment is best explained via the Skinnerian principle
C. A and B
D. Consuct disorders and other forms of psychopathology can reault from inadequate attachment and bonding in early childhood
D. Bowlby, a British psychoanalyst, felt that mothers should be the primary caretakers, while the father’s role is to support the mother emotionally rather than nurturing the child himself
The Harlow experments utilizing monkeys demonstrated that animals placed in isolation dueing the first few months of life
A. Still developed in a normal fashion
B. Still related very well with animalled reared normally
C. Appeared to be autisitc
D. Were fixated in concrete operational thought patterns
C. Appeared to be autistic
According to the Freudians, if a child is sevwrly traumatized, he or she may \_\_\_\_ a given psychosexual stage A. Skip B. Become fixed at C. Ignore D. A and C
B. Become fixated at
Fixation inokies that the individual is unable to go from one developmental stage to the next ( becoming fixed where he or she feels safe)
An expert who has reviewed the literature on videos and violence would conclude that
A. Watching violence tends to make children more aggressive
B. Watching violence tends to make children less aggressive
C. Reality tv shows or videos have no impact on a child’s behavior
D, what adults see as violent, children perceive as caring
A. Watching violence tends to make children more aggressive
A counselor who untilizes the term instinctual tech ically means
A. Behavior results from unconscious aggression
B. Women will show the behavior to a higher degree than me
C. A and B
D. Behavior that manifests itself in all normal members of a given species
D. Instinct are species soecific innate behaviors that do not need to be practiced or learned. Instincts are not learned behavioral reaponses
The word ethology, which is often associated with the work of Konrad Lorenz, refers to
A. Piaget’s famous case study methodology
B. The study of animals’ behavior in their natural environment
C. Studies on monkeys raised in Skinnerian air cribs
D. All of the above
B. The atudy of animals’ behavior in their natural environment
A child who focuses exclusively on a clown’s red nose but ignores the clown’s other features would be illustrating the Piagetian concept of A. Egocentrism B. Centration C. Formal abstract reasoning D. Deductive processes
B. Centration ovcurs in the preoperational stagr and is characterized by focusing on a key feature of a given object or situation while not noticing the rest of it
Piaget felt
A. That homework depresses the elementary child’s IQ
B. Atrongly that the inplementation of Glasser’s concepts in Schools Without Failure should be make mandatory in all elementary settings
C. That teachers should lecture a minimum of four gours daily
D. That teachers should lecture less, as children in concrete operations learn best via their own actions and experimentation
D. That teachers should lecture less, as children in concrete operations learn best via their own actions experimentation
Piaget’s preoperational stagr
A. Is the final stage, wich includes abstract reasoning
B. Includes masterijg conservation
C. Includes the acquisition of a sumbolic schema
D. All of the above
C: symbolic mental processes allow language and sumbolism in play to occur
Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson agreed that
A. Each developmental stage needed tk be resolved before an i dividual can move on to the nextvstage
B. Developmental stagrs ate primarily psychosexual
C. Developmental stages are orimarily psychosocial
D. A person can proceed to a higher staye even if a lower stage is unresolved
A. Each developmental stage needed to be reaolved before an individual can move on the the next stage
The tendancy for adult femlars in the US to wear high heels is best explained by
A. The principles of negative reinforcement
B. Sex-role socialization
C. Lorenz’s atudies on imprinting
D. Ethological data
B. Sex-role socialization
The sequence of onject loss, which goes from protest to despair to detachment, best describes yhe work of A. Freud B. Alder on burth order C. Erikson D. Bowlby
D. Bowlby
- in psychoanalysis the term object describes the targey of one’s love
- Bowlby felt that if the child was unable to bind with an adult by age 3 he or she would be incapable of having normal social relationships as an adult
A counsemor who is seeing a 15 year old boy who is not doing well in public speaking class would beed to keep in mind that
A. In general, boys lossess better verbal skills than girls
B. In general, girls possess better verbal skills than boys
C. In general, bous have better visual- perception skills and are more actuve and aggressive than girls
D. B and C
D. According to the reaseatch of Eleanor Maccoby and Carol Jacklin
Two brothers begin screaming at each other during a family counseling session. The terms that best describes the phenomenon is A. The primal scene B. preconscious psychic processes C. Sibling rivalry D. BASIC- ID
C. Sibling rivalry
A preschool child’s concept of causality is said to be animalistic. This means the child attributrs human characteristics yo inanimate objects. This, the child may fantasize that an automobile or a rock is talking to them. This concept is best related to
A. Jung’s concepts of anima and animus
B. Freud’s wish fulfillment
C. Piaget’s preoperational period ( 2 to 7)
D. Ego identity
C. Piaget’s perioerational period (2 to 7)
Elementary school counseling and guidance services
A. Have been popluar since the early 1900s
B. Became populat during WWII
C. Are a fairly new development which did not begin to gain momentum until the late 1960s
D. none of the above
C. Due to the work of Frank Parsons elementary school counseling services increased rapidly in the 1960s
Research related to elementary school counselors indicates that
A. Counselors of this ill work hard, but just dont seem to have an impact of youngsters’ lives
B. These counselors are wffective, do make a difference im children’s lives, and more counselors should be employed
C. Counselors of this ilk could be helpful if they would engage in more consultant work
D. These counselors should be used primarily as disciplinarians, but this is not happeneing in most districts
B. More should be employed
According to Yale research by Daniel J. Levinson
A. Erikson’s generativity versus stagnation stage simply does not exist
B. 80% of the men in the study experienced moderate to severe midlife crisis
C. An “age 30 crisis” occurs in men when they feel it will soon be too late to make later changes
D. B and C
D. Developmental transitions in white-collar and blue-collar men seemed to be relatively universal
Erikson’s middle-ages stage (35 to 60) is known as generativity versus stagnation. Generativity refers to
A. The ability to do and vreate work or raise a family
B. The opposite of stagnation
C. The productive ability to create a career, family, and leisure time
D. All of the above
D. Gives you a thumbnail sketch of Erikson’s seventh stage
A person who can look back on his or her kife with few regrets feels
A. The burden of senile psychosis
B. Ego-intergity in Wrikson’s intergity versus despair stage
C. Despair, which is the sense that he or she has wasted life’s precious opportunities
D. The burden of generalized anxiety disorder as describes in the DSM
B. According to Erikson, successful resolution of the integrity versus despair stage results in the belief that one’s life served a purpose
Sensorimotor is to Piaget as oral is the Freud, and as \_\_\_\_ is yo Erikson A. Integrity versus despair B. Kohlberg C. Trust versus mistrust D. Play therapy
C. Trust versus mistrust
An analogy question. The question matches Piaget’s name to his first stage and Freud’s name to his first stage. Thus you will macyh Erikson’s name to his first stage
Which theorist was most concerned with maternal deprivation? A. A. Lazarus B. H. Harlow C. J. Wolpe D. A. Ellis
B. Harry Harlow- cloth monkeys
Wolpe- systematic desensitization
Ellis- REBT
Whan development come to a halt, counselors say that the client
A. Has “learned helplessness” syndrome
B. Suffers from a phobia
C. Suffers from fixation
D. Is displaying the risky shift phenomenon
C. Suffers from fixation
Kohlbeeg proposed three levels of morality. Freud, on the other hand, felt morality developed from the A. Superego B. Ego C. Id D. Eros
A. Super ego
Which theorist would be most likely to say that ahhression is an inborn tendency?
A. Carl Rogers
B. B. F. Skinner
C. Frank Parsons, the father if guidance
D. Konrad Lorenz
D. Konrad Lorenz believed thag aggressiveness is part of our evolution and was necessary for survibal
- using catharsis and getting our anger oit with activities such as competitive sports
The statement “bad behavior is punished, good behavior is not”. Is nost closely associated with
A. Kohlberg’s premoral stage at the preconventional level
B. Kohlberg’s conventional level
C. The work of Carl Jung
D. Piaget’s autonomous stage, which begins at about age 8
A. Kohlberg’s premoral stage at the preconventional level
- im the initial stage, morality is guided by a fear of punishment
A critical period A. Makes inprinting possible B. Emphasizes manifest dream content C. Signifies a soecial time when a behavior must be learned ir the behavior wont be leanred at all D. A and C
D. A and C
- a critial period us a time when an organisim is susceptible to a specific developmental process
Imprinting- rapid learning during a critical period of development- is an instinct in which a newborn will follow a moving onject. The primary work in tbis area was done by A. Erik Erikson B. Milton H. Erikson C. Konrad Lorenz D. Harry Harlow
C. Konrad Lorenz
Marital satisfaction
A. Is usually highest when a child is only enoigh to leave home
B. Often decreases with parenthood and often improves after the child leaves home
C. Correlates high with performance IQ
D. Is highest among couples who have seven or more college educated children
B. Often decreased with parenthood and often improves after a child leaves home
Maslow, a humanistic paychologist, is famous for his “hierarchy of needs,” which postulatrs
A. Lower order phyciological and saftey needs and higher order needs, such as self actualization
B. That psychopathology rests with the id
C. That unconscious drives control self actualization
D. That stimulus response (S-R) paychology dictates behavioral attributes
A. Lower order physiological and safety needs and higher order needs, such as self actualization
To research the dilemma of self actualization, Maslow
A. Used goslings as did Konrad Lorenz
B. Psychoanalyzed over 400 neurotics
C. Worked exclusively with individuals with schizophrenia in residental settings
D. Interviewed the best people he could find who escaped “the psychology of the average”
D. Maskow said if she reaearch the “psychopathology of the average” you will have a sick theory of human behavior. The answer: work with thise who have transcended the so called average or normal existence
Piaget is A. A maturationist B. A behaviorist C. A structuralist who believed stage changes are qualitative D. Cognitive behavioral
C. A structuralist who believed stage changes are qualitative
\_\_\_\_\_ factors cause Down Syndrome, the nost common type know as trisomy 21 A. Environmental B. Genetic C. Chemical dependency D. Unconscious
B. Genetic
Piaget referred to the act of taking in new information as assimilation. This results in accommodation, which is a modification of the child’s cognitive structures( schemas) to deal with the new information. In piagetian nomenclature, the balance between assimilation and accommodation is called A. Counterbalancing B. Equilibration C. Balance theory D. ABA design
B. Equilibration
There are behavioral, structural, and maturational theories of development. The maturational viewpoint utilizes the plant growth analogy, in which the mind is seen as being driven by instincys while the environment provides mourishment, rhus placing linits on development. Counselors who are maturationists
A. Conduct therapy in the here and now
B. Focus primarily on nonverbal behavior
C. Believe group work is most effective
D. Allow clients to work throigh early conflicts
D. Counselors of this persuasion allow the clinet to work through the old painful matieral.
Ritualistic behaviors, which are common at all members of a species, are known as
A. Hysteria
B. Pica
C. Fix action patterns elicited by sign stimuli
D. Dysfunctional repitition
C. Fixed acrion patterns elicited by sign stimuli
Robert Kegan speaks of a “holding environment” in counseling in which
A. Fhe client is urged to relive a traumatic ecperience in an encounter group
B. Biofeedback training is highly recommended
C. The client can make meaning in the face of crisis and can find new direction
D. The activity of meaning making is discouraged
C. Kegan suggests six stages of life span development : incorporative, impulsive, imperial, interpersonal, institutional, and interindividual
Most experts in the field of clubseling agree that
A. No one theory completely explains developmental processes;thus, counselors ought to be familiar with all the manor theories
B. Eriksonian theory should be used bu counselors practicing virtually any modality
C. A counselor who incorporates Piaget’s stages into his or her thinking would not necessarily need knowledge of rival therapeutic viewpoints
D. A realistic counselor needs to pick kne developmental theory in the same manner that he or she pick a psychotherapeutic persuasion
A. No one theory conpletely explains developmental processes
Equilibratiom is
A. A term which emphasizes the equality between the sexes
B. Performed via the id according to the Freudians
C. A synonym for concrete operational thought
D. The balance between what one takes in ( assimilation) and that which is changed ( accommodation)
D. Equilibriation ( or equilibrium) occurs when the child achieves balance
A counselor is working with a family who just lost everything in a fire. The counselor will ideally focus on
A. Maslow’s higher-order needs, such as self actualization
B. Building accurate empathy of family members
C. Maslow’s lower- order needs, such as physiological and safety needs
D. The identified patient
C. The assumption is that lower-order needs must be fulfilled before the individual can be concerned with higher order needs
Anal retentive personality is A. Charitable B. Stingy C. Kind D. Thibks very little about money matters
B. Stingy
From a Freudian perspective, a client who has a problem with alcoholism and excessive smoking would be A. Considered an oral character B. Considered an anal character C. Considered a genital character D. Fixated at the latency stage
A considered oral