Human Geo Final Flashcards
A tourist who deliberately seeks to avoid the sublime and even the commonplace tourist sites in order to know more about the underbelly of our world; the dirty, dangerous, the prohibited, and even the toxic landscapes
Dark tourism
Tourism that involves travelling to places associated with death and suffering
In political geography, a country’s or more local community’s sense of property and attachment toward its territory, as expressed by its determination to keep it inviolable and strongly defended; an exertion of power and control over resources, people, and relationships
The study of the formation and evolution of human customs and beliefs
Territorial aggression
Aggression demonstrated only in a particular, circumscribed area when approached; aggression with overcrowding and claims to space
The study of social and cultural meanings that people give to personal space; Personal Bubbles; unwritten rules about spacing
(S&C Needs) Territoriality provides
the regulation of social interaction, the regulation of access to people and resources, and the provision of a focus and symbol of group membership and identity
Ordinary landscape
everyday landscapes that people create/influence; come to symbolize entire nations/cultures (ex. Main St. of Middle America)
Don Mitchell
Believes that cultural geography should be more concerned with the social construction of the idea of culture; its deployment to serve specific interests in particular social economic, and political contexts; an instrument of social/cultural power
Commercial spaces
Places like a mall where messages are deployed through the landscape to promote consumption. The lighting, layout, and music of the store promote consumption. Process of sending signals to consumers about style, taste, and self-image.
Experiences and meaning of places
Interaction between people and places and meanings people attach to their experiences
Cognitive images
mental maps; psychological representations of locations that are made up from people’s individual ideas and impressions of these locations; representations of the world that can be called to mind through imagination
Distortion of cognitive images
due to incomplete information and biases
Cognitive images highly influences…but are subjected to…
behavior/personality/experiences, change
Coded spaces
Landscapes as text - can be read and written; do not come made with labels;
There are….who produce the meanings and…who consume meanings
Writers, Readers
Messages are read as
signs about values, beliefs, and practices
The practice of writing and reading signs
Signs are
embedded in landscape, space, and place - sending messages of identity, values, beliefs, and practices - sometimes too subtle to recognize
Signs may have
different meanings to different people
Places as objects of consumption
People’s enjoyment of material goods is also linked to the role of material culture as a social marker
Material consumption is linked to
symbols, beliefs, and practices of modern societies
Heritage industry
Re-creation and refurbishment of historic districts and settings that are subject to commercial exploitation - exclusionary
The economics of location
Patterns of regional economic development are historical in origin and cumulative in nature
Transnational corporations (TNCs)
Engage in international trade and production, manufacturing, and/or sales operations in several countries; grown throughout time
Globalization of economics
Has created an open market system, allowing a new flow of materials and other components; Outsourcing manufacturing activities to save money & time; New International Division of Labor; Interdependent
Manufacturing production has moved from… and into ….
Core Regions, Semi-Peripheral and Peripheral regions
Emergence of new specialization within
Core regions-producers
Transportation systems have been
further integrated through economic growth; introduces interdependency
Economic Globalization has created a sense of
Homogenization of international consumer markets
Global Assembly Lines & Supply Chains have been introduced by
Global and regional inequalities
Unevenness in economic development has a regional dimension - scarce resources, neglect, lack of investment, and concentrations of low-skilled people.
Cumulative causation
A process through which tendencies for economic growth are self-reinforcing; an expression of the multiplier effect, it tends to favor major cities and core regions over less-advantaged peripheral regions.
Core Regions contribute to cumulative causation with
the development of external economies, agglomeration effects, and localization economies.
Backwash effects
The negative effects on one region that result from economic growth within another region.
Negative effects of backwash
out-migration, outflows of investment, and the shrinkage of local tax base at the periphery.
Agglomeration diseconomies
The negative economic effects of urbanization and concentration of industries
Effects of Agglomeration Diseconomies
Higher price for land and labor - labor unions
Traffic congestion and crowded port and railroad facilities
Increasing costs of waste disposal
Air pollution
Higher taxes to support services and amenities - traffic police, city planning, and transit systems.
Sustainable development (SD)
A balance among economic growth, the environmental impact of that growth, and social equity - wise use of resources; experiences improved education, health care, quality of life, and social welfare; directed towards local economies
GDP of Primary Commodity Producers
Producers of the primary commodities have lower GDP compared to the producers of manufacture products
Countries that do not contribute significantly to the flow of imports and exports; economic independence
Pattern of international debt
Structured inequality in the world economy; Handicap to economic development; export earnings are spent on debt reparation
Solution of international debt
Import Substitution: Strategy for peripheral countries is to diversify their economies; Focusing on manufacturing based economy and producing goods that were originally obtained through imports
Primary producers debt crisis
Primary products have low elasticity of demand and price elasticity; balance of trade is tilted towards Primary Producers
Elasticity of demand
the degree to which levels of demand for a product or service change in response to changes in price; consumer-based
Economic developments: gender
Gender equality matters contribute to economic development; When women are included, more economic opportunities, productivity, inclusive institutions and policy choices are the result.
Gross domestic product (GDP)
A measurement of the total goods and services produced within a country.
Gross national income (GNI)
The total domestic and foreign output claimed by residents of a country, consisting of gross domestic product (GDP), plus factor incomes earned by foreign residents, minus income earned in the domestic economy by nonresidents.
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
The amount of money needed in one country to purchase the same goods and services in another country
Rostow’s Model of Economic Development & Dependency
Development progress through stages:
Reliance on primary activities → Industrialization stage → A stage of post industrial development.