Human Development across the lifespan Flashcards
Basic Principles
- Cephalocaudal trend – head to foot
- Proximodistal trend (trunk) – centre-outward
Maturation – gradual unfolding of genetic blueprint
Development norms – median age
Cultural variations
Easy and Difficult Babies: Differences in temperament
- Longitudinal vs cross-sectional designs
- Thomas, Chess, and Birch (1970)
- 3 basic temperamental styles
- Easy- 40%
- Slow-to-warm-up – 15%
- Difficult- 10%
- Mixed – 35%
- Stable over time
- Kagan & Snidman (1991)
- Inhibited vs uninhibited temperament
- Inhibited – 15-20%
- Inhibited – 25-30%
Stable over time – genetically based
Early emotional development: Attachment
Separation anxiety - Ainsworth (1979) - The strange situation and patterns of attachment - Secure - Anxious-ambivalent - Avoidant - Disorganized/disoriented Stage theories of Development: Personality - Stage theories, three components - Progress through stages in order - Progress through stages related to age - Major discontinuities in development - Erik Erikson (1963) - Eight stages spanning the lifespan Psychosocial crises determining balance between opposing polarities in personality
Stage theories of development: Cognitive
- Jean Piaget (1920-1980s)
- Assimilation/accommodation
- 4 stages and major milestones
- Sensorimotor
- Object permanence
- Preoperational
- Centration, egocentrism
- Concrete operational – decentration, reversibility, conservation
Formal operational – abstraction
Vygotsky - Sociocognitive Development
Social interaction is key – cognitive development occurs gradually (continuous)
Scaffolding – learning mechanism – parents provide initial guidance in child’s learning then gradually remove structure
Zone of proximal development – Difference between what child can do independently & what she can do with assistance
Others can facilitate child’s cognitive development within limits of biological maturation
Critical periods in development
- Limited time span when it is optimal for certain capacities to emerge because the organism is especially responsive to certain experiences
Sensitive periods:
Evident in language development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Kohlberg (1976)
- Reasoning as opposed to behaviour
- Moral dilemmas
- Measured nature and progression of moral reasoning
3 levels, each with 2 sublevels: Preconventional, Conventional, Post-conventional
The transition of adolescence
- Pubescence
- Puberty
- Secondary sex characteristics
- Primary sex characteristics
- Menarche
- Sperm production
- Maturation: early vs late
- Sex differences in effects of early maturation
- Depression (higher rate in adolescence)
Brain development
The search for identity
- Erik Erikson (1968) – forming a sense of identity
- James Marcia (1988)
- 4 identity statuses
- Identity diffusion
- Identity foreclosure
- Identity moratorium
Identity achievement
The exposure of adulthood
- Personality development
- Social development and family life
- Physiological changes
- Neural changes
Cognitive changes