Human development Flashcards
3 Domains of Human Development
cognitive, social/ physical, influence
sociocultural factors
family, race, culture, perspective
socioeconomic factors
poverty, class, gender, sex
cognitive and moral development
reasoning, symbol manipulation, problem solving
Piaget stages of cognitive development (4)
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, formal operations
trust vs. mistrust
the infant sees the world as safe and secure.1-1 1/2 years
autonomy vs shame and doubt
period of exploring and experimentation. “terrible twos” 1 1/2- 3 1/2 years
If autonomy is punishment is hard, toddlers may feel shame.
initative vs guilt
3 1/2-6 years initative, child is taking the lead in new activities and having new responsibilities. Without initiative a child can feel guilty on just about anything.
industry vs inferiority
6-11 years old. Development of social self and mastering self a assurance. child learns to work with others enhances self- esteem
identity vs role confusion
adolescent builds upon previous experiences to seek the foundation for a sense of self identity in adult life.
conceptual tool that allows a child to recognize that when altering the appearance of a object. ex) concept of liquid tallglass/ short glass.
concet of numbers, length, liquid, matter
refers to the way children incorporate new information with existing schemes in order to form a new cognitive structure. lion- doggie
occurs what children take existing schemes and adjust them to fit their experience.turning on the keyboard to play
children mentally represent and organize the world
child ability to arrange objects in logical progression (concrete operations)
a child arranges sticks in order from smallest to largest
Object permanence
recognition that object and events continue to exist even when they are not visible
morality of constraint
Piaget seeing rules through others eyyes of justice, ages 4-7 years old
morality of cooperation
Piaget view dilemma and considering consequences before making a moral decision for yourself. Age 10
Kohlburgs moral judgement stages
preconventional, conventional, postconventional
preconventional ages
ages 4-10children obey because adults tell them to obey
conventional ages
ages 10-13 children are concerned about the opinion of peers, want to please others
postconventional ages
ages 13- adult. moral and ethics choice rises above society of law and authorities
sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence
analytical, creative, practical
negative reinforcement
it reinforces the behavior by taking away the negative stimuli