Human Development 2 Flashcards
the interplay between psychological maturation and increased social expectation, creates a series of psychological “crises” that an individual needs to successfully resolve for optimal development
psychosocial inflection points
times in life that is really important, can go well or not well
Trust Vs Mistrust
can the very innocent infant learn to trust the world?
Authority Vs Shame/Doubts
can the toddler learn bodily self control
Imitative Vs Guilt
discovery of the world by way of activity, curiosity, and, exploration or an immobilization
of fear and guilt
Industry Vs Inferiority
the “apprenticeship of life”. Child learns to enjoy/strive for accomplishment
Identity Vs Identity Diffusion
more than just trusting the world, you have to create an identity and a sense of who you are/want to be
Identity Questions
questions that lead one to discovery of an identity
A sense of continuity between one’s past, present and future selves; being at home in one’s body; knowing where one is going; recognition from others
- one must demonstrate fidelity of ideas and beliefs
A period of physical/cognitive maturity and yet a sanctioned postponement of definitive commitment
Identity Achievement
have gone through a period of exploration toward making identity commitments
made identity commitments without a period of exploration
actively looking for identity commitments
lacks both commitments and time of exploration
Intimacy Vs Isolation
will individual identity become expanded into shared identity or will self become estranged from others
Genitively Vs Stagnation
a widening social/vocational commitments to care for others beyond oneself or continued self absorption
Integrity Vs Despair
integrating/appreciating previous life experiences or becoming bitter, resentful, and negative
Piagets View of Children
An emerging scientist
Object permeance
knowledge that objects exist even when not in view
A not B error
8-12 month infants they will look for an object where they saw it first not where they saw someone place it
a mental routine for transposing information
Consequential task
tests the child’s awareness that physical properties of a substance (number, volume, or weight) remain constant despite changes in shape, length, or positon
Cognitive errors in children
a. thought dominated by perception
b. centration tendency to just focus on one feature of a problem
inability to reverse an action
ex: 7-5=2 when 2+5=7
limited ability to share others perspectives
Concrete Operational Stage
child can utilize thought processes (operations) for solving concrete (real world problems)
Formal Operation Stage
can now apply logic (operations) to problems that are hypothetical, purely, verbal, or abstract. Thought is freed from direct experience
Formal Operational Thinkers can
a. think about thinking
b. understand abstractions, metaphorical thinking, get beyond “surface level” (poetry and art)
c. Engage in “if-then” thinking; consequences of actions
d. Idealistic thought
Projective Tests
used to discover unconscious feelings/attitudes through analysis of responses to ambiguous stimuli
ex. inkblot drawings, playing house, and drawing analysis
Challenges of Projective Tests
- possibility of confusing normal drawing development and clinical significance
- Lack of inter-rater reliability. different researchers may interpret the same drawing in different ways
- Are projective tests valid?
Strengths of Projective Tests
- facilitates discussions
- Easy to Administer and enjoyed by people
- Provides basis for Hypothesis
Picture Interpretation Guidelines
- No single drawing feature should be taken in isolation
2.Interpertations not based on unvarying principals - Should not always seek out pathology many drawings will depict happiness/family unity
- Should begin by asking yourself what feelings the picture evokes in you?
18-2.5 years
2.5-5 years
superimposed shapes such as squares, triangles, crosses, and mandalas
3.5 years
tadpole drawings
5-8 years
intersecting realism, transparency, x-ray drawings
8 years old to adolescence
more realism
What you have them draw
a house, a tree, a family, and a person
forms of harmful childhood trauma that increases the probability of harmful/deleterious long term health problems (cancer, alcohol problems, stroke, drug abuse, obesity, depression, stroke)
ACES are
common, highly inner-related, tend to co-occur, have cumulative impact, accountable for significant portion of health and societal problems
house hold dysfunction ACES
- parental mental illness
- domestic abuse
- parental addiction
- incarcerated household member
- parental divorce, or death
physical neglect
not provided enough resources for normal healthy devlopment
emotional neglect
child feels unloved, family does not support eachother
experiences that promote resiliency, emotional regulation in the face of adversity
Mediating Intuitions
social groups and organizations that provide what the family or governments cannot provide
Direct contributions of siblings
a. naturally occurring teaching experience benefit for both “teacher” and “learner”
b. caregiver
c. interpersonal skills
d. moral growth
e. help with parental or family turmoil
f. love is not finite
indirect contributions of siblings
a. shape parent/teacher views
b. shapes parental self esteem and how they parent
Socio metrically Popular
large majority of peers actively like the person rarely few peers actively dislike the person
Perceived Popularity
powerfully/socially dominate people who most assume are popular and are well liked but that is not necessarily true and a lot of people dislike them
viewed generally by peers but do not elicit strong feeling by most
go basically unnoticed by peers and are not actively liked or disliked
Rejected Aggressive
rejected due to overly aggressive behaviors
Non Aggressive Rejected
rejected for reasons not related to aggression
actively liked by some peers while simultaneously disliked by other peers