human developent Flashcards
means the changes are directional, leading toward something positive
is the progressive series of changes of an orderly and coherent type toward the goal of maturity.
orderly and coherent
suggest that development is not haphazard but rather that there is a definite relationship among the stages in the developmental sequence
is the transmission of traits from parent to offspring.
is the development or unfolding of traits potentially present in the individual due to hereditary endowment
refers to factors to which an individual comes to contact with after the hereditary pattern have been received which includes learning
is the results of activities or day to day experiences
rate of development
during prenatal up to the first six years.
six to adolescence. in adolescence, the rate of development is once more accelerated(mental)
is the union of egg and sperm cell
are thread like tissues that carries the genes, and are usually found in pairs.
there are 23 pairs of chromosomes.
chromosome info
chromosomes are classified as autosome or trait chromosome(22 pairs
) and gonosomes or sex chromosomes
. the sex of the offspring depends on the pairing of the sex chromosome(23rd) from the father amd the mother
basic carriers of hereditary traits. genes are classified as dominant(strong genes) and recessive(weak genes)
life span
development from conception to death
a fertilized ovum(egg cell)
germinal stage
the first stage of prenatal development,
during which the dividing mass of cells has not become implanted in the uterine wall
the period from conception to implantation
amniotic sac
a sac within the uterus that contains the embryo or fetus
a membrane that permits the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the mother and her developing child but does not allow the maternal and fetal bloodstreams to mix
umbilical cord
a tube between the mother and her developing child through which nutrients and waste products are conducted
embryonic stage
lasts from implantation until about the eight week of development. during this stage, the major body organ systems take form
fetal stage
lasts from the beginning of the third month until birth
they turn their head toward stimuli that prod or stroke the cheek, chin, or corner of the mouth
are simple, in born responses elicited by simple stimuli. they are essential to survival and occur automatically that is without thinking about them
withdrawal reflex
new born use the withdrawal reflex to avoid painful stimuli
startle or moro, reflex
they draw up their legs and arch their backs in response to sudden noises, bumps, or loss of support while being held