B3 Human defences Flashcards
Generally what are some ways to prevent diseases
Hygeine-Washing your hands throughly
Destroy vectors-By destroying vectors habitats and using insectides diseases will not be spread
Isolation-Through this the disease cannot be spread
Vaccination-This allows for people to catch the disease and pass it on
What are vaccines
Vaccines are injections of dead or inactive pathogens. They prepare your body to produce antibodies to protect your body. If the live pathogen appears again then the body will be able to quickly produce white blood cells
Pros and cons of vaccines
Pro is that they control lots of diseases like smallpox and measels. Epidemics can be prevented if a large population of the country is vaccinated
Con is vaccines dont always develop an immunity. sometimes they develop a bad reaction.
How does the skin and mucus protect the body
The skin acts as a barrier against pathogens and secretes antimicrobial substances.
Mucus traps pathogens in your nose and trachea. It is more effcient than your hairs.
What are the two types of white blood cells and what are there functions
Lymphocytes can recognise foreign antigens on pathogens then** they release antibodies that latch onto the antigens.
They produce antitoxins which counterract toxins made by bacteria.
Phagocytes engulf pathogens which is called phagocytosis.**
How does cillia and the stomach protect the body
Cillia are hair like cells that waft mucus up the trachea which leads to sneezing out the pathogens.
The stomach produces hydrocholric acid which kills pathogens