Human and Animal Behavioural Tasks Flashcards
Open-field task
The animal is placed in a large arena and general behaviour is recorded, e.g. number of times it rears, grooms, etc.
Functions of the Open-field task
1) comparing normal behaviour with behaviour after intervention
2) measuring stress, e.g. counting the number of droppings or observing thigmotaxis (the rat sticks to the sides)
Morris Watermaze
large pool with milky water that hides a platform
Functions of the Morris Watermaze
1) testing visual-spatial navigation and orientation
Tolman’s maze
cross-shaped maze
Functions of the Tolman maze
1) testing spatial navigation
2) procedural memory
3) stimulus-response task (e.g. turning a specific direction based on tune played)
Olton’s 8-arm radial maze
arena with 8 arms that have food at the end
Functions of the 8-arm radial maze
1) testing higher cognitive function like working memory
Barnes maze
board with holes at the side that the animal would want to escape into
Functions of the Barnes maze
1) similar to the 8-arm radial maze it tests working memory
Object-displacement task
The animal is put into an arena with several objects and is allowed to freely explore with the exploration time being recorded. The experiment is then divided into either spatial or object variation.
Functions of the object-displacement task
1) observing exploration and habituation
spatial variation
objects are moved to different locations
-> this increases exploration and curiosity for all objects (even if not every object has been moved)
object variation
objects are replaced with new ones
-> this increases exploration and renews curiosity for all objects
Tests of general intelligence
measuring general IQ, e.g. WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale)