Huerto4-ch4-25.26dec,6,9feb,15 Mar Flashcards
in a balanced/even way
de manera equilibrada (equilibrado=adj)
de manera uniforme (uniforme=here as adj, also a noun)
a spongy living cake
un esponjoso pastel vivo esponjoso=adj
la esponja=sponge (noun)
At the corner, go straight. Ud. tú
a straight shovel
En la esquina, siga recto. Ud. En la esquina, sigue recto tú. una pala recta recto-adv. straight/straight ahead, or recto-a adj. straight
I´ll take a direct flight.
Tomaré un vuelo directo. (adj)
el vuelto=the change Se puede quedar con el vuelto, señorita.
Ud. Walk straight ahead and then take the first left!
Ud. Take the first right turn!
Camine recto y luego tome la primera a la izquierda! (think to the left)
tome el primer giro a la derecha giro=hee-roh
Where does this custom come from?
The Troudts originally come from Germany.
¿De dónde proviene esta costumbre?
la costumbre /most nouns ending in tad, dad, tud, umbre, ción, síon are F)
Los Troudt proceden/provienen originalmente de Alemania.
provenir-to come from
proceder=to come from/originate in - but also behavior!
We are providing water.
We have already filled the vacancy.
- Estamos proveyendo agua. (from proveer) (no def art because uncountable nouns following a verb and acting as DO or IDO NEVER TAKE A DEF ARTICLE!
or - Nosotros proporcionamos agua. or Estamos proporcionando agua.
- Ya hemos provisto la vacante. (vacancy is countable and countable following a verb acting as DO or IDO TAKES THE DEF ARTICLE!)
- proveer=to provide-supply-fill
- provenir=to come from, originate from
- proporcionar=to provide/supply/ adapt
- provisto=(from proveer) adj supplied/provided/ stocked/filled
- proceder=to come from- to originate in, also behavior
Necesitamos agua para vivir.
Necesito los libros para vivir.
The local gardeners supply organic vegetables.
Los horticultores locales proporcionan/proveen (pro-behn) verduras orgánicas. I think you could also say las verduras orgánicas because the noun follows a verb, is countable, and acts as a DO but who knows
la verdura, el vegetal, la hortaliza
to provide/supply/fill
to come from/stem from
provenir (think venir= come)/proceder
My calves hurt when I sleep.
Me duelen las pantorrillas al dormir. o cuando duermo.
al with preps and inf when meaning when
the earthworm/worm
the worm
la lombriz/las lombrices from Latin lumbricus (think of them wriggling in and out of loam under a breeze) lohm-brees, feminine word which follows key DANIZÓ el gusano (maybe more like a grub or caterpillar)
from, as of, starting
Starting today, I will try to remember this phrase.
a partir de
A partir de hoy, trataré de recordar esta frase.
(at the part/start of today)
partir=to split-break-start
- a partir DE is starting-start-from-as of
can use intentar - but does NOT use de
Any soil starts from soil particles.
Cualquier suelo comienza a partir de partículas de tierra.
The major soil particles are: sand, silt and clay.
Las principales partículas del suelo son: arena, limo y arcilla.
the particle=la particula
la arena
(think sitting in a limousine sipping RC cola going to take a soil sample)
el limo (think of a smooth riding limousine )
la arcilla (think of drinking RC cola mixed with clay) (clay is also el barro)
lomo=lower back/back
a shallow tillage
no-till agriculture
una labranza superficial
la agricultura sin labranza
(think of that basketball player labran tilling the soil)
superficial=superficial/shallow/ not deep