HSM-37 SOP (3710.2D) in progress! Flashcards
Min ceiling and visibility for ship or shore ops?
NOTE: If positive radar control and a CCA/PAR is available, minimum launch mins are?
Wx criteria for SACT?
1000-3, with visible horizon
Enlisted aircrew _____ be utilized time the max extent _____.
FCF checklist items _____ only be conducted when the crew includes a designated FCP.
Minimum crew requirements for tactical training events?
HAC/L3, PQM, aircrewman
Any pilot who has not flown in 45 days _____ fly a warm-up flight with a current HAC.
Warm up flights SHOULD include what?
Autorotations, single engine operations, dip-to-dip navigation and other fam type maneuvers as determined by squadron COs.
Newly reporting pilots SHALL complete what?
Emergency procedures exam, course rules exam and an EP simulator prior to their first flight.
Pilots returning from long deployment or prolonged absence (linger than ## days) SHALL complete the following prior to being scheduled for additional flight events:
A Kaneohe Bay course rules exam, an EP simulator and a day EP/BITS flight
When is a mini ISATT required?
Det OIC change, ship Change of Command (fleet-up XOs exempt), reassignment to a new ship, or more than 60 days elapse between embarked operations
What events shall be completed during a mini-ISATT?
Day and Night landing requalifications
Emergency flight quarters
Crash on deck drill
Hot refueling
Straightening and traversing evolutions
ELVA/Smokelight approach
Lost plane homing
For pre-embarkation proficiency:
To the max extent _____, pilots _____ fly a minimum of what?
Practicable, should
9 hours within the proceeding 45 days
Shall obtain night currency (2 hours within 45 days) and instrument currency (2 hours within 45 days).
During intervals of less than 45 days between embarkations, pilots SHOULD fly a minimum of 6 hours to obtain night and instrument currency.
When are you considered night SAR capable?
Pilots SHALL have flown 2 night automatic approaches utilizing windline rescue patterns to a coupled hover in the proceeding 60 days.
Pilots failing to meet this requirement SHALL not be scheduled for SAR duty (to include Plane Guard)
When are you considered night dip current?
Pilots SHALL have flown two night/IMC dip-to-dip navigation patterns at night to a coupled hover in the proceeding 60 days.
When are you considered instrument flight current?
Pilots SHALL have flown a minimum of 2 hours of actual or simulated instrument time within the proceeding 60 days.
Currency requirements may be satisfied in the aircraft or flight simulator.
Aircrew _____ not report for official duties earlier than ## hours prior to the scheduled completion of all flight and post-flight duties.
Aircrew involved in night flight _____ not report for official duties earlier than ## hours prior to the scheduled completion of all flight and post-flight duties.
Aircrew _____ not be scheduled to brief a flight event until ## hours after completion of post flight duties, simulator events, and subsequent debriefs (normally # hour after the event) or squadron duty.
Aircrew _____ not be scheduled to brief a flight event until ## hours after completion of post flight duties, simulator events, subsequent debriefs (normally # hour after the event), or squadron duty
SHOULD, 12, 1
SHALL, 10, 1
Aircrew traveling outside Hawaii but no more than # time zones away _____ be allowed a recovery time (not scheduled for a flight event) of ## hours upon their return.
Aircrew traveling outside # time zones _____ consult who?
3 time zones, SHALL, 24 hours
3 time zones, SHALL consult Safety department to determine their recovery time
Shipboard radius of action?
150 NM or max reliable com/nav range, whichever is less
One way flights _____ be limited to ### NM ship-to-ship and shore-to-ship and ###NM ship-to-shore.
SHALL, 150, 200
What SHALL not be performed with passengers embarked?
Simulated emergencies, practice autorotations, intentional aircraft degradations, and ordnance release.
Minimum altitudes
Overland populated area:
Overland unpopulated area:
Overwater day:
Overwater unaided night:
Overwater NVD:
Note: Flight operations down to ## FT overwater during day conditions is intended only for what?
Overland populated: 1000’ AGL
Overland unpopulated: 500’ AGL
Overwater day: 50’ AGL
Overwater unaided night: 150’ AGL
Overwater NVD: 100’ AGL
Note: Flight operations down to 50 FT overwater during day conditions is intended only for what? Operational or tactical training flights where the altitude profiles support authorized mission or training objectives
Minimum altitude for coupled hover? What’s the exception?
NOTE: Following establishment of a 70’ coupled hover, aircraft altitude may be reduced to no lower than 40’ to conduct live hoisting operations at PICs discretion.
Minimum altitude for terrain flight (low level)?
200’ AGL (only on approved low level routes and ranges)
Minimum altitude for SACT training
Day-100’ AGL
Night-500’ AGL
If the Stab Auto Mode PB Is not illuminated when AC power is applied, what SHALL you do?
The stabilator lockpins SHALL be visually checked prior to flight
The rescue hoist op check _____ be completed on the first flight of the day to ensure SAR capability
What shall be called on the first takeoff of each flight?
Single engine airspeed and stab programming
Stab programming _____ be called after reengaging the AUTO mode subsequent to a simulated or actual failure
The landing checklist _____ be accomplishes when transitioning from pad to runway operations or vice versa
What shall be accomplished anytime the mission changes from what was briefed
The mission change checklist
Passengers _____ not occupy the aircraft during hot refueling
Aircrewman ______ assist in monitoring refueling operations
During crew switches, the helicopter _____ be under the control of a designated helicopter pilot and there _____ be a PIC to PIC verbal turnover.
The new crew _____ begin with step # of the Post Engagement checklist
Personnel _____ not proceed aft of where while rotors are turning
SHALL, countermeasure dispensers
All crew members _____ brief with the HAC at his/her first brief time.
If aircrew are not present for the brief due to in-flight commitments, the HAC _____ not what?
SHALL not taxi until the flight crew brief is complete
Aircraft _____ ground taxi vice air taxi to the greatest extent _____ whenever the possibility of damage from rotor wash exists
SHALL, Possible
Seat and gunner’s belts _____ be utilizes to the max extent _____.
All occupants of the aircraft _____ be in crashworthy seats with seat and shoulder harness secured during take-off and landing.
SHALL, Possible
Fly overs SHOULD be:
4 things plus 2 notes
Non-maneuvering, generally wings-level passes of one or two aircraft (waiverable to 4)
Restricted to a single pass over a fixed point at a specified time
Conducted no lower than 500’ AGL, with consideration given to the height of the obstacles in the vicinity of the flyover location.
Conducted no slower than 60 KIAS
- any deviation must be approved by Type Wing or TYCOM
- flight demonstrations involving other than flyover profiles (Family Day/Tiger cruise/Air Show/SAR Demo) are considered Aerial demonstrations
Detachment operating on single-spot ships with two manned embarked helicopters utilizing the RSD _____ not conduct concurrent flight operations unless an emergency landing site (ship or shore) is available within ## NM for the duration of the evolution
For detachment concurrent operations, when does the 50NM alternate landing site apply?
Applies to missions where the parent ship is the intended point of landing for both aircraft, and does not apply to mission scheduled for termination at other than the parent ship.
Does not apply to fly-ons. For fly-ons, thorough mission planning SHALL be conducted and no-go criteria determined which takes into account flight deck/hangar if delays
Does not apply for concurrent manned and unmanned operations
All staged/mission related photography events must be approved by the CO and _____ be performed by an authorized photographer.
Unplanned and non-briefed photography of this nature is _____
The APU _____ be started on deck to the max extent _____
SHOULD, Possible
When conducting vertical replenishment, a ##% power margin _____ exist between what?
10% power margin SHALL exist between IRP and max power required when a load is lifted from the deck