HSK - Vocabulary 8 Flashcards
罰 (罚)
[fá] - punish; penalize; discipline (v)
法令 (法令)
[fǎlìng] - laws and decrees; collection of statutes (n)
法院 (法院)
[fǎyuàn] - court; court of law; court of justice; tribunal (n)
法制 (法制)
[fǎzhì] - legal system; legal institutions (n)
法子 (法子)
[fǎzi] - way; method; solution (n)
番 (番)
[fān] - time; kind; sort; measure word for abstract things (m)
翻身 (翻身)
[fān shēn] - roll over; turn over (in bed); emancipate oneself ()
繁殖 (繁殖)
[fánzhí] - propagate; breed; reproduce (v)
凡是 (凡是)
[fánshì] - every; any; all; without exception (adv)
煩 (烦)
[fán] - vexed; annoyed; trouble; be tired of; be fed up (adj)
反 (反)
[fǎn] - opposite; rebellious; oppose; return; reverse; rebel (adj)
反 (反)
[fǎn] - on the contrary; instead (adv)
反而 (反而)
[fǎn’ér] - on the contrary; instead (adv)
反擊 (反击)
[fǎnjī] - counter-attack; fight back; strike back; beat back (v)
反問 (反问)
[fǎnwèn] - raise a rhetorical question; ask (a question) in reply (v)
返 (返)
[fǎn] - return; come or go back (v)
犯人 (犯人)
[fànrén] - prisoner; convict; (convicted) criminal (n)
犯罪 (犯罪)
[fàn zuì] - commit a crime ()
飯館 (饭馆)
[fànguǎn] - restaurant; eatery; luncheonette (n)
泛濫 (泛滥)
[fànlàn] - flood; overflow; spread unchecked (v)
方 (方)
[fāng] - square; direction; side; party; place (n)
房屋 (房屋)
[fángwū] - houses and rooms; buildings (n)
防守 (防守)
[fángshǒu] - defend and keep; guard (v)
防禦 (防御)
[fángyù] - defend and resist; guard (v)