HSK - Vocabulary 14 Flashcards
簡陋 (简陋)
[jiǎnlòu] - simple and crude (adj)
簡明 (简明)
[jiǎnmíng] - compendious (adj)
簡體字 (简体字)
[jiǎntǐzì] - simplified character (n)
簡要 (简要)
[jiǎnyào] - in brief (adj)
簡易 (简易)
[jiǎnyì] - simple (adj)
剪彩 (剪彩)
[jiǎn cǎi] - cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony ()
剪刀 (剪刀)
[jiǎndāo] - scissors (n)
減產 (减产)
[jiǎn chǎn] - reduction of output ()
減低 (减低)
[jiǎndī] - reduce; cut back on (v)
減弱 (减弱)
[jiǎnruò] - weaken; take off (v)
間隔 (间隔)
[jiàngé] - interval (v)
間接 (间接)
[jiànjiē] - indirect (adj)
鑒別 (鉴别)
[jiànbié] - differentiate (v)
鑒於 (鉴于)
[jiànyú] - in view of (prep)
踐踏 (践踏)
[jiàntà] - override (v)
見識 (见识)
[jiànshi] - experience; sense (v)
見效 (见效)
[jiànxiào] - take effect (v)
鍵盤 (键盘)
[jiànpán] - keyboard (n)
健美 (健美)
[jiànměi] - strong and handsome (adj)
健壯 (健壮)
[jiànzhuàng] - vigorous; strong (adj)
建交 (建交)
[jiàn jiāo] - establish diplomatic relationship ()
姜 (姜)
[jiāng] - ginger (n)
將近 (将近)
[jiāngjìn] - near upon (v)
槳 (桨)
[jiǎng] - oar (n)