HSK - Vocabulary 16 Flashcards
涉外 (涉外)
[shèwài] - concerning foreign affairs (adj)
社 (社)
[shè] - organized body (n)
社員 (社员)
[shèyuán] - commune member (n)
設立 (设立)
[shèlì] - set up; establish (v)
設施 (设施)
[shèshī] - establishment (n)
設置 (设置)
[shèzhì] - set (v)
申報 (申报)
[shēnbào] - declare (v)
申述 (申述)
[shēnshù] - allege; state (v)
呻吟 (呻吟)
[shēnyín] - moan (v)
伸手 (伸手)
[shēn shǒu] - stretch out ()
伸展 (伸展)
[shēnzhǎn] - extend; stretch (v)
深奧 (深奥)
[shēn’ào] - abstruse; deep (adj)
深沉 (深沉)
[shēnchén] - deep (adj)
深處 (深处)
[shēnchù] - depth; cavern (n)
深化 (深化)
[shēnhuà] - deepen (v)
深淺 (深浅)
[shēnqiǎn] - depth (n)
深切 (深切)
[shēnqiè] - deep felt (adj)
深情 (深情)
[shēnqíng] - deep feelings; affectionateness (n)
深信 (深信)
[shēnxìn] - trust; convince (v)
深遠 (深远)
[shēnyuǎn] - far-reaching (adj)
深重 (深重)
[shēnzhòng] - very grave (adj)
紳士 (绅士)
[shēnshì] - gentleman (n)
神奇 (神奇)
[shénqí] - miraculous; magical (adj)
神色 (神色)
[shénsè] - expression; look (n)
神態 (神态)
[shéntài] - expression (n)
神仙 (神仙)
[shénxiān] - supernatural being; immortal; fairy (n)
審 (审)
[shěn] - interrogate (v)
審定 (审定)
[shěndìng] - examine and approve (v)
審理 (审理)
[shěnlǐ] - hear; try (v)
深美 (深美)
[shěnměi] - appreciation of the beauty (v)
審判 (审判)
[shěnpàn] - trial (v)
審批 (审批)
[shěnpī] - examine and approve (v)
審訊 (审讯)
[shěnxùn] - inquest (v)
審議 (审议)
[shěnyì] - consider; discuss (v)
腎炎 (肾炎)
[shènyán] - nephritis (n)
滲 (渗)
[shèn] - seep (v)
滲透 (渗透)
[shèntòu] - infiltrate (v)
聲勢 (声势)
[shēngshì] - impetus; momentum (n)
聲譽 (声誉)
[shēngyù] - reputation (n)
生產力 (生产力)
[shēngchǎnlì] - productive forces (n)
生產率 (生产率)
[shēngchǎnlǜ] - productivity (n)
生機 (生机)
[shēngjī] - vitality (n)
生命力 (生命力)
[shēngmìnglì] - vital force; life (n)
生怕 (生怕)
[shēngpà] - for fear that; so as not to (adv)
生前 (生前)
[shēngqián] - before one’s death (n)
生人 (生人)
[shēngrén] - stranger (n)
生疏 (生疏)
[shēngshū] - strange (adj)
生態 (生态)
[shēngtài] - ecology (n)
生效 (生效)
[shēng xiào] - become effective ()
生育 (生育)
[shēngyù] - procreate (v)
生殖 (生殖)
[shēngzhí] - procreate (v)
牲口 (牲口)
[shēngkou] - domestic animals (n)
牲畜 (牲畜)
[shēngchù] - livestock (n)
升學 (升学)
[shēng xué] - enter a higher school ()
省會 (省会)
[shěnghuì] - the capital of province (n)
省略 (省略)
[shěnglüè] - omit; overleap (v)
盛 (盛)
[shèng] - popular; vigorous (adj)
盛產 (盛产)
[shèngchǎn] - abound in; teem with (v)
盛大 (盛大)
[shèngdà] - magnificent; grand (adj)
盛開 (盛开)
[shèngkāi] - bloom (v)
盛情 (盛情)
[shèngqíng] - boundless hospitality (n)
盛行 (盛行)
[shèngxíng] - prevail (v)
師 (师)
[shī] - teacher (n)
師長 (师长)
[shīzhǎng] - teacher; division commander (n)
失 (失)
[shī] - lose (v)
失事 (失事)
[shī shì] - wreckage; accident ()
失誤 (失误)
[shīwù] - misplay (v)
失效 (失效)
[shī xiào] - lose efficacy; be no longer in force ()
失學 (失学)
[shī xué] - unable to go to school ()
失約 (失约)
[shī yuē] - fail to keep an appointment ()
失蹤 (失踪)
[shī zōng] - disappear ()
施 (施)
[shī] - carry out; execute (v)
施肥 (施肥)
[shī féi] - fertilization ()
施加 (施加)
[shījiā] - bring to bear (v)
施行 (施行)
[shīxíng] - carry out; dispense (v)
施展 (施展)
[shīzhǎn] - put to good use (v)
濕度 (湿度)
[shīdù] - humidity (n)
詩歌 (诗歌)
[shīgē] - poem (n)
屍體 (尸体)
[shītǐ] - body; cadaver (n)
十全十美 (十全十美)
[shí quán shí měi] - be perfect in every way; leave nothing to be desired ()
十足 (十足)
[shízú] - full of (adj)
石灰 (石灰)
[shíhuī] - lime; calcareousness (n)
拾 (拾)
[shí] - ten (num)
時 (时)
[shí] - time (n)
時而 (时而)
[shí’ér] - from time to time; now … now … (adv)
時光 (时光)
[shíguāng] - days; time (n)
時髦 (时髦)
[shímáo] - in fashion (adj)
時事 (时事)
[shíshì] - current affairs (n)
時裝 (时装)
[shízhuāng] - fashion dress (n)
食 (食)
[shí] - eat; food (n)
食用 (食用)
[shíyòng] - edible; eat (v)
食欲 (食欲)
[shíyù] - appetite (n)
實 (实)
[shí] - solid (adj)
實惠 (实惠)
[shíhuì] - substantial (adj)
實力 (实力)
[shílì] - strength (n)
實體 (实体)
[shítǐ] - substance (n)
實物 (实物)
[shíwù] - material object; in kind (n)
識 (识)
[shí] - know (v)
識別 (识别)
[shíbié] - identify (v)
史 (史)
[shǐ] - history (n)
史料 (史料)
[shǐliào] - historical materials (n)
使節 (使节)
[shǐjié] - ambassador (n)
使命 (使命)
[shǐmìng] - mission (n)
屎 (屎)
[shǐ] - shit; feces (n)
始 (始)
[shǐ] - begin (v)
式 (式)
[shì] - formula; style (n)
式樣 (式样)
[shìyàng] - pattern (n)
示範 (示范)
[shìfàn] - lead the way; demonstrate (v)
示意圖 (示意图)
[shìyìtú] - stitch map (n)
侍候 (侍候)
[shìhòu] - serve; wait upon (v)
世 (世)
[shì] - world; life (n)
世代 (世代)
[shìdài] - for generations (n)
世界觀 (世界观)
[shìqièguān] - world view (n)
事變 (事变)
[shìbiàn] - incident; event (n)
事例 (事例)
[shìlì] - example (n)
事態 (事态)
[shìtài] - a state of affairs; situation (n)
事項 (事项)
[shìxiàng] - matter; item (n)
誓言 (誓言)
[shìyán] - pledge; parole (n)
勢必 (势必)
[shìbì] - certainly will (adv)
釋放 (释放)
[shìfàng] - release; set free (v)
市民 (市民)
[shìmín] - citizen; townsfolk (n)
視 (视)
[shì] - look at; watch (v)
視察 (视察)
[shìchá] - survey (v)
視覺 (视觉)
[shìjué] - vision; seeing (n)
視力 (视力)
[shìlì] - eyesight (n)
視線 (视线)
[shìxiàn] - the line of sight (n)
視野 (视野)
[shìyě] - field of vision (n)
試行 (试行)
[shìxíng] - try out (v)
試用 (试用)
[shìyòng] - on probation; try out (v)
試製 (试制)
[shìzhì] - trial-manufacture (v)
收藏 (收藏)
[shōucáng] - collect (v)
收成 (收成)
[shōucheng] - harvest (n)
收復 (收复)
[shōufù] - reoccupy (v)
收購 (收购)
[shōugòu] - buy; purchase (v)
收回 (收回)
[shōuhuí] - take back (v)
收買 (收买)
[shōumǎi] - buy over (v)
收益 (收益)
[shōuyì] - income; profit (n)
收支 (收支)
[shōuzhī] - income and expenses (n)
手電筒 (手电筒)
[shǒudiàntǒng] - electric torch; flashlight (n)
手法 (手法)
[shǒufǎ] - tact (n)
手巾 (手巾)
[shǒujīn] - towel (n)
手榴彈 (手榴弹)
[shǒuliúdàn] - hand grenade (n)
手藝 (手艺)
[shǒuyì] - craft; handicraft (n)
首創 (首创)
[shǒuchuàng] - initiate; originate (v)
首領 (首领)
[shǒulǐng] - leader; chieftain (n)
首腦 (首脑)
[shǒunǎo] - head (n)
首席 (首席)
[shǒuxí] - doyen; chief (n)
首相 (首相)
[shǒuxiàng] - premier (n)
首要 (首要)
[shǒuyào] - chief; principal (adj)
首長 (首长)
[shǒuzhǎng] - director; principal (n)
守法 (守法)
[shǒu fǎ] - keep the law ()
守衛 (守卫)
[shǒuwèi] - guard; ward (v)
授 (授)
[shòu] - award; give (v)
授予 (授予)
[shòuyǔ] - award; confer (v)
受傷 (受伤)
[shòu shāng] - be injured ()
輸出 (输出)
[shūchū] - export; output (v)
輸入 (输入)
[shūrù] - import; input (v)
輸送 (输送)
[shūsòng] - transport; feeding (v)
舒展 (舒展)
[shūzhǎn] - unfold; stretch (v)
疏忽 (疏忽)
[shūhu] - neglect (v)
書法 (书法)
[shūfǎ] - calligraphy (n)
書刊 (书刊)
[shūkān] - books and periodicals (n)
書面 (书面)
[shūmiàn] - in written form (n)
書寫 (书写)
[shūxiě] - calligraphy; make out; write (v)
書信 (书信)
[shūxìn] - letter; missive (n)
屬 (属)
[shǔ] - belong to (v)
樹幹 (树干)
[shùgàn] - trunk; stock (n)
豎 (竖)
[shù] - upright (v)
數額 (数额)
[shù’é] - amount (n)
衰老 (衰老)
[shuāilǎo] - decrepit (adj)
衰退 (衰退)
[shuāituì] - decline; break up (v)
帥 (帅)
[shuài] - handsome (adj)
爽快 (爽快)
[shuǎngkuài] - outright; frank (adj)
水產 (水产)
[shuǐchǎn] - marine lives; aquatic product (n)
水電 (水电)
[shuǐdiàn] - hydropower (n)
水土 (水土)
[shuǐtǔ] - natural environment and climate (n)
水源 (水源)
[shuǐyuán] - the source of water (n)
水災 (水灾)
[shuǐzāi] - flood (n)
水蒸氣 (水蒸气)
[shuǐzhēngqì] - vapor (n)
稅收 (税收)
[shuìshōu] - tax revenue (n)
順序 (顺序)
[shùnxù] - order; sequence (n)
說謊 (说谎)
[shuō huǎng] - tell a lie ()
說情 (说情)
[shuō qíng] - intercede for sb ()
斯文 (斯文)
[sīwen] - gentle; refined (adj)
思 (思)
[sī] - think (v)
思潮 (思潮)
[sīcháo] - trends of thought (n)
思前想後 (思前想后)
[sī qián xiǎng hòu] - think over again and again ()
思緒 (思绪)
[sīxù] - feeling; thinking (n)
私營 (私营)
[sīyíng] - privately owned ()
私有制 (私有制)
[sīyǒuzhì] - private ownership (n)
私自 (私自)
[sīzì] - without permission; privately (adv)
司法 (司法)
[sīfǎ] - judicature (n)
司令部 (司令部)
[sīlìngbù] - command; headquarters (n)
死刑 (死刑)
[sǐxíng] - death penalty; execution (n)
寺 (寺)
[sì] - temple (n)
四方 (四方)
[sìfāng] - all sides; all directions (n)
四季 (四季)
[sìjì] - the four seasons (n)
四肢 (四肢)
[sìzhī] - arms and legs; the four limbs (n)
肆 (肆)
[sì] - four (num)
似 (似)
[sì] - similar; seem (v)
似是而非 (似是而非)
[sì shì ér fēi] - specious; apparently right but actually wrong ()
似笑非笑 (似笑非笑)
[sì xiào fēi xiào] - a faint on one’s face; with a spurious smile ()
飼料 (饲料)
[sìliào] - feedstuff; forage (n)
聳 (耸)
[sǒng] - shock; lift (v)
搜 (搜)
[sōu] - search (v)
搜查 (搜查)
[sōuchá] - search for; forage for (v)
搜索 (搜索)
[sōusuǒ] - search (v)
蘇醒 (苏醒)
[sūxǐng] - come around (v)
俗 (俗)
[sú] - custom; tacky (n)
素 (素)
[sù] - element; plain (adj)
素質 (素质)
[sùzhì] - quality (n)
塑造 (塑造)
[sùzào] - shape; mold; figure (v)
訴訟 (诉讼)
[sùsòng] - litigate (v)
肅清 (肃清)
[sùqīng] - root up; sweep (v)
蒜 (蒜)
[suàn] - garlic (n)
算盤 (算盘)
[suànpán] - abaci (n)
算術 (算术)
[suànshù] - arithmetic (n)
隨時隨地 (随时随地)
[suí shí suí dì] - anytime and anywhere ()
隨意 (随意)
[suíyì] - random; casual (adv)
隨著 (随着)
[suízhe] - with (prep)
歲月 (岁月)
[suìyuè] - years (n)
穗 (穗)
[suì] - fringe (n)
隧道 (隧道)
[suìdào] - tunnel (n)
筍 (笋)
[sǔn] - bamboo shoot (n)
損耗 (损耗)
[sǔnhào] - spoil; waste (v)
損人利己 (损人利己)
[sǔn rén lì jǐ] - harm others to benefit oneself ()
損傷 (损伤)
[sǔnshāng] - injure; harm (v)
損 (损)
[sǔn] - harm; damage (v)
索性 (索性)
[suǒxìng] - might as well (adv)
所得 (所得)
[suǒdé] - income; earning (n)
所得稅 (所得税)
[suǒdéshuì] - income tax (n)
所屬 (所属)
[suǒshǔ] - what one belongs to or is affiliated with (adj)
所有權 (所有权)
[suǒyǒuquán] - ownership (n)
所有制 (所有制)
[suǒyǒuzhì] - system of ownership (n)
他人 (他人)
[tārén] - others (pron)
颱風 (台风)
[táifēng] - typhoon (n)
臺階 (台阶)
[táijiē] - step; sidestep (n)
泰然 (泰然)
[tàirán] - imperturbable (adj)
太空 (太空)
[tàikōng] - outer space (n)
太平 (太平)
[tàipíng] - peaceful (adj)
太陽能 (太阳能)
[tàiyángnéng] - solar energy (n)
貪 (贪)
[tān] - corrupt (v)
貪污 (贪污)
[tānwū] - defalcate (v)
癱瘓 (瘫痪)
[tānhuàn] - paralysis (v)
痰 (痰)
[tán] - sputum; phlegm (n)
壇/罈 (坛)
[tán] - (壇) platform; forum; (罈) jug (n)
潭 (潭)
[tán] - deep pool (n)
談天 (谈天)
[tán tiān] - chat ()
坦白 (坦白)
[tǎnbái] - confess; frank (adj)
探測 (探测)
[tàncè] - detect; explore (v)
探親 (探亲)
[tàn qīn] - go home to visit one’s family ()
探討 (探讨)
[tàntǎo] - discuss; probe into (v)
探頭探腦 (探头探脑)
[tàn tóu tàn nǎo] - pop one’s head in and look about ()
探望 (探望)
[tànwàng] - visit (v)
嘆 (叹)
[tàn] - sigh (v)
炭 (炭)
[tàn] - charcoal (n)
塘 (塘)
[táng] - pool (n)
糖果 (糖果)
[tángguǒ] - candy (n)
滔滔不絕 (滔滔不绝)
[tāotāo bù jué] - dash along; give it mouth ()
桃花 (桃花)
[táohuā] - peach blossom (n)
逃荒 (逃荒)
[táo huāng] - flee from famine ()
逃跑 (逃跑)
[táopǎo] - run away; flee (v)
逃走 (逃走)
[táozǒu] - escape; flee (v)
淘氣 (淘气)
[táoqì] - naughty (adj)
淘汰 (淘汰)
[táotài] - be sifted out (v)
陶瓷 (陶瓷)
[táocí] - ceramic (n)
討 (讨)
[tǎo] - ask for (v)
討價還價 (讨价还价)
[tǎo jià huán jià] - bargain ()
特產 (特产)
[tèchǎn] - special local product (n)
特地 (特地)
[tèdì] - specially (adv)
特定 (特定)
[tèdìng] - specific; given (adj)
特區 (特区)
[tèqū] - special zone (n)
特權 (特权)
[tèquán] - privilege (n)
特色 (特色)
[tèsè] - characteristic (n)
特性 (特性)
[tèxìng] - characteristic (n)
特意 (特意)
[tèyì] - specially (adv)
藤 (藤)
[tēng] - vine (n)
騰 (腾)
[téng] - gallop; jump clear out (v)
疼痛 (疼痛)
[téngtòng] - achy (adj)
提案 (提案)
[tí’àn] - draft resolution; overture; proposal (n)
提拔 (提拔)
[tíbá] - elevate (v)
提交 (提交)
[tíjiāo] - put in; refer (v)
提煉 (提炼)
[tíliàn] - abstract; refine (v)
提名 (提名)
[tí míng] - nominate; name ()
提取 (提取)
[tíqǔ] - distill; pick-up (v)
提升 (提升)
[tíshēng] - upgrade; exalt (v)
提示 (提示)
[tíshì] - prompt; clue on (v)
提要 (提要)
[tíyào] - abstract (n)
提早 (提早)
[tízǎo] - ahead of schedule (v)
題材 (题材)
[tícái] - theme; subject (n)
體 (体)
[tǐ] - body; style (n)
體諒 (体谅)
[tǐliàng] - understand; allow for (v)
體貼 (体贴)
[tǐtiē] - show consideration for (v)
體驗 (体验)
[tǐyàn] - experience; taste (v)
體質 (体质)
[tǐzhì] - system (n)
體制 (体制)
[tǐzhì] - physique; constitution (n)
體重 (体重)
[tǐzhòng] - weight; avoirdupois (n)
剃 (剃)
[tì] - razor; shave (v)
替代 (替代)
[tìdài] - substitute; instead of (v)
替換 (替换)
[tìhuàn] - substitute; replace (v)
天長地久 (天长地久)
[tiān cháng dì jiǔ] - everlasting ()
天地 (天地)
[tiāndì] - heaven and earth (n)
天色 (天色)
[tiānsè] - time; color of sky (n)
天生 (天生)
[tiānshēng] - inherent (adj)
天堂 (天堂)
[tiāntáng] - heaven (n)
天線 (天线)
[tiānxiàn] - antenna (n)
填補 (填补)
[tiánbǔ] - padded; fill up (v)
填寫 (填写)
[tiánxiě] - fill in (v)
田間 (田间)
[tiánjiān] - farms; field (n)
田徑 (田径)
[tiánjìng] - track and field (n)
條款 (条款)
[tiáokuǎn] - item (n)
條理 (条理)
[tiáolǐ] - consecution (n)
條文 (条文)
[tiáowén] - item (n)
條子 (条子)
[tiáozi] - a brief in formal note (n)
調和 (调和)
[tiáohé] - attempter (v)
調劑 (调剂)
[tiáojì] - relief; temper (v)
調解 (调解)
[tiáojiě] - intercede (v)
挑 (挑)
[tiǎo] - choose; pick (v)
挑撥 (挑拨)
[tiǎobō] - provoke (v)
挑釁 (挑衅)
[tiǎoxìn] - defy; defiance (v)
挑戰 (挑战)
[tiǎo zhàn] - challenge ()
跳高 (跳高)
[tiàogāo] - high jump (n)
跳躍 (跳跃)
[tiàoyuè] - jump; hop; skip (v)
跳遠 (跳远)
[tiàoyuǎn] - long jump (n)
鐵道 (铁道)
[tiědào] - railway (n)
鐵飯碗 (铁饭碗)
[tiě fànwǎn] - iron bowl; a secure job ()
聽話 (听话)
[tīng huà] - persuasible; docile ()
聽取 (听取)
[tīngqǔ] - hear (v)
聽眾 (听众)
[tīngzhòng] - audience; listener (n)
停泊 (停泊)
[tíngbó] - berth tie up; anchor (v)
停頓 (停顿)
[tíngdùn] - pause; halt (v)
停滯 (停滞)
[tíngzhì] - stagnate (v)
挺拔 (挺拔)
[tǐngbá] - tall and straight (adj)
挺立 (挺立)
[tǐnglì] - stand firm (v)
艇 (艇)
[tǐng] - a light boat (n)
通報 (通报)
[tōngbào] - circular; circulate a notice (v)
通道 (通道)
[tōngdào] - alleyway; channels (n)
通風 (通风)
[tōng fēng] - ventilate; tip-off ()
通告 (通告)
[tōnggào] - announce; notify (v)
通航 (通航)
[tōngháng] - be open to navigation or air traffic (v)
通紅 (通红)
[tōnghóng] - aglow (adj)
通貨膨脹 (通货膨胀)
[tōnghuò péngzhàng] - inflation ()
通商 (通商)
[tōng shāng] - have trade relation ()
通俗 (通俗)
[tōngsú] - popular (adj)
通行 (通行)
[tōngxíng] - traffic; pass (v)
通訊社 (通讯社)
[tōngxùnshè] - news agency (n)
通用 (通用)
[tōngyòng] - in common use (v)
同步 (同步)
[tóngbù] - synchro- (adj)
同等 (同等)
[tóngděng] - same; equal (adj)
同行 (同行)
[tóngháng] - a person of the same occupation (n)
同類 (同类)
[tónglèi] - congener (n)
同年 (同年)
[tóngnián] - the same year (n)
同期 (同期)
[tóngqī] - the same term (n)
同事 (同事)
[tóngshì] - colleague (n)
同一 (同一)
[tóngyī] - identical (adj)
童年 (童年)
[tóngnián] - childhood (n)
捅 (捅)
[tǒng] - poke; stab (v)
統籌 (统筹)
[tǒngchóu] - plan as a whole (v)
統戰 (统战)
[tǒngzhàn] - united front (n)
痛恨 (痛恨)
[tònghèn] - abhor; abominate (v)
偷竊 (偷窃)
[tōuqiè] - steal (v)
偷稅 (偷税)
[tōu shuì] - evade taxes; tax dodging ()
投標 (投标)
[tóu biāo] - bid for ()
投產 (投产)
[tóuchǎn] - put into production (v)
投放 (投放)
[tóufàng] - put in; throw in (v)
投機倒把 (投机倒把)
[tóujī dǎobǎ] - engage in speculation and profiteering ()
投票 (投票)
[tóu piào] - vote; poll ()
投擲 (投掷)
[tóuzhì] - throw; toss (v)
投資 (投资)
[tóu zī] - invest ()
頭子 (头子)
[tóuzi] - chief; head (n)
透徹 (透彻)
[tòuchè] - lucid; intensive (adj)
透明度 (透明度)
[tòumíngdù] - openness; transparency; diaphaneity (n)
禿 (秃)
[tū] - bald (adj)
凸 (凸)
[tū] - protruding (adj)
圖案 (图案)
[tú’àn] - design; pattern (n)
圖片 (图片)
[túbiǎo] - chart; diagram (n)
圖表 (图表)
[túpiàn] - picture (n)
圖象 (图象)
[túxiàng] - image; picture (n)
圖形 (图形)
[túxíng] - figure; graph (n)
圖紙 (图纸)
[túzhǐ] - blueprint (n)
屠殺 (屠杀)
[túshā] - slaughter (v)
團聚 (团聚)
[tuánjù] - reunite (v)
團圓 (团圆)
[tuányuán] - reunion (v)
推測 (推测)
[tuīcè] - speculate; guess; presume (v)
推來推去 (推来推去)
[tuī lái tuī qù] - push; decline ()
推理 (推理)
[tuīlǐ] - inference; reasoning (n)
推論 (推论)
[tuīlùn] - deduce (v)
推算 (推算)
[tuīsuàn] - calculate (v)
推銷 (推销)
[tuīxiāo] - promote sales (v)
推行 (推行)
[tuīxíng] - push (v)
推選 (推选)
[tuīxuǎn] - elect; choose (v)
退出 (退出)
[tuìchū] - exit; quit (v)
退還 (退还)
[tuìhuán] - send back; hand back (v)
屯 (屯)
[tún] - collect; village (v)
拖延 (拖延)
[tuōyán] - delay; put off (v)
脫落 (脱落)
[tuōluò] - break off; shed (v)
橢圓 (椭圆)
[tuǒyuán] - ellipse (n)
妥 (妥)
[tuǒ] - ready; proper (adj)
妥善 (妥善)
[tuǒshàn] - proper; appropriate (adj)
妥協 (妥协)
[tuǒxié] - compromise (v)
唾沫 (唾沫)
[tuòmo] - saliva; spittle (n)
挖掘 (挖掘)
[wājué] - dig; excavate (v)
瓦解 (瓦解)
[wǎjiě] - collapse; disorganize (v)
外表 (外表)
[wàibiǎo] - appearance (n)
外賓 (外宾)
[wàibīn] - foreign guest (n)
外出 (外出)
[wàichū] - outgoing; stay out (v)
外電 (外电)
[wàidiàn] - dispatches from foreign agency (n)
外觀 (外观)
[wàiguān] - aspect; face (n)
外行 (外行)
[wàiháng] - laity; nonprofessional (adj)
外匯 (外汇)
[wàihuì] - foreign exchange (n)
外力 (外力)
[wàilì] - outside force (n)
外流 (外流)
[wàiliú] - drain; outflow (v)
外婆 (外婆)
[wàipó] - (mother’s mother) grandmother (n)
外事 (外事)
[wàishì] - foreign affairs (n)
外向型 (外向型)
[wàixiàngxíng] - extroversion (adj)
外形 (外形)
[wàixíng] - figure; shape (n)
外資 (外资)
[wàizī] - foreign capital (n)
豌豆 (豌豆)
[wāndòu] - pea (n)
灣 (湾)
[wān] - bay; gulf (n)
玩具 (玩具)
[wánjù] - toy (n)
玩弄 (玩弄)
[wánnòng] - flirt (v)
完畢 (完毕)
[wánbì] - complete; finish (v)
完蛋 (完蛋)
[wán dàn] - be finished ()
晚餐 (晚餐)
[wǎncān] - supper (n)
晚年 (晚年)
[wǎnnián] - old age; remaining years (n)
惋惜 (惋惜)
[wǎnxī] - regret (v)
萬水千山 (万水千山)
[wàn shuǐ qiān shān] - the trials of a long journey ()
汪洋 (汪洋)
[wāngyáng] - (of a body of water) vast; boundless (n)
王 (王)
[wáng] - king (n)
王國 (王国)
[wángguó] - kingdom (n)
亡 (亡)
[wáng] - die (v)
往常 (往常)
[wǎngcháng] - as one used to do (n)
往返 (往返)
[wǎngfǎn] - to and from; out and home (v)
往後 (往后)
[wǎnghòu] - in the future (n)
往年 (往年)
[wǎngnián] - in former years (n)
往日 (往日)
[wǎngrì] - in former days (n)
往事 (往事)
[wǎngshì] - the past (n)
望遠鏡 (望远镜)
[wàngyuǎnjìng] - telescope (n)
忘卻 (忘却)
[wàngquè] - forget; disremember (v)
妄圖 (妄图)
[wàngtú] - vainly attempt (v)
妄想 (妄想)
[wàngxiǎng] - mirage; deliria (v)
威風 (威风)
[wēifēng] - power and prestige (n)
威力 (威力)
[wēilì] - might; power (n)
威望 (威望)
[wēiwàng] - prestige (n)
威信 (威信)
[wēixìn] - authority (n)
微不足道 (微不足道)
[wēi bù zú dào] - not worth mentioning; inconsiderable ()
微觀 (微观)
[wēiguān] - microcosmic (n)
危急 (危急)
[wēijí] - critical; impending (adj)
違法 (违法)
[wéi fǎ] - break the law ()
違犯 (违犯)
[wéifàn] - break; disobey (v)
桅杆 (桅杆)
[wéigān] - mast (n)
圍攻 (围攻)
[wéigōng] - lay siege to (v)
圍棋 (围棋)
[wéiqí] - the game of go (n)
唯物論 (唯物论)
[wéiwùlùn] - materialism (n)
唯物主義 (唯物主义)
[wéiwù zhǔyì] - materialism ()
唯心論 (唯心论)
[wéixīnlùn] - idealism (n)
唯心主義 (唯心主义)
[wéixīn zhǔyì] - idealism ()
唯獨 (唯独)
[wéidú] - alone; only (adv)
唯一 (唯一)
[wéiyī] - only (adj)
為期 (为期)
[wéiqī] - (to be completed) by a definite date (v)
維修 (维修)
[wéixiū] - mend; repair (v)
偽造 (伪造)
[wěizào] - forge (v)
尾 (尾)
[wěi] - tail (n)
為何 (为何)
[wèi hé] - why ()
未免 (未免)
[wèimiǎn] - rather; a bit too (adv)
畏 (畏)
[wèi] - fear (v)
畏懼 (畏惧)
[wèijù] - fear; dread (v)
溫度計 (温度计)
[wēndùjì] - thermometer (n)
溫柔 (温柔)
[wēnróu] - soft; mild; gentle (adj)
瘟疫 (瘟疫)
[wēnyì] - pestilence (n)
文 (文)
[wén] - writing; character (n)
文盲 (文盲)
[wénmáng] - illiterate (n)
文憑 (文凭)
[wénpíng] - diploma (n)
文人 (文人)
[wénrén] - literati; bookman (n)
文獻 (文献)
[wénxiàn] - literature; document (n)
文雅 (文雅)
[wényǎ] - elegant (adj)
文言 (文言)
[wényán] - classical Chinese (n)
穩當 (稳当)
[wěndang] - sure; steady (adj)
穩妥 (稳妥)
[wěntuǒ] - reliable; safe (adj)
問答 (问答)
[wèndá] - interlocution (n)
問世 (问世)
[wènshì] - spacious; commodious (v)
窩 (窝)
[wō] - cote; nest (n)
窩囊 (窝囊)
[wōnang] - hopeless stupid (adj)
臥室 (卧室)
[wòshì] - bedroom (n)
烏鴉 (乌鸦)
[wūyā] - crow (n)
烏雲 (乌云)
[wūyún] - dark clouds (n)
污蔑 (污蔑)
[wūmiè] - smear (v)
巫婆 (巫婆)
[wūpó] - witch (n)
誣陷 (诬陷)
[wūxiàn] - frame a case against (v)
嗚咽 (呜咽)
[wūyè] - sob (v)
無償 (无偿)
[wúcháng] - volunteer (adj)
無恥 (无耻)
[wúchǐ] - cheeky (adj)
無從 (无从)
[wúcóng] - have no way (adv)
無非 (无非)
[wúfēi] - nothing but; no more than (adv)
無話可說 (无话可说)
[wú huà kě shuō] - have nothing to say ()
無可奉告 (无可奉告)
[wú kě fèng gào] - no comment ()
無理 (无理)
[wúlǐ] - out of reason (adj)
無聊 (无聊)
[wúliáo] - bored; tiresome (adj)
無能為力 (无能为力)
[wú néng wéi lì] - incapable of action; powerless ()
無情無意 (无情无意)
[wú qíng wú yì] - merciless; ruthless ()