HSC TRIALS Flashcards
The religious belief of Christianity have a monotheistic view of one God who is the Creator. He is only revealed through divine revelation, sacred texts and the incarnate Jesus Christ. Christians believe that the human person is of supreme value and are made in the likeness of God “so god created mankind in his own image” (Gen 1:27). Christians also believe that they have a high ethical responsibility towards others such as charity and advocacy and the holy spirit helps them complete Gods work.
Humanists believe that there is no concept of the transcendent being because humankind is the highest form of existence. They believe that there is no afterlife, unlike Christianity’s heaven concept. They agree with Christians that humans are of supreme value but human progress is formed through a scientific process, not designed from God. Humanists believe they have the social responsibility of saving the environment as we live on it so we must protect it. Not for God’s sake.
1= Synagogue Services include the daily prayers in the morning service (Sacharit), midday service and evening service. Sacharit, also called Shabbat is the morning prayer that is held at a Synagogue Service and it is known as the most extensive of the three services. It can last from 10am to noon and starts with a series of blessings meant to start the process of thanking God for out most basic needs. The most notable of these blessings is the Birkot Hashahar. Then Pesukei D’zimra is a major portion of shacharit and is a series of passages from Psalms. Following this is the Barkhu prayer followed by the Shema and ending with Amidah. After these prayers comes the Tahanun, the penitential prayers. Then usually the service finishes.
2= Synagogue services have influenced Judaism; including Jewish adherents. Synagogue services explore scripture and how adherents can import this scripture into their daily life. According to Jennifer Lipman “synagogue worship is essential for many Jewish adherents in order to provide stability and assurance in their faith.” Jennifer Lipman explains that synagogue services influences Judaism and it’s adherents as it allows Jews to be assured that their faith in Judaism will get them through the issues in life such as the current global pandemic of COVID-19 “particularly in challenging times such as the covid-19 pandemic” Jennifer Lipman states in relation to the significance of Synagogue services.
3= Holocaust theology as a school of thought has great value to Jews as it explores G-ds role with his people in relation to the holocaust which is explored through multiple perspectives, each in line with variant interpretation of the Torah. This theology proposes explanations to Adherents on why the Holocaust was allowed by G-d. The Ultra-Orthodox perspective explains that It was the Jews fault as they attempted to take G-ds will into their own hands by seeking Israel for themselves. Core Orthodox beliefs explain that G-d was present and covenant still exists and G-d will look after his people. Conservative perspective states that it was a mystery as we cannot know the mind of G-d. And finally the progressive perspective which explores the whereabouts of G-d during this tragedy or if G-d was omnipotent, meaning that there is no G-d. These different variants of the Tragedy of the Holocaust, are of value to the Adherent as they provide different theologies to the events that occurred. Adherents can choose and explore individually what variant they believe in and shape their faith around that belief. This could possibly change their faith by making it stronger or weaker.
Which of the following is correct?
Islam is the largest religion in Germany.
Buddhism is the largest religion in Nepal.
Hinduism is the largest religion in Pakistan.
Christianity is the largest religion in South Africa.
Intro: The religious traditions of Christianity and Islam both instruct and encourage adherents to work for inner and world peace. This is explored through the Bible in Christianity and the Qur’an in Islam. This is exemplified through list all the shits
Para 1: Christianity and inner peace. Christians can find inner peace through Pax christi. This is latin for the peace of christ and refers that Christians can find inner peace through trusting god. This is seen in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you….. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” This trust in God Is seen in the pentecostal variant of the song oceans where adherents are called to trust in God’s providence. In difficult times “when oceans rise” adherents can find peace “my soul will rest” when they place their trust in God.
Para 2: Christianity and World Peace. Christians teach that world peace can be achieved through the respect of other religons and cultures. This is seen in Corinthians 6:19 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy spirit?” This level of respect for other religions was seen through the interfaith dialogue between Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Ahzar which both signed the human fraternity document in 2019 which acknowledged that God wills diversity in humanity and we are all worthy of respect.
Para 3: Islam and Inner peace. Muslims teach the Jihad al-Nafs which is a teaching that Muslims are called to suppress the Nafs and their base desires in order to surrender to Allah. Once they have surrendered to Allah they will find inner peace. This is exemplified through the Hadith “The struggler is the one who strives against his soul in obedience to God.” This is exemplified through Sufism and the mystical practices which are designed to help the adherents suppress the Nafs and focus on Allah. The whirling Dervishes practice ecstatic prayer through meditative dance in order to focus their entire will on Allah. This helps the adherents achieve inner peace.
Para 4: Islam world peace. The Qur’an teaches that Allah has intended the diversity of all creation and religion. Due to this Muslims are taught to respect all people irrespective of their differences in recognition of the divine will of Allah. Through Sura 11:118 it says “If thy lord had so willed, He could have made mankind one people: but they will not cease to be diverse” This explains that people are different because allah intended on it. This is preached to obtain world peace of no discrimination based off colour and sex through Document on Human Fraternity which was signed by Pope Francis and the grand imam of Al-Ahzar in 2019 displaying interfaith dialogue in order to obtain world peace.
How has Christianity changed in Australia since 1945?
Denomination switching has caused Pentecostalism to grow.
Ecumenism has caused Christianity to become a more dominant tradition.
Funding arrangements for religious schools have caused Catholicism to grow.
Immigration has caused sectarianism and secularism to grow in Christian denominations.
Denomination switching has caused Pentecostalism to grow.
Statement 1: The Anglican Church is the largest Christian denomination in Australia. Statement 2: The majority of Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists merged to form the Uniting Church in Australia. Which of the following is correct?
Both statements are true.
Both statements are false.
Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
Both statements are false.
Which of the following is true of the Anglican Church?
It separated from the Uniting Church in 1987
It is the largest Christian denomination in Australia.
It is no longer a member of the NSW Ecumenical Council.
It was formerly known as the Church of England in Australia.
It was formerly known as the Church of England in Australia.
Which of the following contributed most to the increase in the numbers of adherents to religious traditions other than Christianity in Australia?
Growing sectarianism
Attraction to New Age religions
Initiatives promoting religious tolerance
The abolition of the White Australia Policy
The abolition of the White Australia Policy
Statement 1: The 1992 Mabo decision applied to land lived on continuously by Aboriginal people. Statement 2: The 1996 Wik decision allowed pastoral leases to extinguish Native Title. Which of the following is correct?
Both statements are true.
Both statements are false.
Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
Which of the following statements about Aboriginal native title is true?
The Wik Decision found that native title coexists with pastoral leases.
The Bringing them home report was the first legal recognition of Aboriginal native title.
The Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation recognised that native title exists overseabeds.
The Mabo Decision responded to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths inCustody.
The Wik Decision found that native title coexists with pastoral leases.
What is Native Title
Native Title recognises First Nations peoples’ rights to their traditional lands and acknowledges the continuous connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have with Country. Until 1992, Australian law did not recognise this ownership under traditional law, custom and sovereignty.
Native Title grants First Nations people self-determination, the right to govern their traditional lands and have the right to access Country for important cultural practices such as performing ceremony, hunting and protecting land.
What is a pastoral lease
Pastoral lease is a legal arrangement made under Commonwealth of Australian law, with government’s legal authority to permit pastoralists the right to use for agricultural, farming and livestock practices. In Queensland, such leases can also be used for other purposes like the production of energy from renewable sources.
What was the mabo to wik decision
One of Australia’s most significant legal cases was the 1992 Mabo decision lead by activist and Meriam man, Eddie Koiki Mabo.
After a 10 year battle in fighting for land rights and recognised ownership of the Mer, Dauer and Waier Islands (Murray Islands), finally resulted in Meriam people of the Torres Strait being granted the land rights to Murray Island.
This case not only granted the Meriam people access to land, it acknowledged their connection to Murray Island. The case also paved the way for other First Nations’ people begin formally reclaiming land through the court system. In particular, the Mabo case acknowledged that the “Terra Nullius” lie.
What was the wik vs queensland case
This showed that pastoral lease and native title could co-exist and was shown through the mabo to wik decision.
What is the most likely reason for the current rise in secularism in Australia?
A perception that the responses of religious traditions to enduring questions areoutdated
Increasing sectarian rivalry between Christian denominations
Recent trends in denominational switching
Growing interest in New Age religions
A perception that the responses of religious traditions to enduring questions areoutdated
Statement 1: The 1992 Mabo decision applied to land lived on continuously by Aboriginal people. Statement 2: The 1996 Wik decision allowed pastoral leases to extinguish Native Title. Which of the following is correct?
Both statements are true.
Both statements are false.
Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
Statement 1: In the Wik decision, the High Court first recognised that the term terra nullius was not an appropriate description of the land. Statement 2: The Bringing them Home report was the first legal recognition of Aboriginal native title. Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
B. Both statements are false.
Which of the following is an important aspect of the Dreaming?
It arranges events in order of time.
It recognises totems as an ancient form of worship.
It establishes a moral code that informs and unites all life.
It symbolises the secular nature of customs and traditions.
It establishes a moral code that informs and unites all life.
What is the bringing them home report
This report is a tribute to the strength and struggles of many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by forcible removal. We acknowledge the hardships they endured and the sacrifices they made. We remember and lament all the children who will never come home.
Which of the following is an example of secularism?
A search for interfaith cooperation
A separation of religion from government
A commitment to a specific religious identity
An integration of communities that share a common belief system
A separation of religion from government
Over the course of human history, which of the following has the religious dimension provided?
A sense of communal responsibility
A separation of faith from the private realm of an individual
A process that accelerates the development of individualism
A means for knowledge and reason to explain the origins of the universe
A sense of communal responsibility
What is the primary function of Aboriginal ceremonial life?
To celebrate the Dreaming
To worship ancestral beings
To commemorate past activities
To merge past, present and future
To merge past, present and future
Which of the following lists the next three religious traditions in Australia, after Christianity, from largest to smallest?
Islam, Buddhism, Judaism
Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam
Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism
Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism
Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism
Why is the land important in aboriginal spirituality
The land is of great importance in Aboriginal spirituality. This is because of its relationship with the Dreaming. The two are, in fact, inextricably linked. Aboriginal people understand that the land plays a key role in sustaining relationships with Ancestral Beings, who continue to dwell within. These Ancestral Beings are held responsible for the creation of the land, and the stories and expressions of the Dreaming. It is the Dreaming that provides Aboriginal people with purpose and meaning, allowing them to cultivate their spirituality. Ancestral Beings continue to dwell within the land, because of the stewardship of previous generations. Aboriginal people recognise and seek to fulfil their obligations to the land for the continuity of the life-sustaining Dreaming for future generations. They see themselves as custodians of the land, with a duty to nurture and protect species and totems which live in and off it. Furthermore, the land is central to ceremonial life and kinship.
Explain how ONE religious OR non-religious worldview assists individuals in their search for personal meaning.
Human beings have long sought answers from religious worldviews to the questions that define who we are and the purpose of humanity. Islam is a religious tradition which provides adherents with answers to the four enduring questions of human existence. As Islamic adherents search for meaning and depth in their life, they are provided with a structured belief system that clearly answers what their purpose in life is, absolute surrender and submission to Allah, and can be reassured that there is life after death, Akhira, or Paradise. Through providing such definitive answers, Muslims are reassured about the complex issues that cause great anxiety and worry in life. Islam offers a structured belief system and ethical framework as well as a strong communal foundation. All of these aspects allow an adherent to live fully, understanding their purpose, and realising why humanity was created and continues.
Outline ONE ethical teaching in Christianity.
The beatitudes are an ethical teaching in Christianity that is found in Matthew in the new testament. They were made as outlined by Jesus Christ. They provided a way of life that guaranteed salvation for the Christian adherent. There are 8 beatitudes overall and give insight to adherents into how to live their life. For example “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness. for they shall be satisfied”. Jesus Christ preaches here that those who are happy should be hungry and thirst for righteousness. He preaches that the adherent who strives to attain righteousness on earth in social justice problems such as the environment, will be satisfied and happy.
How does the ethical teaching of the beatitudes give guidance to adherents in environmental ethics (CHRISTIANITY)
The ethical teaching of “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” is a beatitude that was preached by Jesus Christ in Matthew. This beatitude gives guidance to Christian adherents on how to live their life. This being to strive and thirst for assistance in social justice issues such as environmental ethics. This beatitude tells us adherents that we need those who dedicate time and energy into helping environmental issues, will be happy and satisfied. This is seen explicitly through TEAR Australia. This is an organisation that tackles social justice issues of poverty and attempts to engage in the improvement of the environment. This work includes funding for the planting of trees and the encouragement of divesting investments from fossil fuel corporations. They have also funded for education projects which feature teaching the public about the effects of climate change.
With reference to TWO religious traditions, explain the effects of immigration between 1945 and 2016 on Australia’s religious landscape.
Immigration has had a substantial impact on Australia’s religious landscape between 1945 and 2016. At the beginning of this period, the Church of England was the largest Christian denomination. After WWII, immigration was promoted as a means of increasing the country’s population. A huge number of European Catholics resettled in Australia, which contributed to steady growth in this denomination. In the early ’90s, Catholicism surpassed Anglicanism as the biggest Christian denomination. The 2016 census reinforced Catholicism as the largest single religious group at 22%. Censuses in the 1980s reflected changes to Australia’s religious landscape in relation to non-Christian traditions. The abolition of the White Australia Policy facilitated Muslim immigration from Asia and the Middle East. The number of Muslims grew by almost 1 million over the 10 year period leading into 2016. Today this worldview constitutes just over 2.6% of the Australian population, making it the largest non-Christian religious tradition.
How has increased ecological awareness AND/OR disenchantment with traditional religious practice and guidance influenced the growth of new religious expressions and spiritualities?
Increased ecological awareness and disenchantment with traditional religious practice and guidance are both influences which have contributed to the growth of new religious expressions and spiritualities. Many individuals recognise the relationship between human action and the state of the environment. Some have been able to achieve a sense of spiritual freedom through a humble existence, choosing to live simply. Developing positive and lifegiving relationships with ecology can provide these individuals with purpose and meaning. This has coincided with growing disenchantment with the conservative practice and guidance of some traditional religious worldviews. The fixed nature of some of their ethical teachings has led to disenchantment among adherents, especially in response to contemporary issues such as gender equality and marriage. As a result, these individuals have sought out more progressive spiritualities for liberal guidance towards purpose and meaning.
Outline one ethical teaching in judaism
The commandments of the Torah are 10 commandments which are teachings that instruct the Jew on how to live their life according to G-ds plan. The ten commandments were recorded on two tablets of stone and they form the basis of G-ds covenant with Moses.
How do the commandments of the Torah guide adherents in their daily living in bioethics
The commandments of the Torah, specifically “You shall not murder” guides adherents into how they should live their life in regards to the choices they make, in order to comply with Judaism’s bioethics. The bioethics of Euthanasia and Abortion is strictly forbidden as they are considered murder which goes against the commandment “You shall not murder”. God has given each person a body and a soul for a particular amount of time and it is known that all life has infinite value which are both preached in Halacha. This can impact the daily choices adherents make in their daily lives such as the risks they take. This can include not choosing to undergo sexual acts unless the goal is to have a baby. This can ensure that Abortion does not take place due to conceiving the child accidentally. Furthermore engaging in risky activities that can cause an individual to be harmed and want euthanasia should be actively avoided as said, euthanasia is murder and goes against the commandment of the Torah “You shall not murder”
What is baptism
Baptism is a ritual of initiation for most Christian variants that has both a significant impact on the baptised individual as well as the Christian community as it links the baptised to the ancient ritual that differentiated Christianity from Judaism, thus founding and forming early Christian Churches. Regardless of when or where Baptism takes place, it is a public ceremony that blesses the recipient as a member of that Christian denomination. For Catholicism and Greek Orthodox a person cannot fully partake in the sacraments without being baptised nor fully experience the afterlife.
What is the significance of baptism for the Christian community?
The Christian community is made up of those who have been baptised, thus its an extremely important rite of entry for the Christian Church. Baptism was undertaken by Jesus himself who accepted the baptism of John. Thus baptism offers the Church community an opportunity for rich theological reflection and a demonstration of faith and obedience as they are “make disciples and baptise them” (Matthew 28:19), subsequently growing their church and witnessing to the critical gospel mission. It conveys significant Christian theology within its prayers, symbols and actions. For example, in the salvific act of Jesus’ death, resurrection and accession, (water immersion) in the transformative symbols of creation and renewal (white garments of believers baptism), the struggle between good and evil and salvation by grace (Catholic professions of faith and believers testimony). Thus for the community a sense of belonging through faith to a common set of beliefs and ethical values is experienced. The theological richness provides a source of constant reflection and renewal for the community. Many adherents renew their baptisimal promises during baptism. THe involvment of the community in parents and godparents in assisting candidates prepare for their baptism and praying for the baptised is yet another dimension of the significance for the community for it reinforces the gospel.
How does hajj assist adherents in their submission to Allah
1st paragraph:
TAWAF is a rite and is apart of Hajj. It consists walking around the Kaaba seven times counterclockwise with each circuit consisting of kissing, touching or pointing at the black stone. The rite symbolises the oneness of God and is considered an act that shows the upmost respect and love for God. It symbolizes the belief that everything revolves around Allah and it is signified by the pilgrims circumambulating the house of Allah. The act of Tawaf is the best form of worship “purify my house for those who circle the Kaabah, stand in prayer and bow and prostrate themselves” (Al-Hajj, 22:26). This quote from the Quran explains that those who perform the act of Tawaf by circling the Kaabah, standing in prayer and bowing to Allah exemplifies their submission to Allah and they will be purified.
2nd Paragraph:
Arafat is a rite, its apart of Hajj. It consists of arriving at mount Arafat before noon and spending your time there until sunset. Pilgrims stand in earnest supplication and devotion praying for Gods abundant forgiveness and listening to Islamic scholars speak on issues of religious and moral importance. The pilgrims stand unstil sunset facing the Qiblah and seeking forgiveness for their sins. This is known as the most important ritual of Hajj, without it Hajj would be incomplete “Hajj is Arafah” (Book 24, Hadith 399). This is saying that Without Arafah, there would be no Hajj as Arafah is the main event of submitting to Allah during Hajj. During Arafat, seeking forgiveness and praying to Allah during Arafat assists adherents in submitting to Allah in order to gain righteousness.
3rd Paragraph:
The stoning of the devil is a rite, its apart of Hajj. It consists of throwing seven stones from sunrise to sunset at only the largest of three pillars on the first day, then the two other pillars are stoned seven times on two different days. These pillars are said to represent Satan and when you throw stones at the pillars, you are casting away Satan, just as Ibrahim did. This is significant in assisting Adherents to submit to Allah as it shows that you are casting away Satan in order for you to submit to Allah. It represents the repudiation of mans self and the act of casting aside ones low desires and wishes, fighting all temptation. After this many men would shave their head, symbolsing rebirth, signifying that their sins have been cleansed by the completion of Hajj as this is the last rite. “Take places of prayer from the standing places of Abraham” (Al-baqarah 2:125) These standing places are the places that Abraham stood for Hajj, one of those places is Mina where he stoned the Devil. By going on pilgrimage to hajj, Hajj assists adherents in their submission to Allah as they are doing as Allah ordered as explained through the Quran.
How does sexual ethical teachings guide adherents to live their lives by submitting to Allah?
1st paragraph:
The sexual ethical teaching of Contraception is explained through Shari’a and guides adherents to live lives that are compliant with Shari’a. All forms of contraception that do not damage the health and the reproductive capacity of the person, male or female are permissible in Islam. If there is a baby conceived, the principle of the right to life steps in. Sura 17:31 states “Do not kill your children for fear of want”. Al-Ghazali agreed with the Shari’a ethical teaching of contraception but was opposed to permanent methods of contraception such as a vasectomy. In 2018 a case study found that some Muslims do not believe in any contraception whilst others are more open to less permanent means of contraception. By Muslims living their lives as guided upon in Shari’a, they are able to live lives that are noble in the sight of Allah
2nd paragraph:
The sexual ethical teaching of Marital Sex is explained through Shari’a and guides adherents to live lives that follow this teaching, therefore living lives that are noble in the sight of Allah. Sex is not a sin and is an obligation in marriage. When married, having sexual relations with your partner is encouraged and promotes the wellbeing of humans. “My Shari’a laws are meant for enhancing and facilitating the human accomplishment of their natural lives” (Hadith). Married Muslims are required to engage in sex within marriage. Some scholars say at least once every 4 months at a minimum. Shari’a states that the exception is where sex physically harms either party or keeps a man from earning a living.
3rd paragraph:
The sexual ethical teaching of Extramarital sex is explained through Shari’a and guides adherents to live lives that follow this teaching, therefore living lives that are noble in the sight of Allah. Allah has created marriage as the only appropriate situation for sex. All other sex is considered Zina and is punishable under Shari’a. All children have a right to know their lineage. “And go not nigh to fornifiaction, surely it is an indecency and an evil way” (Sura 17:32) explains that extramarital sex is evil and is an indecency and should not be done. An extreme example of the application of Shariah was in 2013 a 15 year old rape victim was sentenced to 100 lashes for sex with her stepfather. This was able to be done as the Qur’an requires 4 adult male witnesses of the offence taking place for Zina to be applied. Although this is an extremist example, it is a real-world example of Shari’a law being exemplified through extramarital sex.