Hrss 5 Flashcards
What are meaning units?
words, sentences or paragraphs containing aspects related to each other through their content and context
Condensed meaning
shortening the meaning unit while still preserving the core
the label of a meaning unit
Sub categories and categories
a group of content that shares a commonality, a description of content, an expression of manifest content, answer the question ‘what’ and can be identifies as a thread throughout the codes
something that links the underlying meaning of a group of categories together, answer the question ‘how’, an expression of the latent content of the text
Five stage framework of approach
- Familiarisation
- Identifying a thematic framework
- Indexing (coding, annotating)
- Charting or developing a matrix by case and themes
- Mapping and interpreting
Thematic analysis
- Familiarising yourself with data→ transcribe, re-read
- Generating initial codes–> work systematically
- Searching for themes
- Reviewing themes
- Defining and naming themes
Producing the report
Levels of naturalist participant observations:
Participant-observation continuum
• Researcher is complete participant = takes part in the setting and may observe covertly
• Researcher is participant as observer =negotiated into setting and observe own work
• Researcher is observer as participant = marginally involved in setting but cannot play a
full role
• Researcher is complete observer = no participation in setting but observation only
Hawthorne effect
participants change their behaviour as a result of being observed or studied, therefore, researcher must avoid making comments on individual mistakes or irresponsibility. Instead focus on routine practices and processes
framework analysis
used for health care for research into policy and practice with predetermined questions and timeframes set by a funding body.